Character action on portrait icons are fantastic

Just posting to point out something about BG:EE that I am really coming to appreciate - the character action icons on the portraits. It draws a graphic of whatever weapon you are using, or whatever spell you are casting.
This new feature is especially welcome to me with spellcasting. I don't know how many times I used to be in the middle of a round and think, "Now, did I order that spell cast at the beginning of the next round or not?"
No more worries about who has been ordered to do what . Yay, Overhaul/Beamdog!
I already know I am not going to want to play BG or BG2 in the future without the enhancements. They're that good, to me.
This new feature is especially welcome to me with spellcasting. I don't know how many times I used to be in the middle of a round and think, "Now, did I order that spell cast at the beginning of the next round or not?"
No more worries about who has been ordered to do what . Yay, Overhaul/Beamdog!
I already know I am not going to want to play BG or BG2 in the future without the enhancements. They're that good, to me.
Awesome feature.
Love ya, Beamdog!
It would also be cool if the icon also showed when find traps / bardsong, stealth or other actions were activated.