Dissatisfied with new BG:EE portraits.

I feel that the new BG:EE portraits look a bit to Icewind Dale for Baldur's Gate. Don't get we wrong, they are fine portraits however the art style of the new portraits just reminds me of Icewind Dale. I also think a few of them are actually from the series although, I could be mistaken. I have always thought of the portraits of the first Baldur's Gate to be the best out of all the infinity engine games. Very rarely do I see that art style replicated well.
But I hate the BG1 portraits with passion, and these will blend "not too bad" with BG2, soooo...
They are wonderful portraits but I agree that they do not fit the theme of BG.
On the other hand..
Portraits looking even vaguely like the IWD ones = the best possible result.
Icewind dale's portraits look beautiful almost like art.
The only thing I'm upset with is they didn't take the chance to redo the NPC portraits in this style, but that would be asking a bit much I suppose.
"IceWind Dale Dwarf with axe"
http://ettugamer.com/zenphoto/cache/I/Icewind Dale 1/Portraits/3179344541_1200.jpg
"Baldur's gate cheeky Dwarf"
My favorite Dwarfs from both games
They both look great but I think the IceWind dale one is just massive.
Then again, I seem to encounter a little aesthetic dissonance with the people of these forums if the submit your custom portrait threads are anything to go by
For someone who has used plenty of custom portraits, the slight dissonance of them not being the same style means nothing to me. Trying to get a full set of custom portraits which all belong to the same style is nearly impossible, unless the same artist manages to fulfil your every need (they hardly do)
@ajwz: Exactly. It cracks me up a lot of people who complain about "aesthetic dissonance" are people who use their own custom pictures anyway, and with things that clash even greater with BG than anything Manley did.