Who all plays this game for the story and characters and doesn't give a bag of beans about stats?

I have noticed that a lot of people play this game based on number crunching. I suppose that's understandable. I mean it is part of the roleplaying experience to develop a character...but in the end...all of that is metagaming. And yes I realize that we all metagame to some extent since we don't actually live the lives of the characters...
But how many of you guys just play the game because it's a fun game and you love the story and NPCs? I mean who picks a party because they really like this character and that. Not because you can dual-class Imoen or this character might be the best archer or rogue in the game.
Anybody? Cause I really can't deal with stats. My brain flippy flops when I try to pay attention to it. And I'm just hoping there are other people that just focus on the dialogue options and the story and just kind of throw all the statistical things out to the wind.
And please don't think I am bashing people that are always trying to beat the odds statistically and create for themselves extremely well designed characters that kick butt numerically. I am not saying that. I'm just saying that I read all these threads where people analyze everything and sometimes I wonder if they are missing out on the point that this is a fantasy game that tells a story. And that hopefully I'm not the odd-one out. Haha.
But how many of you guys just play the game because it's a fun game and you love the story and NPCs? I mean who picks a party because they really like this character and that. Not because you can dual-class Imoen or this character might be the best archer or rogue in the game.
Anybody? Cause I really can't deal with stats. My brain flippy flops when I try to pay attention to it. And I'm just hoping there are other people that just focus on the dialogue options and the story and just kind of throw all the statistical things out to the wind.
And please don't think I am bashing people that are always trying to beat the odds statistically and create for themselves extremely well designed characters that kick butt numerically. I am not saying that. I'm just saying that I read all these threads where people analyze everything and sometimes I wonder if they are missing out on the point that this is a fantasy game that tells a story. And that hopefully I'm not the odd-one out. Haha.
If I make a Thief, I'll always have 18 DEX and 16 CON, but I'll never take 18 STR, since it doesn't seem to fit in my opinion. So, I guess I take the middle ground.
STR 19
DEX 17
CON 19
INT 10
WIS 16
With the +1 Protection ring and a shield, I start the game with -1 AC and 14 HP at level 1. It certainly gives you the feeling that you are a God amongst men. lol
My character might not be a very good fighter, but I think I am focusing more on who my character is than if he will actually do well combat wise.
I also think the point of the game is to have fun as well. If you do that by just taking the stats on your initial roll without moving them, then good on you. If it takes you an hour to get the perfect stats so a single character can cut a bloody swath through the Sword Coast on their own, then fine. Neither player is missing the point, or playing wrong.
Playing for the story and characters is all very well, but it will not help you if you get stuck because you are not mechanically strong enough.
Yeah, yeah, I know I'm taking it too far, but it's true nonetheless.
The two things aren't mutually exclusive.
I'd never take an NPC based solely on their story/personality, though. To join my party, you need to pull your own weight. This isn't Planescape: Torment; the occasional line of banter and MAYBE one side quest aren't good enough if you get cut in half every fight.
I've spent a fair bit of time on these forums over the last few months and am always a little surprised by how some people go on about the NPCs. Listening to these people, you'd think that the NPCs all had deep and intricate personalities that were exquisitly communicated throughout the game. In reality each NPC has a couple lines when they join, a couple when you complete their quest (if they have one), and another line or 2 if you kick them out.
If you can swap one character out for another and the only real difference it's going to make is that you'll hear a different line when you select them, then why not go with the character who's more powerful, or whose abilities are better suited to you party configuration? Unless of course you really like the character's selection/action lines; I know a lot of people, myself included, have a soft spot for Minsc in this regard.
In a way, no warm body is useless, regardless of stats, because of the "safety in numbers" factor.
My goal was to see if there were people out there that don't care about the numbers and just play it for the story. I acknowledge that there are middle of the road people and I'm glad you are posting and stating your feelings, but ultimately...everyone has their specific play style and I guess I'm just wondering who has a similar playstyle to me.
Which is basically...screw the numbers.
Now that I think about it though...how would a person in Faerun buy enchanted items and armor in a store. I mean the merchant doesn't say, "Well it'll enhance your strength by one point." Maybe he says it will make you stronger. So that sounds good. But how does a person even know how strong they are to begin with? I picture some guy who is already epically strong suddenly becoming stronger and not even looking human any more because he's covered with muscles and left with a small pin-head to look around with. That'd be bizarre.
But I know a lot of you guys love the numbers game. But there are some of us that just like messing around for fun. And that's the point of this post.
*Buddy Jesus Smile and Thumbs Up*
Play like you want. You are not wrong.
MP is another story altogether. The two ends of the spectrum don't mix so well from what I have seen.
Failed to learn a scroll? Bah! reload is for wimps.
To sum up, in my experience it's easier to not care about the numbers in IWD 2 than in the BG games. Too bad IWD2's story isn't nearly as engrossing.
For me, when a character is uber and I'm just chunking enemies right and left, that can actually get kind of boring. I do want for there to be a good amount of challenge. Some of the funnest games I've ever played were with offbeat parties, and some of the less popular characters. I kind of like a good mix of battle difficulty. Every so often it feels great to win by the skin of my teeth. It means more then.
...Some of my friends prefer the more technical side of things. I have had them watch me before. They just take one look at my party, frown, and shake their heads.
Some of my favorites to hang out with are Imoen, Alora, Xan, Quayle, and Garrick. Is there something wrong with that?
(Of course, it's a fortunate coincidence that I prefer RPing the occasional villain protagonist and some of the most powerful NPCs in this series are evil...)