Favorite Character in Baldurs Gate 1 & 2

Mine is a tie between Jan Jansen and Minsc, both are hilarious, especially when together because Jan Jansen always tries to steal Boo, which Minsc doesnt take kindly to. Jan is hilarious with almost every character. As he badgers almost everyone. and Minsc is just hilarious on his own.
Villains in video games are a dime a dozen for the most part. Level up, run into villain a few times, murder villain for great glory and loot, rinse and repeat. Irenicus was the first bad guy who really made me think I might LOSE. And not just in terms of mechanics. He was scary as all hell, and that made him an amazing character.
My favorite NPC has to be Valygar or Haer Dalis.
Gaelan Bayle - What kind of man coo's at another man? Say you're told by your employer, "Hey, there is a very important person we need you to talk to. You've got to convince them to pay us 20,000 gold pieces, too." When approaching that person, what would be the first thing you say? "COO!!" ...? Really, Gaelan? The fuck?
Saemon Havarian - What a bastard. I love this guy. He's always looking out for number one. I can't really fault him for what he does (ie: fucking over everyone he encounters), because his reasoning is always sound. Better someone else winding up dead, than ol' Saemon. God I love to hate him.
Jon Irenicus - What can I say? Total badass. He would have been the tragic anti-hero in his own story, if the saga was about Irenicus, the Shattered One, and not the Bhaalspawn. He's the villain only because of our perspective. Our character can do horrible things throughout his time, during the story. Irenicus is just... well. He's terrifying, at first. Then intriguing. And then, when you learn about his whole story... it's just sad. Stupid goddamn elves. Look at what they've wrought with their callous disregard for the consequences of their actions.
Tiax - Tiax rules from on high. Know that when his rule begins, he will look kindly upon those who helped him when he was but a lowly mortal. And woe, WOE to those who mocked him for his diminutive stature, and his "delusions of grandeur". They will suffer greatly for their insolence, those idiotic monkeyspankers.
Dradeel - The valiant hero who protects us all from the evil bad doggy werewolves who come to nibble on our toes in the night.
Haer'dalis - The smoothest, most charismatic, devil-may-care rebel-without-a-cause debonair motherfucking planar-traveling badass bitchin' tiefling bard I've ever met. This guy is a straight pimp. Quoting poetry from other planetary domains, acting in plays, romancing wenches, laughing and singing and dancing (presumably on the heads of pins too, like Yoshimo's the only one who can do that), this guy does it all. Plus, he's got a bird-name for everybody. That's pretty weird, but I like it.
Coran - Speaking of birds, WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THIS GUY? He's one of my favorites simply because I laugh every time I play with him. Seriously, pick Coran up if you haven't. Then get in a fight, and listen to the glorious battlecry he gives. It's ... it's amazing. I don't even know how to describe it. Some type of avian mating call? I don't know. I love it. He's the best.
Edwin - If you hand Edwin something in BG2, and his inventory is full, he will slap it out of your hands, scowl, and say (quote): "You may retrieve your petty trinket from the ground." True story. What a dickhead. I love him.
Xan - How could anyone not like Xan? It's like having Eeyore follow you around. Taking Xan automatically makes your PC Winnie the Pooh. That is awesome incarnate.
Renal Bloodscalp & Aran Linvail - These guys are just pretty cool. I can totally buy them as a lieutenant/the leader of the Shadow Thieves, respectively. They're cool, calm, collected, and seem very fucking dangerous. I also believed Mae'var as a lieutenant who perhaps wasn't cut out for it. He was similar to Renal Bloodscalp, but... didn't have the proper respect. He was too easy to read. Gotta weed out the weak.
lastly, Jan Jansen - I've liked Jan from the moment I saw him, when he tried to sell me some illegal merchandise, and I realized I could actually get him arrested. That reminds me of another time I got arrested. I had been framed for the murder of the entire Iron Throne leadership, which was total bullshit, because I was busy talking to this guy I met, Koveras. He seemed very friendly. Smelled a bit like turnips, though. Don't know what that was about.
I can't really decide who my favourite is, regardless. There are just too many good options in this game. It's probably just some one-note NPC we talk to like once and never meet again anyway.
Drizzt Do' Urden.
I also really like Brage and how he's gone Berserk, I love how he just crazy laughs at you as your killing him
Irenicus - Actually a pretty deep character if you really get into exploring things about him. Could've succeeded in his plan, except that whole hubris thing that got him in trouble in the first place reared it's ugly head once he "fixed" his problem. Good for us I guess.
Jan Janson - Not only funny as hell in his own right, and will banter well with ANY party combo, he's also one of the straight up more powerful npcs in the series if you're proficient at fully utilizing all that a multiclass T/M has to offer.
Eldoth - I dunno...I find him funny for some reason...mostly because of how he gets on the nerves of all the other party members. Then again..I'm somewhat partial to non-Spoony bards..Eldoth is quite the deadly archer despite his low dex due to his ability to make poisoned arrows (use it every rest period, and save them for truly worthy targets, and you shouldn't find yourself grasping at an empty quiver when needed). My only dislike is how late you get him.....his other "problem" really isn't since he seems like the type who wouldn't mind losing baggage.
Xan - My party's comic relief, and all around mystical ass-kicker. I'd like him a lot more if he could throw his moonblade though...melee just really doesn't fit with his stats.
Yoshimo - A very interesting and tragic character, who would have a constant place on my team if they would just implement the rest of his intended storyline. Oh well..I can dream can't I?
"He must be accustomed to living on mountain tops [...] One must make one’s self superior to humanity, in power, in loftiness of soul, in contempt."
In BG2 Aerie was my favorite char, had a very soothing voice and background music and the romance development was somewhat contrived but really nice, with the expansion options stepping it up even more.
Special mentions as well to Viconia for her banter and awsome utility and ofc Edwin for always putting a smile on my face (Edwina just made me LOL so hard!) x))
As for favourite party member it would be Haer'Dalis. His thespian extraordinaire attitude coupled with his musings about entropy makes him a truly unique NPC. Not to mention coming from another world. I'm also a sucker for Bards, especially one that can put up a fight. It's a shame he decided to fall for Aerie though.
Viconia is my favourite love interest.
I also like Tiax cause Tiax rules all.
SAEMON HAVARIAN - I want to be like him when I grow up... aw, damn, I already did
HAER'DALIS - Errol Flynn of the Forgotten Realms, my sparrows
Plus, he's a halfling. I think that does it for me. Halfling commando, optionally w/ plate mail.
Of course, everybody likes Saemon Havarian and the Shadow Thieves in BG2. I do, however, find the BG1 cast to be more interesting, maybe because they all talk so little and that leaves more room for your imagination.
I'm sure it would be a riveting discussion, not one to be missed.