Your Baldur's Gate 3 scenario's? *Massive Spoiler Alert (Duh)*

So alot of you have been asking for a Baldur's Gate 3, now I wonder how you'd expect the story to look like? You've already had the oppurtunity to ascend to godhood. What more could there be? And how would the game cover for the difference between your choice of ascending as the god of murder, or leaving it to be?
Or would it begin a story with an entire new protagonist?
I'm curious what people expect from a Baldur's Gate 3.
Or would it begin a story with an entire new protagonist?
I'm curious what people expect from a Baldur's Gate 3.
I just want to go back to Baldur's Gate city with completely new and awesome scenario.
You can't really be a god 's champion either, since that would limit your course of action too much.
So the best way to do it would be... hmm, let's say your old PC achieved godhood, as an evil god of murder. And he's planning something worthy of that title, using mortal followers of course (we can't have you go against a real, 100%-power god). It'd then be up to you to make sure his plans don't come to fruition. Or something. I'm no video game scenarist, for good reasons.
Damn, its been so long since iv played TOB, does Cyric still have the portfolio of murder?
Unfortunately, the only way for this to work would be to massively de-power the PC at the start of the game, since they're too powerful by the end of ToB. I don't quite remember the brief encounter with Cyric in ToB, but he's the logical antagonist to the PC, regardless of the PC's alignment. And, as the God of Death (right? There are so many similar gods that I mix them up sometimes), he would have the requisite power to nearly kill the PC and allow for the level progression to start over.
A different direction the game could take would be to go all God of War in this setting, letting a good PC start ripping through the evil gods, or an evil PC start fighting the good ones. It would obviously be WILDLY contrary to the actual storyline of Forgotten Realms, which might result in some contract issues, but I'd be interested in pursuing it. God vs. god fights would allow for some pretty exciting scenarios.
The one thing I don't want to see is this Black Hound nonsense. If they want to make an Icewind Dale 3, that's fine. I'd play the hell out of it. But I'll forever associate the Baldur's Gate brand with the Bhaalspawn saga, and if they're going to conclude that with ToB, they should find a new name for a new game.
It would also be a good chance to wrap up some of the lose ends that were left due to cut or changed content (like the BG2 end cutscene conspirators or the Twisted Rune questline).
If not that then I wouldn't mind a sequel with an all new story, but with a lot of the same characters returning and you playing the Bhaalspawn again. Otherwise if it's a completely new set of characters and story then I'd appreciate a name change because it wouldn't seem like BG3 to me.
Clearly, the ending where you become a God can't be used as canon, because that would require making too many determinations regarding BG2's canon.
And the protagonist from BG1 and BG2 can't be the protagonist of BG3 because he'd be too powerful.
Ideally, Baldur's Gate III's main plot would occur in the immediate aftermath of the Bhaalspawn War, with the assumed canonical ending being that Charname declined deification and settled for a life of awesome adventuring with his/her closest companions and/or lover. This way Charname could effect the overall setting without being present, and Charname's personality wouldn't be relevant to the plot. Charname should never show up directly in BG3, but other party members ought to appear as cameos. They can have dialog re: Charname that functions the same way as the Drizzt stuff, where the player can choose whether or not Charname was a good, evil or neutral character after the fact.
So if it goes that route, the Bhaalspawn element of BG3 should be clear: the power vacuum left in the wake of the Bhaalspawn war, which ravaged the entire sword coast, and chaos in the pantheon. Hell, Cyric could even play a decent-sized role.
Actually, the more I think about it, the less I think BG3 need address the god stuff at all. Maybe an indirect sequel would be best. Maybe set in the game along the Sword Coast, from Baldur's Gate to Athkatla, and focus on the conflicts that emerge as the city-states try to rebuild after the war. Lots of potential there, and there'd be plenty of opportunity to see the effects of Charname's actions in the previous games, as well as the fates of his/her comrades.
I also think it should utilize 4th Edition as the ruleset. It's far more balanced and intuitive than 2nd Edition and would translate very well to a videogame adaptation. Plus it lacks THAC0, which is reason enough to replace 2nd Edition.
I don't even care.
And I don't mean that in a nasty way.
I'd like to see a new protagonist, so we can have a character arc from 3-4, plus expansions.
I'd like to see the campaign marry the sandbox nature of BG1 with the depth of BG2, giving a few close companions and maybe a few less developed ones who only stay with you a time as you build your own Heroic Epic.
I'd like to see the gameworld expand to the East of the Sword Coast, where no D&D game has ever been before, and focus on new and interesting cultures - whilst still letting you waddle back West and check out Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate.
I'd like to see a Campaign as cool as the one in Neverwinter Nights 2, coupled with an Epic level campaign that was even remotely as awesome as the one from Mask of the Betrayer.
I'd like to see characters and relationships develop, friends and enemies, and have to guess which is which - including having enemies hidden in your own party ranks.
But for particular scenarios or plots? I don't care one bit, so long as it serves as the mechanism to guide me along my path to almighty deity status (or near equivalent), and has its share of twists and turns along the way, I'll be content.
