Confused about Thalantyr (minor spoiler)

I'm a bit confused here. I entered, spoke to Thal, and on the second time he agreed to sell me some goods. But I've not been able to buy from him since. He just tells me "I have nothing more to say to you. Leave me."
I'm not hostile with him, the golems don't attack.
If I cannot buy from him any more, I may as well kill him and take his loot, no?
I'm not hostile with him, the golems don't attack.
If I cannot buy from him any more, I may as well kill him and take his loot, no?
Second time: "I certainly hope you have a good reason for bothering me ..." follow this to "unless of course you want to buy stuff."
From here on out...
Talk to him once: "I have nothing more to say to you. Leave me."
Talk to him twice: "I certainly hope you have a good reason for bothering me ..." follow this to "unless of course you want to buy stuff."
It will loop once after that. So you would end up with:
Talk to him once: "I have nothing more to say to you. Leave me."
Talk to him twice: "I certainly hope you have a good reason for bothering me ..." follow this to "unless of course you want to buy stuff."
Talk to him thrice: "I have nothing more to say to you. Leave me."
Talk to him four times: "I certainly hope you have a good reason for bothering me ..." follow this to "unless of course you want to buy stuff."
Talk to him five times: "I have nothing more to say to you. Leave me."
Talk to him six times: "I certainly hope you have a good reason for bothering me ..." follow this to "unless of course you want to buy stuff."
You get the drift.
AKA, you gave up too fast.
How do you lure them outside without hitting them? As soon as I hit one and run outside with a golem following me, Thalantyr has turned hostile.
From a powergaming perspective, all this will do is have people ignore High Hedge until they're around level 4 or 5 and then go back and kill his golems and then talk to Thalantyr. I guess that's what I'll have to do from now on.
Although Thalantyr blows you off at first, if you speak with him again and you'll get a dialog option from which he'll do business with you.
In the original, you could kill them anytime and still get the xp. In this version, it seems you have to kill them before speaking to Thalantyr.