So I guess the iron ore was enhanced in this edition?

I haven't broken any weapons yet. Or am I just lucky?
I normally carry around extras and some wooden clubs as last-ditch backups.
I normally carry around extras and some wooden clubs as last-ditch backups.
Amusingly, I've had a fair share of enemies break weapons against me. Not sure if that happened in the original.
Figures Winthrop would sell me shoddy goods.
Minsc is breaking his sword every other battle, it seems.
Khalid knocked Monty down.
Effectively, I fled from rats. Depressing.
Then again between Kivan and my elf FMT with composite bows stuff doesn't usually stay alive long enough for the melee team to get there LOL.
That hurt.
Hello there, adventurer! It is I...Balthazar the Fantabulist! You probably have heard of Well it has come to my understanding that the "iron" in the Naskel mines just isn't what it used to be. Eh? Longsword not as thick as it used to be? Short sword kind of failing you? Maybe not even suitable for "combat" at all? Well...don't worry! I call it...STEELEGRA! It's an all natural enchantment that I promise will make your weapon as "hard as steel!" won't have to fear unsheathing that monster again! Remember...Steelegra! Used by all learned men of the Realms. Remember to fight responsibly and use protection.
I had three front fighter until I got my dream party.
Charname a Swashbuckler with two shortswords, Rasaad and Dorn.
Dorn has magical weapon right from the beginning and these don't break and Rasaad is a fist fighter. And since Charname as a Thief had max. on dexterity and only 14 points on strengh it could be that her weapons didn't break that often because her strengh isn't high enough to do so.
It would be logic, but I somehow doubt that they put that in the game. That would have screwed up the whole balance even more than it originally was.