Anyway no, cyric isn't the God of death, Kelemvor is, although Cyric was the god of death for a very very short time, Kelemvor took the portfolio back. Cyric has 2 portfolios (is the god of 2 different things) The father of the Gods Ao gave Cyric the portfolio of Murder (bhaals portfolio) making Cyric the god of Murder, not long afterwards Cyric gained Mask's folio of thievery as well. I'm trying real hard not to drop spoilers everywhere and still make sense but that's more or less how it is.
probably should have just done that haha.
Also i forgot those books existed...
To be honest, i feel it would be more healthy to start from a new angel rather then pushing the current "Charname's" story forwards.
The BG universe is so large it has lots of potential to pick a diffrent angel on things, and still weave in alot of story, be it post-ToB or parallell with the BG1 story, its a lot of ways to go. *deep breath* might come back with more if brain allows me...
First, at the beginning a new villain shows up (maybe Cyric) somehow undoes the whole god thing (if the player chose to become a god) (For the storyline of the non Godhood characters I have no ideas on what the villains motives could be.) That's way BG would contain it's "no matter what a character you play, you allways have a reason to go on" attitude, which made imo the BG 1 and 2 so great in the first place.
That way you would have the motib´vation to gain your godhood back but it would be also kind of a cheap move (and also to much like God of War).
Second, make it a prequel.
In that case you could play as one of Gorion's party members and help him hunt down Bhaal priests and try to "rescue" the pregnant Ariana (which will obviously fail), have a cameo for Firkraag and in the end (or at some point of the story) you would go rescue Charname.
Man, that would be a great story.
"Really, Imoen," CHARNAME says, playfully tousling her hair. "We're the progeny of a god who died 120 years ago? You best run along and see what chores ol' Puff-guts has for you. I'm sure Gorion's got yet another dreary tome for me to pore over."
"Maybe it's filled with stories of troll—"
"Get out of here, kid. I need to dress."
"You're no fun."
After Imoen departs, CHARNAME lets the towel slip ever so slightly, revealing a trace of pale blue marking his(her) hip.
"Bhaalspawn, eh? Maybe that'd have been simpler."
*ducks and covers, then rolls under a rock*
It would be cool to bring back NPCs that were largely disregarded from Baldur's Gate 2 like Quayle, Garrick, Branwen, Xan, Shar-Teel, Kagain, Eldoth, Yeslick, Skie, Kivan, Alora, etc... as NPCs through the Pocket Plane. Or even characters like Xzar brought back from the dead, pretty funny to necro a necromancer. Why summon people like Nalia for a reunion when you're got some buddies from BG1 who are more worthy?
But that's probably a longshot thanks to the contract.
Another option is to do a bringing story between BG1 and BG2, or BG2 and ToB. But that would have to be sorted out before they release BG2. Bit hard to retroactively add that in.
I would be totally cool if they followed up some of the NPC epilogues from ToB and have it centered around Imoen's prodigy. It's been a few decades after Charname either ascends as a god or leaves the Sword Coast for good. Imoen has since matured and taken up the mantle of Gorion in Candlekeep, where she has made a following for herself among the many wards of Candlekeep for her tall tales of the Bhaalspawn and the Black Throne. The adventure begins when a stranger seeks shelter within Candlekeep's walls, welcomed in by Imoen herself. Grown up among tales of adventure and a nagging curiosity over the identity of the stranger, you decide to hitch a ride in secrecy. Thus taking you far outside Candlekeep's walls to a land you've only heard of in stories.
The adventure takes you north to the land between Baldur's Gate and Watersdeep. With familiar faces of Viconia and Edwina who now reside in the walls of Watersdeep. Not to mention Saemon who frequents the ports of Baldur's Gate and Watersdeep. The identity of the Stranger could be Elminster or even Charname come down from his ascended status in the form of a familiar or avatar with no discernible race or gender as your guide. As for the campaign it could be about anything threatening the Sword Coast really. It doesn't have to be related to the Bhaalspawn saga if you have some key figures from past games reprising their roles. If you can't have an epilogue from the perspective of Charname, then you can most certainly have an epilogue of Baldur's Gate NPCs which arguably are the heart of the franchise.
One scenario could be that while Bhaal might be dead some of his crazy followers are still around enacting some sort of doomsday cult. Afterall the goddesses Loviatar and Talona were followers of Bhaal, and although they eventually ditched Bhaal to hook up with Bane, they are still around and vengeful. I'm not well versed in the lore of the pantheon of Forgotten Realms but it could be possible to have a cult of Loviatar that wants to exact revenge on all those who aided Charname in halting the resurrection of her master. Her MO is pain, so she could just be doing it for the pleasure of it and has fooled her followers in expecting a reward. So her followers have come to tax those responsible in blood. So all surviving allies (Imoen, Viconia, Minsc, Jaheira, Edwina, etc...) or even the non-NPC people of Baldur's Gate have a giant target on their heads. So guided by Imoen, Elminster, an Avatar of Charname or whoever, you set about to dismantle this doomsday cult. The player's motivation could be an assassination attempt on the life of your tutor and mother figure Imoen.