Who is in your party? And what do you call it!

Well for me it is comprised of 3 mages 1 healer 1 thief and 1 Fighter
PC = Wizard Slayer / Mage (Caster Destroyer) RP wise double agent who is working with the mages xD
Montron = Back Up Fighter / Main Thief
Xzar = Necromancer Summoner / HP Drainer
Edwin = Mass Destruction Mage
Shar-Teel = Main Fighter / Meat Shield
Tiax = Back Up Thief / Main Healer
So what type of party do you have, i call my party arcane destruction for money
PC = Wizard Slayer / Mage (Caster Destroyer) RP wise double agent who is working with the mages xD
Montron = Back Up Fighter / Main Thief
Xzar = Necromancer Summoner / HP Drainer
Edwin = Mass Destruction Mage
Shar-Teel = Main Fighter / Meat Shield
Tiax = Back Up Thief / Main Healer
So what type of party do you have, i call my party arcane destruction for money

Imoen - Dualed to mage
Neera - Second mage
Minsc - two-handed weapons
Rasaad - Shadowkeeepered to Cleric.
Kivan - Archer
I refuse to give a name to any party :P
Imoen - Thief, shoots with shortbow and switches to sword when enemy gets close
Jaheira - Fighter/Druid, sticks close to thief and casters as bodyguard, heals out of combat
Khalid - Fighter, runs up into things' faces and hits them with a longsword
Viconia - Cleric, defensive caster with healing/buffs/crowd control spells and also fights where needed
Neera - Wild Mage, uses the reckless spell frequently for laughs and disasters inflicted on either side
Mainly play with the party setup as I simply like the characters. Granted there's not as much to them as in the sequel, but they also work out quite nicely for me mechanically speaking.
Montron ~ JonTron
Does this mean that Egoraptor is Xzar? The hair kinda looks alike. And they are both crazy.
Now we just need a name... Egoxzar? Xzaraptor? Egoxzarptor?
I vote EgoXzaRaptor!!!
Dorn (scout / some damage)
Rasaad (tank / damage)
Neera (mage)
Coran (thief and archer)
Branwen (cleric and healing)
I had Kivan instead of Coran but then I remembered that I needed a thief and a bard and a monk doesn't make up for it!
Not sure what to call my party. Band of Misfits maybe, since I have evil, neutral, and good NPCs Currently on 18 REP so will probably need to punch a nun or something to stop Dorn leaving (though so far he hasn't complained). Been trying to romance Dorn with my neutral good Blade but haven't heard anything from him for a while and he refuses to speak to me!
Ajantis - Main tank/self-healing
Jaheira - Back-up fighter/healer/pre-combat buffs
Minsc - Main damage dealer
Imoen - Thief - simple as that
Branwen - Back-up fighter/healer/pre-combat buffs
So my sorcerer spreads area damage from distance and all other guys are to hold ground and smash at close distance(Imoen adding damage from distance with her bow). It worked pretty good for me so far
PC - female neutral evil elf fighter/mage (will try to romance Dorn), dual wield long swords
Dorn - Blackguard (tank/damage dealer)
Montaron - Fighter/Thief - scout/backstabber
Imoen - Thief - utility thief /archer- might dual her, might swap her out for Safana instead
Viconia - Cleric - buffer and healer/sling user, also fond of using Command and Hold Person :-)
Xzar - Necromancer - spells, dagger-chucker
I'm unsure whether to keep Xzar or swap him for Edwin, Edwin has more spells, but I'm quite enjoying Xzar's particular brand of lunacy, so might keep him and/or dual him to a cleric (not thief, as CHARNAME wants the Dex tome...)
Am mostly using CHARNAME as pretty much a straight fighter most of the time at present (am level 2/2), but that should change as I get more spells and kit. I've cast Find Familiar and have the 12HP extra HP from the Dust Mephit, but am keeping it in my backpack until CHARNAME has learned Glitterdust herself (level 3/3, I already have the scroll), to try to stop the Familiar being too OP in the initial game. I'm also *not* selling Rassaad's boots for now, as the amount of gold these give (12,500!) is unbalancing, though might later.
Boo will take care of the details.
Imoen (remains thief)
Lol, I have never thought to give my party a name. But it sounds like fun. Gotta think on it...
Aidan: TN Berserker. -7 AC dual wielding scimitars, off-tank, sustained damage. Will dual to druid at 13 in BG2
Imoen: Thief6/Mage. Traps and locks, primary caster
Shar-Teel: Fighter3/Thief. All stealth. Spike damage and scouting, skirmishing. Mage killer.
Yeslick: Super tanky with dex gauntlets and strength girdle, Minor healing, major buffing
Neera: Trump Card (I once cast 4 cloudkill in two rounds. Brutal)
Dorn: Damage, pack mule
I'm loving this party. In dungeons, Immy invisibles herself and detects traps while moving with stealthed Shar-Teel. Contrary to the description, you can disarm traps without losing invisibility, so it's fantastic for the tougher trapped dungeons.
Ajantis - Tank
Branwen - Healer/Buffer
Eldoth - Archer/Wand/Utility
Skie - Thieving Skills (I still have Imoen currently though - still not in Baldur's gate)
Xan - CC / Support Caster (I'm thinking to wether to swap Viconia here or not)
I think my party is called "i don't know what im really doing but i got them because i like their personalities and im trying out NPCs i never really used"
It's a Neutral party so yeah, I'm keeping my reputation on average.
at what level is this best done?
