Post your crazy wild Surges *potential spoilers*
I cast a magic missile on Bassilus with Neera
A wild surge petrified him and turned him to stone
Rasaad finished him off with a spinning back kick... but he only dropped his holy symbol
Pretty sure I got his 975 experience twice though, one for turning him to stone and another for shattering him.
If I knew how to upload the screenshot I totally would
A wild surge petrified him and turned him to stone
Rasaad finished him off with a spinning back kick... but he only dropped his holy symbol

Pretty sure I got his 975 experience twice though, one for turning him to stone and another for shattering him.
If I knew how to upload the screenshot I totally would
she doubled my kensai mc hitpoints
downside, was fighting some town folks when she said ''oops is that a fiend portal?" after that everyone got killed
im really having a lot of fun with the wild magic and neera speeches
Wild Mages were already a problem in Pen & Paper RPG and have been the source of some heated discussions between my players. They don't fit well into computer games either. Unless, of course, you save often and don't mind reloading. Unfortunately to me that isn't my playstyle.
I think Neera changed herself into a man, but it was right before a reload so I'm not positive.
Other than that, I've had some nicely placed fireballs. And a few times she's blown the whole party up, but that was when casting her randomn spell anyway.
That didn't end well.
Phony explosions on some of the bandits, while hunting bandits.
Hiccups while attacking the Xvart Village.
Dropped a cow on Neira. And Sendai of Amn.
Neera turned bright orange while fighting some bandits.
Neera also mass-healed some basilisks, CHARNAME, herself, and Branwen!
...anytime she gates in a nabassu, I hit the "L" button and quick-load. ;___;
Turned a demon loose during the coronation. Made the entire 2nd floor of candlekeep glow neon blue. Gated 4 demons at once with a single Naehl's during the final boss fight.