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if you steal drizzt's weapons and attack

Will he fight with his fists because he lost his weapons?


  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    I'm not sure, but I don't think you are able to steal his weapons anymore.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2012
    Nope. Drizzt doesn't actually fight with his lootable weapons, but with a special .itm that doesn't drop.
  • orosiusorosius Member Posts: 45
    I've heard people talking on the forum about pickpocketing his swords here and I haven't updated so should be able to I hope! I rolled a pickpocketing ftr/thief.
  • SeveronSeveron Member Posts: 214
    You can, I think you need a minimum of 50% Pickpocket skill. Need further testing.
  • DarkovanDarkovan Member Posts: 90
    Is it possible to kill him? i tried with my solo didn't end well.
    (cleric has -3 thaco and -11ac, hit him once the whole time and im pretty sure he didn't miss....ever).
  • fpc1fpc1 Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2012
    Darkovan said:

    Is it possible to kill him?

    Yes, it is. Just google "how to kill drizzt baldur's gate" and you will see several strategies.
  • MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187
    But the arrows/island and kiting strategy no longer works, right? So what other strategies have you guys tried? Has anyone actually brought down Drizzt in BG: EE at level 5 or below?
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2012
    Never done it at level 5 in ee. Have done it more than once though. Why specifically level 5 or below?
  • TristanianTristanian Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2012

    But the arrows/island and kiting strategy no longer works, right? So what other strategies have you guys tried? Has anyone actually brought down Drizzt in BG: EE at level 5 or below?

    The island strategy still works but only if you change the 'Path Search Nodes' in your baldur.ini to the minimum value, which I believe is 2000. That way, Drizzt gets "stuck" and cannot find his way around. As for legitimately killing him @ level 5 or less, it is extremely hard, since his magic resistance makes him almost immune to spells and you cannot hope to stand toe to toe with him without being ripped apart. A rather cheap tactic, is get boots of speed on an archer, stock up on literally tons of ammo and kite him around, while shooting him before he reaches melee range. He has around 92 hp if memory serves so it literally takes ages to bring him down in this manner, but his scimitars are easily some of the best weapons in the game, especially if you get them relatively early and you intend to dual wield them.

  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    I've never tried it, but would it work to just backstab him to death? Load up on invisibility potions (this could be an issue, I really don't remember how many are available in BG), stealth, and then stab him. Chug a potion the instant you become visible. Make sure that after you drink a potion, you wait a round before attacking again, so that you will once again be able to chug a potion immediately after.
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    edited December 2012
    That might work, assuming you were fast on clicking. Most backstabbing characters are very fragile, and he does a ton of damage so you would need to drink the potions fast. I have found 3-4 potions of invisibility just playing through (one from Jaheria, the others from random containers), you might be able to buy more at shops.

    Stealing his swords is much easier than fighting him, and even if you do steal his swords he still has them in his attack rolls and damage. The benefit of killing him is that you get his armor.

    The boots of speed Kite strategy seems like it would work, but you would need A LOT of ammo. I would recommend using Kivan, boots of speed, Longbow +2, and a whole inventory of arrows perhaps.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2012
    I just did the backstab strategy as an experiment with a level 4/5 fighter/thief. Violet potion, oil of speed, sandthief ring, Potion of power, potion of invulnerability. Varscona, Ankheg, helmet, Legacy of the Masters, ring of protection +1. Only stuff that is accessible early

    Basically the same strategy I do at higher levels. Took 4 successful stabs instead of three, only difference. Remember Sandthief ring is for sale for about 22k from the beginning of the game at ulgoth's beard, with seven uses. That should be plenty, especially if you grab a couple of invis pots along the way.
  • CutlassJackCutlassJack Member Posts: 493
    I pickpocketed him today for both blades at level 5 with a 50% pickpocket. So I can confirm it still works on the new edition.
  • TeahlTeahl Member Posts: 26
    Yes, I pick pocketed both scimitars too, but I used a potion because I've been focusing on leveling lockpicking.
  • BeowulfBeowulf Member Posts: 236
    easy way to down Drizzit Doorden is to find or buy a monster summon wand- you need to use around 10-20 charges of it have all the people using ranged weapons except your main character if he is a high hitpoint tank - even in that case my two hand sword 19 con fighter had to run away a bit and drink healing potions whilst the summons were one shot (need to pause the game a lot and reuse the summon wand BEFORE all are killed- about two left is best) then Drizzt is just one shooting 4-5 dogs or 4 hobgoblins while everyone else is hitting him with ranged - seems he is immune to all magic wands/ice/fire/ but I had some damage questions on him?

    Is he immune to Viccona's cleric smite good rain effect attack (forgot spell name)?

    Are there some kid of level 3-5 wizard dispels that can make him later be hurt by magic (in Bg2 there was lower resistance)

    I cast Greater malision on him but I am not sure that worked...?

    Defensive harmony and chant were things I used too but not sure if it even protects from him- seems like he never ever misses an attack...?

    Also I thought I was clever using the arrows of biting as that has the cringe and bend tweak effect on poisoned monsters so it seems they move slower and attack less - but I think he is immune to posion too perhaps?

    But yeah basically the summon monster and range missile attack is the only option now... I suppose you could try to go man to man with him if you had 120 hitpoints + draw upon holy might hit points + druid and two clerics healing you constantly... you just might live long enough to kill him first but I rather doubt it... If he did not have the magic resistance to hold / paralyze wand he would be an easy slap down though...

