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Petition : Restore Vanilla BG difficulty (monster spawns, random encounters)



  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    @ajwz It has nothing to with insistence for the sake of "being right". I'm just saying that there are objectively way fewer enemy spawns in BG:EE compared to BG original.

    I never played Tutu nor Trilogy, so I believe I know what I'm talking about. There are even screenshots showing exactly that - an objective difference in spawns. I'd simply like to hear the devs statement about this issue.

    I'm not against fixing the insta-respawn problem of, say, Firewine, but that is an entirely different matter - as is difficulty in general. Many people seem to throw this all together, but that's not what the discussion is about.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Apathy is the only appropriate response towards polls.

    Concerning spawns, I frequently encounter mobs of skeletons (Firewine/High Hedge), kobolds (Firewine especially, I actually encountered about twenty Kobolds whilst stuck solo after a painful full party wipe apart from CHARNAME) bandits and hobgoblins (around Peldvale, between three and five).... I can't say these spawns ever were that serious a threat however.
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  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Guys...if you refer to the OTHER thread on this topic, you will see that someone is submitting the issue to get looked at for a bug report. So, no silly poll required. ;)
  • TurelusTurelus Member Posts: 23
    *No, I am a wimp, the current BG:EE difficulty system is fine for my lame level of playing.

    So everyone that likes the game now is a wimp and is playing it lame?
    Personally I don't mind either way, but some friendly advice would be if you want people to side with you try to look mature when constructing the thread/poll. Insulting the people who might not agree is going to do little to sway them to your way of thinking.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2012
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