Dorn: Melee death-dealer and tank
Rasaad: Off-tank
Neera: Utility caster and OH F*** button
Imoen: Thief of awesome
Really the party composition's only like that because I wanted to try out the new NPCs (and can't play BG without Imoen). Once the NPC project is updated for BG:EE, I'll go through again with an import of the same PC, Dorn, Viconia, Edwin, Imoen, and 1 rotating slot.
Palins Plunderers - An adventure in Evil
Palins Plunderers had five more or less permanent members:
Three were my creations:
Palin Silentfist- a half-elf neutral evil male bard
Grim Woodswalker- a true neutral human male fighter who will dual class to druid in BG2
Belladonna- a neutral evil female elf fighter/thief
Joining them on a regular basis are two NPCs that are found in both BG1 and BG2
Viconia- a neutral evil drow elf female cleric
Edwin- a lawful evil human male conjurer
At this time they also have another NPC in BG1-
Kaigan- a lawful evil male dwarf fighter
and added Korgan to replace him in BG2
Oddly enough the free website I used to post journals of my exploits on is still up in spite of having been abandoned for years and you can find journals of Palins Plunderers journey through BG1 and part of BG2 here:
Viconia - Healer, CC, and front line support.
Neera - Spellcasting utility and AOE.
Xzar - support nuker.
Dorn - Tank and melee dps.
Monty - thief, scout, and front line support.
There's a lot of spellcasting in this group so most enemies don't even make it to melee. Also most of the characters are around level six now. So while Monty is scouting and he find a single target he most of the time able to take it one on one, he is like an halfling commando :P
I think that the group is like a powerful Zhent cell, Monty and Xzar have recruited the PC and his friends and they traveling the Sword Coast spreading death and distruction. I think "The Black Suns" will be good name.
Cutlass Jack- Dual 'cutlass' (aka scimitar) wielding Swashbuckler.*
Viconia - Healer, buffer, and First Mate
Boo - Eye Removal ("Boo leads! Eyepatches for everyone!")
Minsc - Boo's Mount
Rasaad - Mostly there for entertaining banter with Viconia
Safana - Because you never can have too many charming pirate types.
Neera was in the final slot but to date I've never gotten her to cast a Surge-less spell without constant reloading. 5% my space hamster's buttocks. So I think I'm going to bring back Imoen for the mage slot. Which fits my roguish group better anyway and gets bow usage.
*To answer @Oxford_Guy No I wont be killing Drizzt. There's other Scims now. He may be plundered for thematic reasons however.
PC: NG Sorceress
IWD 1&2, TTOEE & SOZ party names I used so far:
The Circle of The Great Oak
Sisters of the Nordic Twilight
The Circle of Dawn
The Frost Wardens
The Frost Witches
The Icewind Sisters
Maidens of Silvanus
The Chosen of Silvanus
PC: Cleric dualled to fighter
Imoen: Dualled to mage
Shar-Tell: Dualled to thief
Xzar: Given a tome, then dualled to cleric
Safana: Given a tome, then dualled to mage
Branwen: Given a tome, then dualled to thief
Imoen - Mostly just a trapper and lockpicker, while also providing some ranged support with the PC
Branwen - Healing, crowd control, and some melee support if required
Dorn - Two handed melee dps, off-tank
Kagain - Axe/shield user and attempt at main tank (ie: always sent into fights first if possible due to ac and hp)
Neera - Nuker and utility.. some crowd control if needed
I have never named any of my parties in any RPG, nor do I think I will start.
Imoen = Level 1 Shithead / Human
I call my party, "Dogmustard."
Party = Just go THAT WAY, dammit!
Name: Justice League of Faerun :P
PC = Cleric/Ranger (dual wield with back up healer)
Imoen (pure thief, didn't want her to dual yet but might do)
Khalid (meat wall)
Jaheria (healer)
Neera (for that wild mage fun! Esp love it when my gold disappears!)
Kivan (shooting arrows from a far)
PC = Assassin (pure stealth and backstabbing to fit with my RPing of the PC)
Dorn (meat wall)
Xzar (death mage fun)
Montaron (lock picker/trap and back up tank)
Viconia (healer)
Edwin (Let's see...one good fireball...no, make that two...plus a horrid wilting spell, yes yes...)
Neutral mixed party
PC = Druid (healer)
Rasaad (tank / damage)
Garrick (coz he is just so charming!)
Eldoth (coz he is not so charming!)
Skie (thief)
Shar-Teel (tank but with dual wield)
Shar-Teel: Secondary frontline, then dual-classed as thief and now sneaks around and backstabs everything. Also deals with some locks and picking pockets, but can't do much for traps, which sucks.
Ajantis: Support, wizard-killer, used Shadowkeeper to turn him into an inquisitor because I thought it made sense and was pretty flavorful. Murders wizards with True Seeing and Dispel.
Viconia: Mostly healer, can also support in a fight a little bit, summons some undead and other stuff sometimes. Can also Chant: I love me some Chant.
Imoen: Thief at first, dualed her into wizard when Shar-Teel became the rogue. Now mostly deals with Identify, because our main wizard (see below) can't handle those. Can also cast Invisibility, which is handy sometimes.
Edwin: Main mage, with like a million first level spells with Ring of Wizardry, and also fireballs. I'll just have him blast everything, which he does quite well.
Charname - evil human Skald
And the rest of the party is
Poor Neera... a little wild mage among all these evil people.