  • VilelatedVilelated Member Posts: 10
    ROFL, I died a few times way back when this game first released when I fought him. It's just funny how times have changed. (Yea just Google it) rofl. Why not just try It a few times with a party instead of your solo cleric. LOL
    He isn't easy but he can be killed. Wait till bg2 when he brings his party with him. Lol even after you import the game you killed him in.
  • VilelatedVilelated Member Posts: 10
    He has a high mr. But magic missle is your best friend.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    edited December 2012
    I killed him with low level party with use of two potions of speed and a whole lot of ammo. One character uses potions and engage drizzt so he starts to chase him and others shoot him to death. Piece of cake.
    Note that they only hit with critical hits so it takes actually a lot of time, but two potions were enough for me.
  • QueynosQueynos Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 127
    My solo fighter/thief killed him with traps, about seven of them should do the trick, just set your traps and rest so that you can set them again, set traps don't disappear on rest.
  • KenKen Member Posts: 226
    edited December 2012
    6 Characters, Mage/Thief, Coran, Dorn, Rasaad, Yeslick, Neera

    Pff, stealing is for the weak! I slaughtered that bastard. I like that you cannot spam the wand of summoning that much anymore, I used summons (Ghasts), and made good use of buffed fighters. No real kiting used or excessive summoning.

    Rasaad and Yeslick had to go get resurrected though, Dorn was close with 1 hp.
  • zwadekzwadek Member Posts: 156
    get your mage cast blur, mirror image, stoneskin and both fireshields spells and drizzt will get himself killed in two or three rounds. If you are feeling lucky you can do this without stoneskin (since the scroll is obtainable on ice island), but it might takes few tries
  • MinscandBooMinscandBoo Member Posts: 77
    I killed him with my solo f/m/t run. No file changes, no island exploits, and no potions or even spells. Simply wait till you get The Paws of the Cheetah (boots of speed) and then: stealth, set up the backstab, crack him (when you hit the appropriate roll) run away until you are out of LOS, rinse and repeat. Easy loot. My only problem was that playing an evil character, I forgot one of his scimitars are not usable for my charname in which I put all the warrior points in dual wield in anticipation for those 2 weapons!
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited December 2012
    I used the hack that allows you to make Drizzt join your group. His weapon slot #1 is invisible and cannot be unequiped. His two swords are slots 2 and 3, and are not being used. You can force him to use them, he does less damage and has less attacks that way though.

    I don't know why they did this with BG:EE. In BG vanilla they had to break the rules like this to get him to be really hard, but in BG:EE why can't he just have normal proficiencies and weapons of a level 16 ranger?
  • TristanianTristanian Member Posts: 4

    I don't know why they did this with BG:EE. In BG vanilla they had to break the rules like this to get him to be really hard, but in BG:EE why can't he just have normal proficiencies and weapons of a level 16 ranger?

    While that would be the most realistic approach, it wouldn't necessarily be the best, as he would probably be even easier to kill/cheese. The "problem" with Drizzt was always the fact that you could potentially cheese him as early as possible, in order to maximize usage of his scimitar(s) and/or armor, time wise. Killing him at higher levels doesn't really offer that much of an advantage, since by that time, the game provides more than enough gear (not to mention NPC companions) to beat virtually every encounter (the addition of Dorn, if anything, made things easier).

    What they could potentially do is, make him unkillable somehow or keep him killable but disallow pick pocketing/looting his gear. However, again, this wouldn't be much more realistic, wouldn't be worth it, in terms of balancing and might present continuity issues when you encounter him again in BG2. My guess is, they simply didn't want to bother dealing with that can of worms, so they simply opted for the simple approach, which was, not to touch him at all.

  • FrecheFreche Member Posts: 473
    Darkovan said:

    Is it possible to kill him? i tried with my solo didn't end well.
    (cleric has -3 thaco and -11ac, hit him once the whole time and im pretty sure he didn't miss....ever).

    Drizzt is cheesy as hell, I have tried him head on with -20AC, my character didn't even last 30sec against Drizzt.
  • Someone in another thread modified the island strategy by placing two invisible party members at the choke point so that he can't get at the rest of the party. That worked for me, and Dorn was even able to swipe at him with his two-handed sword over the heads of the invisible party members. I did have to use Garrick as a sacrificial lamb to bring him over, though. And make sure you turn the Party AI off so your invisible blockers don't try to attack him and break their invisibility.
  • KomarrKomarr Member Posts: 80
    With multiple reloads Imoen got both scimitars with 40 lockpick.
  • DrEastDrEast Member Posts: 113
    edited December 2012
    Whoops, repeat post.
    Post edited by DrEast on
  • orosiusorosius Member Posts: 45
    Kaigen, lol at sacrificial lamb
  • LylzLylz Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2013
    I actually killed him toe to toe in melee with my Half-Orc Beserker at level 6. With 19 STR, 18 DEX, 19 CON, Full Plate, Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise, +1 Ring of Protection and dual-wielding +1/+2 Flails. I had 3 pips in Two Weapon Style and Flail/Morningstar for proficiencies.

    I buffed him up with Potions of Heroism, Cloud Strength and Invulnerability. Also had my Clerics Bless/Chant him. I popped Rage and engaged, with Yeslick & Viconia pumping heals into him, whilst just smashing away. The rest of my party pretty much did nothing, as the spells I tried (Glitterdust/Slow) had no effect and Dorn didn't have low enough THAC0 to hit him, so they just killed Gnolls while my CHARNAME took out Drizzt.

    Which of his swords can you not use if you're evil?

    [EDIT: This was on Core Rules to.]
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