What happened to the gnolls ?

Yesterday I reached the gnolls stronghold. I remember battling hordes of gnolls over there in the original BG, so I was expecting quite a fight. However, there were about a dozen, all scattered over the stronghold, solo or in a group of 2. Is that normal ?
I still got the full troop of about a dozen gnolls with two or three chieftains around the pits where Dynaheir is being kept, and they were behaving more intelligently, as well. They kept trying really hard to flank and surround my party. Also, gnolls kept coming up the stairs behind me, as though they had come from the outer areas in response to all the noise.
Thanks for posting that quote. I also noticed Gnoll stronghold had a fraction of the enemies that it should have and it bothered me a bit. I like the challenge of this game and I was beginning to think they were dumbing it down for the masses. I am glad to hear that this is not the case.
For God's sake, the spawn algorythm is bugged ...
I have not met any monsters in the Candlekeep Catacombs (except the monsters that are always here whatever happens, quest related or designed packs to be always met...).
I have not met any monsters in Werewolf Island (except the monsters that are always here whatever happens, quest related or designed packs to be always met...).
I got this problem with a quest, I don't know if this also affects the spawn points.
While they did do 'play throughs', much of their time was spent on testing specific issues.
I remember upgrading my computer after a four year wait for a certain"Empire" game and it was completely broken on release and never saw a patch for six months and it was still broken after that.They didn't give a monkeys and had an expansion already advertised.Even though the Original was still broken.Two weeks in with this game and we've had three patches.These guys do give a monkeys.Saying that though can we have that hotfix ASAP.(joking but it would be nice)