I had no idea how much better it looked until..

So I finished BGEE a few days ago, and I loved it and I now have the urge to go back to BG2 which I started playing several months ago but didn't get far into it.
As soon as I go into it i'm like "arrgh the graphics look terrible" and I realized how much the graphics were improved in BGEE.
Good job guys
I really wish BG2EE was out, and it's a shame it won't be for ages :Z
As soon as I go into it i'm like "arrgh the graphics look terrible" and I realized how much the graphics were improved in BGEE.
Good job guys

I really wish BG2EE was out, and it's a shame it won't be for ages :Z
Oh well i'll definately play BG2EE if they bring it out.
I don't know how you guys think a blurry gui looks good? I can see the argument for not wanting things to look "small" that makes sense but blurry I don't understand.
Don't get me wrong. I like EE and put in 20 or so hours and will play again after some patching but its not graphically superior to the original with the widescreen mod thats just doesn't make sense to me.
I will have to try your screenshot comparison test myself to see if I am missing something (though I have played both version within the past week)
As far as the Zoom capabilities are concerned, I have to constantly re-adjust my zoom preference because it continues to reset to it's default screen ratio..which I personally don't enjoy.
The cut-scene with Gorion for instance had like 40% of the outer screen fogged out and not viewable (not that their was anything to view in that area anyway) so what's the point in having it that large?
The npc's were so small I barely noticed what was happening.
Literally every new area I'm entering I'm having to re-adjust it. I wish their was an in-game option to set the resolution to my preference and make it stay.
Those are both 1920x1080 and I cropped the bottom section 512x480 so you could see them both together.
Now you can say you don't like it "smaller" but you can't say BG2 looks worse lol that is ridiculous.
Also that is vanilla BG2 with nothing but widescreen mod installed. No other mods at all.
Also, the UI buttons on the bottom are SO off-centered in Widescreen mod, I don't even know how one can like it.
Different area, different characters, cropped image and to make things worst, it's not even the same time of the day.
For example, show us the Friendly Arm inside in BG1, BGtutu and BGEE.
The ability to modify the resolution via zoom is appreciated but it refuses to "stick" to the configuration you adjust.. Hence it's resetting to its default setting upon entering every new area. (I do not enjoy the default resolution)
I'm praying the team will patch this, or introduce a feature that allows you to set the resolution the way you want and make it stay (for those who want a consistent playthrough without the hassles of re-adjusting screen resolution)
It's early days and the game was only just released, so I'm sure the issue will be rectified.
Its irrelevant now that there is a widescreen fix. Now they are truly the same graphics.
the only thing I don't like about BGEE is..the text box....TOO SMALL!!..or cut that golden bar so i can read at least 2 lines...or give me a option to close it without hide interface
Widescreen is fine and dandy, except that it's uncomfortable for me to play on my monitor's native resolution, which is 1440x900@19'. Everything's too small. It's not even that great of a pixel density, now imagine how much worse it would be on a full HD 15' laptop screen or, even worse, a retina display. So, playing BGT, I always settle for 960x600 which means blurriness is unavoidable for me. With EE I get controlled zoom plus nicer spell effects, snappier performance (no loading screens) and hardware cursor.
My comparison was only bad because I didn't use the same scale for the UI since I have no idea what EE scales from but either way the BG2 UI at any resolution as far as I can remember isn't blurry.
And now to stop beating this dead horse, they fixed the blurry UI at the link Corvino provided a few posts up.
But then again, if I fully zoom in BGEE I see the same pixel-character (only more blurry) as in BG2 with the scale-ui option enabled (great stuff btw).
And I really don't care where the heck my interface buttons on the bottom bar are placed..lol. That's really gamebreaking and detains me from playing BG2 *rolleyes*
Still it was worth paying the 17~€
@Shandyr: Import works well including the 'abuse' of importing items...even if it's not important as it rains +3 stuff everywhere (maybe only some 'specific' items ^^)
@junk11: huh? You have 2 buttons on the right of the textbox to resize it...they are pretty big. Or did I misunderstand ye' ?