Rasaad's boots - is the sale value bugged?

If you try to sell Rasaad's boots you can get 12,500 gold for them - is this a joke? They should be character-specific like Xan's sword and not sellable (or sellable for a sensible price), otherwise this is totally unbalancing at low levels.
One could see True Neutral as trying to maintain a balance while the cycles of all things go forth to change the world around them. Evils Rise. Good destroys Evil. Good decays. Evil Rises again. Cities grow. Cities die. The cycles of nature are represented in what it is to BE alive.
Interesting, no?
125 is good price.
BTW Well, the first paragraph's kind of a truism (as long as we accept these changes to be ~generally~ cyclical), but the second one is exactly what I mean to be an ideal approach to creating a video game ;-D And then we can say:
If the game reflects so called "cycles of nature" the players feel as if their characters WERE alive. And selling your old shoes for a several thousand gold coins isn't something natural as long as the buyer is naturally a balanced person. Other way somebody has a very unbalanced budget ;-)