Petition : Restore Vanilla BG difficulty (monster spawns, random encounters)

Currently, there are not enough encounters, compared with the original difficulty.
Vanilla BG + TOSC used to have a different monster spawning system on the maps / random encounters during travel.
As a consequence, the game is far more easy than it was once.
The developers shall adjust difficulty so that it would be the same as Vanilla BG.
Vanilla BG + TOSC used to have a different monster spawning system on the maps / random encounters during travel.
As a consequence, the game is far more easy than it was once.
The developers shall adjust difficulty so that it would be the same as Vanilla BG.
- Petition : Restore Vanilla BG difficulty (monster spawns, random encounters)81 votes
- Yes, I agree with this statement, I want the real Vanilla BG difficulty, this feeling of dread during exploration in wilderness.75.31%
- No, I am a wimp, the current BG:EE difficulty system is fine for my lame level of playing.  7.41%
- No, I have not played / do not remember properly Vanilla BG and do not give a shit about your poll.17.28%
Though I agree with the first statement ;-)
BTW, the random encounters are still there and monsters still randomly spawn (I just say Firewine bridge -.-)
I am not entirely shure about this, but I do believe that the only change in game difficulty results from the new classes and the familiars.
If you want a higher diffuclty, just don't lvl your characters up or just take weak characters in your party, should be hard enough then. Or go play Dark Souls, for Bhaal's sake.
Can sombody *please* close this thread? Let alone the poll choices make it rediculous.
Too bad, I have already beaten Dark souls in New Game + ^_^
EDIT : What's funny is, that I was so interested in playing Dark Souls when it was released, because I just told myself "at last a game as difficult, complex and grandiose as Baldur's Gate was - it's been a time."
Concerning the poll choices, I cannot edit them, unfortunately ...
If it really is true that it depends on party level, then the impact of it may be very different later in the game, and maybe not such a big issue as the early levels.
If the argument could be made that Beamdog implements what Vanilla BG intended to do in regards to difficulty scaling according to party level, then an argument may be made in favor of the decision.
Making polls and gearing up to war over the matter may not be benefactory, and if people are voting without knowing all the facts the poll will likely be skewed.
Just want to be clear, I have no opinion on the matter one way or another, but as this seems very important to the future of the gameplay of BG:EE, I think it would be best if this was discussed in depth with Beamdog before jumping to conclusions.
Also, if you played BGT or Tutu, you get different/more encounters that what was in vanilla BG or BGEE.
BGEE difficult defaults to monsters do 3/4 damage and you always get max HP. That's probably the big part of your problem.
I have core rules on and accept default HP roll. The game is plenty challenging.
The setpiece encounters are still the same, by the way (say, Xvarts in a cave at Gnoll Fortress). It's just the random spawn points that are botched.
It seemed harder, because:
- Now BG:EE has BG2 engine, allowing kits, classess and abilities, which were not on vanilla BG1
- You know how to play the game, and where are all items/encounters and how to approach them.
I, for example, am annoyed, when monsters respawn all the time in the same corner of the room, where I was just a second ago (Yes, Firewine, I'm talking to you! I hate you!). It's not hard. It's annoying.
You can make more monster spawn. You can make them stronger. But for Bhaal sake, set some spawn timer. Not instant spawn in locked room -.-
There is no difficulty slider in vanilla Baldur's Gate !
Therefore, everybody had to play the same version of the game.
It's a matter of spawn number, too.
One Black Talon Elite is a joke.
A big pack of them is deadly - this no longer occurs in BG:EE.
So far in BGEE I'm not feeling that there are lack of encounters. If I don't hit the cap before the end of the game then it would prove there are not as many, but so far it looks right to me.
It is confirmed by the BG Tutu guys themselves that they messed up the spawn rates/ number from Vanilla BG to improve the challenge.
In this BG:EE this is the exact opposite...
Oh god, you Sir, are insistant, for sure.
Of course, if these are low rewarding XP ennemies, you won't see the difference.
killing kobolds that only reward with 7xp will not boost tremendously the levelling.
The fact is, one gnoll, one kobold is no challenge.
On the other side, packs are designed for a game that is meant to be played in a party, and therefore the original game was challenging.
Then, your Kobolds will only grant 1+ xp per character (if you are 6 ;-) ).
Nobody wants to kill 161000 kobolds to reach the level cap.
Strangely, there are no packs of greater bassilisks - oh they give 7000xp ... I guess that's why ;-)
EDIT : when I finished the Nashkell mines last week, I haven't met small pack of kobolds (3-6) as seen in the original game.
Only one or two and the non respawning kobold commandos ...
There's no fun in fighting 15 Kobolds when you're a level 7 party.