Did Zargal get buffed?

Zargal -- chances are you don't remember him. He's just a petty little encounter. The leader of a trio of hobgoblin bandits (just before you find Bassilus) who demands your money or your life.
On the off chance that he sticks out in somebody else's mind -- did they buff him? I don't remember him being nearly this tough in BG1. I thought he was only a low level hobgoblin, but I just went through 4 attempts at running through that battle with the same results every time -- TPK. Total party kill. And yet I was only ever able to kill one of the hobgoblins, at best.
Granted, my party's still very low level: PC is a 2nd level barbarian (who had barbarian rage triggered and a potion of speed), Jahiera (2nd level), Khalid (1st), Imoen (2nd), and Neera (1st).
Still, even in that case one would think that over the course of 4 battles, while hasted and enraged, the barbarian would have managed to land even *one* hit on Zargal. Nope. Not even when I tried ignoring the archers (crazy, I know) and had Jahiera, Khalid, and the PC mob Zargal while Imoen peppered him with arrows. In a total of four fights, he got tagged once... and that was Imoen hitting him.
Anybody else have trouble with this guy? Or have I just had exceptionally rotten luck? Can't see the "dice rolls", so I've no idea what's going on in the background.
On the off chance that he sticks out in somebody else's mind -- did they buff him? I don't remember him being nearly this tough in BG1. I thought he was only a low level hobgoblin, but I just went through 4 attempts at running through that battle with the same results every time -- TPK. Total party kill. And yet I was only ever able to kill one of the hobgoblins, at best.
Granted, my party's still very low level: PC is a 2nd level barbarian (who had barbarian rage triggered and a potion of speed), Jahiera (2nd level), Khalid (1st), Imoen (2nd), and Neera (1st).
Still, even in that case one would think that over the course of 4 battles, while hasted and enraged, the barbarian would have managed to land even *one* hit on Zargal. Nope. Not even when I tried ignoring the archers (crazy, I know) and had Jahiera, Khalid, and the PC mob Zargal while Imoen peppered him with arrows. In a total of four fights, he got tagged once... and that was Imoen hitting him.
Anybody else have trouble with this guy? Or have I just had exceptionally rotten luck? Can't see the "dice rolls", so I've no idea what's going on in the background.
Can't comment too much about how hard to hit he is because my thac0 is like... 8, so I don't miss.
I looked him up in shadowkeeper. 19 strength 9 all other stats, 32hp, base Thac0 14, 2 attacks. Wears a helmet and studded leather. AC looks like its -1.
Doesn't mean that something isn't wrong with him, though.
It went a little faster with the newly acquired Ashideena. :-)
His henchmen then dropped like rocks. Bassilus followed very shortly after -- the barbarian absolutely dismantled him, and then chased him down when he tried to flee. The various undead were so focused on trying to follow that the rest of the party picked them off without an issue. Only Imoen took a stray arrow.
edit: I failed to answer your question, so yes, actually I thought maybe Z had been buffed. But then you never know. In the past I'd only ever played a party of six so maybe the battle was never of note before.
edit2: Just killed Z & Co on other solo run. Z=650xp, Co=165xp ea
Edit: I just noticed a retarded bug. Whenever familiar dies, main protagonist dies as well, instead of losing the 1 Con. Wtf??
This tactic also works great against Black Talon Elite. In fact, I now refer to roaming gangs of bandit archers alternately as "cavalier chow" or "Imoen's bonus to dual-class completion."
Could he hit? Even *once*? Hell, no. 5-6 rounds of combat, which means roughly 12 swings... and not a single bloody hit.
Greywolf's not that tough. BGEE just seems to loathe my player character.
I'm remembering now why I hated D&D so much at times... that damned d20.
Edit: I may see the problem. I turned on the dice rolls so I could see what's going on. Even with barbarian rage going, the rolls are calculated at +3 -- but the character sheet claims +9 to hit. Perhaps I'm reading this wrong, but it looks like the game's not actually using the character sheet's numbers in determining hit rolls.