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OMG Neera is such a loser

OMFG is she terrible! I dunno how everyone else feels but in the most important bigtime clutch battles, her freakin spells ALWAYS fizzle or backfire... She just tried casting a simple magic missile and instead casts hold on herself.

Neera, you're a failure!! Why am I romancing you?!?! Booooooooooo


  • KomarrKomarr Member Posts: 80
    TJ_Hooker said:

    CoryNewb said:

    Except for the fact that she comes with a gem bag.

    Is that a euphemism?
    LOL no, She comes with a bag that can hold a couple dozen gems and pieces of jewelry. A nice space saver.

  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 190
    She is veray random some times she will do amazing things for you outher times she will do amazing bad things to you.
  • TeahlTeahl Member Posts: 26
    I was ecstatic when I saw she already had a gem bag. I love those!

    Her spells rarely negatively affect me (unless of course I am casting the "randomn" spell). Once I was just trying to magic missile one person in a group, and she ended up fireballing them and killing everyone but my party, who hadn't made it there quite yet. :) A few other times she has accidentally cast a successful hold person.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    edited December 2012
    Komarr said:

    TJ_Hooker said:

    CoryNewb said:

    Except for the fact that she comes with a gem bag.

    Is that a euphemism?
    LOL no, She comes with a bag that can hold a couple dozen gems and pieces of jewelry. A nice space saver.

    Haha, yeah I know, but I couldn't resist.
  • ZanianZanian Member Posts: 332
    The fact she can, theoretically, cast spells much higher lvl than currently allowed, makes her more than worth it. She was destroying armies of monsters with cloudkill while Edwin took down one every few rounds with a magic missile or two.
    She does require a lot of quicksaving/loading though, but with the insta saves/loads of BG:EE, who cares?
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    As I mentioned in another thread she is perhaps not the best companion for a No Reload game... ;-)

    That said I am currently using her in one altho I may drop her in and out along the way...
  • AristilliusAristillius Member Posts: 873
    I dig Neera, favourite NPC for me. Luckily noone is forcing you to take her along :)
  • imajasjamimajasjam Member Posts: 59
    I think she's great fun.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438

    As a rule, I don't reload. I'll occasionally do it just to learn more about the encounter that beat me, or if I think that a death was a random fluke due to random dice rolls.

    Well, technically every combat outcome is just a result of random dice rolls, including wild surge results...
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited December 2012
    @Shandyr, well, okay, since it's you who is saying it, I will not fight with you about "recklessness" or whatever, since, of course, it's only a game. (tongue in cheek kidding, here)

    I can respect your chaotic neutral character's idea of "fun", but only if you refrain from reloading except under extreme circumstances, and more so if CN you and her actually could finish a no-reload run. I could start preaching about innocents, but I know that you are a stalwart defender of innocence in real life, and that you also occasionally enjoy playing an all-guns-blazing, "mwah-ha-ha-ha" villain in your games.

    (You said in the "What's Your Alignment?" thread that you were chaotic evil, and that you suspected you had a pretty strong darkside that could be tempted. Perhaps Neera is your Faustian temptation, then?)

    Still kidding. You know I'm your friend to the end.
  • SiddhamSiddham Member Posts: 31
    @belgarathmth I applaud your civic spirit; though the court might not see it that way.
  • KomarrKomarr Member Posts: 80
    @belgarathmth So you don't play Minsc either? Cause while the small, squishy wild mage is dangerous, the large, armored, brain damaged man with a hamster and a sword who can go berserk and attack anyone and everyone in the area is equally if not more dangerous. But, to each his own. It's not how you enjoy the game, it's IF you are enjoying the game that matters.

    "They were having fun wrong"
    Dr. Sheldon Cooper, MA, Ph.D, Sc.D
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited December 2012
    @Siddham, the courts in Amn or Thay would probably slap a red robe on me and commission me as an officer of the court.

    @Komarr, Minsc doesn't go berserk unless you "push his buttons". I never "push his buttons". Instead, I humor him and his sense of honor and goodness, and I respect and love his witches, and he and I never have any problem at all. You sound to me like you actually enjoy "pushing his buttons."

    BTW, I didn't say that nobody should have fun with Neera. I'm in character, here. Roleplaying and all that, you know.
  • Here's what I would say to Neera if I really met her in a dangerous battle scenario: "Are you crazy? Do you even realize how many innocent people you're about to kill, including in all likelihood, my friends and me? You have no business practicing magic. If you insist on continuing to endanger the innocent, I will have to hunt you down and neutralize you myself - not because I bear you any ill will, but because you are a dangerous fool who doesn't care who she hurts, maims, or kills."

    I wouldn't say she doesn't care. She wouldn't have run away after the flaming sphere incident if she didn't care about the damage she caused, and she wouldn't be looking for someone to help her control her magic if she was okay with the random mishaps it causes on occasion.

    That said, I'm having a good time trying to decide what kind of alignment kills someone for damage they might cause. It's one that a wide variety of people employ against Charname.

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  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Kaigen, I didn't say "kill", I said "neutralize". There's an important difference. The pertinent alignments are called "Lawful Good", "Lawful Neutral", and "True Neutral". Which is which depends on your point of view, and disagreements abound within each alignment.

    There's no "might" about it. Ever heard of "Reckless Driving"? They'll take your license and put you in jail for it. If you kill someone while doing it, they'll charge you with murder, and possibly even treat you as a capital criminal.

    If Neera cared about not hurting people, she'd cease her "drunk driving" immediately. Instead, she chooses to keep "drinking the magic alcohol, and getting behind the driver's wheel". It's exactly the same thing, morally.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    I like Neera a lot. She's a fun character. She does get more spell slots as a Wild Mage, too.

    Her surges haven't really messed anything up for my game yet. I've had to reload because characters got killed for other garden variety reasons. (I have no aversion to reloading, but do respect the no-reload approach.) But not because of her. She's a-okay in my book.
  • ankhegankheg Member Posts: 546
    Well, she isn't my favourite, but she's all right. It's fun to play with two wild mages.
  • @belgarathmth Of course, that comes down to how reckless wild magic really is. The vast majority of wild surge effects are either harmless, or only dangerous to Neera herself or her target. She has maybe a 0.5% chance of casting a spell and having a wild surge which would be potentially dangerous to bystanders, less if she's casting a spell which is not directly dangerous (such as Sleep), and that assumes that there are even any innocents in the vicinity. Now, what would you say the odds of an unrestrained Bhaalspawn wandering around having negative consequences are? Perhaps you'd agree with Galvarey that Imprisonment is the humane solution.

    Ironically, Neera is much safer in your party than out of it, because you can prevent her from using magic in situations with potential for collateral damage. If that Treant hadn't kicked her out of the High Forest for being annoying and the Red Mages weren't flushing her out of any hiding spot she comes across, she'd probably still be holed up in some place remote like Adoy.
  • Arsene_LupinArsene_Lupin Member Posts: 181
    I don't mind the fizzled spells.

    I do mind summoning a demon from the abyss every other time I try to cast magic missile.

    I mean, hell, that was do-able in Throne of Bhaal when the Wild Mage kit was released... or even Shadows because the starting level was something like 17. Facing off a demon at level 2? Gimme a break.
  • VelkirVelkir Member Posts: 70
    I dont mind her Wild Magic..i do hate the fact she is a complete B****
  • DinoDino Member Posts: 291
    Yeah so I told her to bug off. Then I realized I didnt steal her gem bag, and now when trying to talk to her at The Friendly Arm, she has nothing to say to me! Cant initiate dialogue...

    Help please, do I have to kill her to get it now? Can gem bags be bought anywhere else?
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