[Request] New / more paperdolls

Originally posted on /r/FriendsOfBaldursGate.
Cameron Tofer has recently stated that half-elves are not hard-coded to use the elven paperdoll any longer. This was reported on Twitter by Trent Oster.
I thought Nat Jones could therefore draw brand new paperdolls for BG:EE, thus bringing more variety to each race/class/sex combination. Those hideous BG2 paperdolls would be out of the way, as well as the need to install 1PP to get rid of them in the first place, and the new paperdolls could be rendered in high resolution to match the new UI (=much better than using post-processed originals!). The end result could look stunning from all standpoints.
We'd get high resolution paperdolls (possibly inspired by their BG1 predecessors, which were a ton better than BG2's, and Nat could bring his own dark fantasy twist to them), beardless lady dwarves and lady gnomes that don't look alike, elves that look different from half-elves and half-orcs that don't look like fat stupid oafs.
Pretty please?
- Draw unique paperdolls for all joinable NPCs, so that each paperdoll carries resemblance to that NPC's portrait.
- Make Familiars appear in their owner's paperdoll
- Make Boo appear in Minsc's paperdoll
Cameron Tofer has recently stated that half-elves are not hard-coded to use the elven paperdoll any longer. This was reported on Twitter by Trent Oster.
I thought Nat Jones could therefore draw brand new paperdolls for BG:EE, thus bringing more variety to each race/class/sex combination. Those hideous BG2 paperdolls would be out of the way, as well as the need to install 1PP to get rid of them in the first place, and the new paperdolls could be rendered in high resolution to match the new UI (=much better than using post-processed originals!). The end result could look stunning from all standpoints.
We'd get high resolution paperdolls (possibly inspired by their BG1 predecessors, which were a ton better than BG2's, and Nat could bring his own dark fantasy twist to them), beardless lady dwarves and lady gnomes that don't look alike, elves that look different from half-elves and half-orcs that don't look like fat stupid oafs.
Pretty please?

- Draw unique paperdolls for all joinable NPCs, so that each paperdoll carries resemblance to that NPC's portrait.
- Make Familiars appear in their owner's paperdoll
- Make Boo appear in Minsc's paperdoll
Post edited by AndreaColombo on
And, yes, beardless lady dwarves and gnomes please: the beards "break the fun" of BG, as Trent has put it.
On topic, I thoroughly agree
Hmm, what do you mean?
Trying to estimate how many new things have to actually be "drawn/rendered" to accomodate new paper dolls?
I've complained about this in regards to portraits and all kinds of things, I'm not sure if anyone really has realized the potential problem here. The artwork will be fantastic either way, but will it fit? I don't know.
I know what you mean. However, I believe Nat's style fits BG1 better than the art in BG2 or even ToB (which looked pretty bad, imho).
Yes I think Nat's style CAN be compatible, but it has to be well thought out how each thing should be approached in order to not have glaring inconsistencies. I do think BG1 had the best art/landscapes/monsters.
What I would like to know is if anyone can explain to me what a paperdoll is. Are those the basic models each NPC acts under? I didn't notice much difference between BG1 and BG2 (except BG2 mirrors).
A paperdoll is the inventory picture of your character. BG2's looked significantly worse than BG1's, but that applies to animations as well (have a closer look to some BG1 vs BG2 screenshots and you'll notice) :-)
O OK! I get it now. I'll need to go look so I can be of more help.
You can see BG1 character animations here, and BG2 character animations here.
Here is a comparative screenshot between BG1 and BG2 paperdolls
Here you go.
EDIT - Thanks @Aosaw too. I didn't notice the missing unquote. Now it's there.
IMO the original female wiz paperdolls are the best, with the high slip in the robe
What if I did this?
Actually no one has requested the mod of moving Boo from the weapon quickslot to the backpack yet, so they'd have to decide if Boo should be shown coming up from the backpack or sticking out of a... weapon quickslot? A scabbard maybe?
In any case, I meant regardless of the familiar's location, the familiar would appear in the paper doll. This would also require more closely tying the familiar to its master, which is another thing I'd like to see - but that's for another request.
Now that I've had a chance to reflect, I agree with the decision to bring similar ideas(such as I posted) under one roof. The whole point of this subforum is to present ideas to the dev team, so this means less clutter for them to sort through. Signal to noise ratio and all that.
That being the case, it might be a good idea for the OP to update the request to reflect the ideas that crop up in the thread. Nothing drawn out or anything, but just a bulleted list after the main body, like so:
- unique NPC paper dolls
- familiar visualization
- Boo poking his head out of... somewhere or other
...and so on. That way the devs can get a summary of the relevant info contained within the thread at a glance.