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Am I the only one that thinks both Quayle and Faldorn are severely underrated?

I usually hear nothing but scorn towards these two characters, but I don't really see why. Well okay, I guess I do see, but I still think there's much more than they deserve.

Sure, Quayle's got lousy wisdom and middling intelligence, but he's still got much more magic than any other NPC, only second for a PC cleric/mage. Not the first choice for both, but he can support with both fireballs and healing when your main casters are running out of spells. He can't really function as a primary caster on either side, except in emergency, but he'll get you a good bit of extra on both.

And Faldorn? Well, she's also got pretty lousy stats, and being a druid doesn't help her in spell selection, items, or combat. Her shapeshifting ability is mostly useless too. What does she have, then? Well, as a druid, she's the only character in the game that can cast fifth level spells, except out of scrolls. What's on fifth level? Iron Skins and Greater Command are pretty cool, but what I love is Mass Cure and Raise Dead. Those two spells alone make Faldorn worthwhile.

Of course, she won't get them until earlier, so might want to let her stay stuck in her forest and only pick her up later on.

But yeah. These two guys have their uses.


  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    I fully intend on picking up Faldorn this play-through for the first time. We'll see how she pans out.
  • MechaliburMechalibur Member Posts: 265
    I'll agree on Faldorn. Pure druids are great in BG1, and her wisdom is plenty. Her special summon is also helpful.

    Quayle on the other hand, doesn't really offer anything spectacular. He comes even later than Faldorn, has a chance to fail half of his spells, and his aggregate stats are actually the worst in the game (although aggregate isn't the best measure of potential, since some stats are more important). Cleric/Wizard isn't even that useful, since the game gives you six character slots to fill all your needs, so his extremely mediocre performance in two different classes doesn't really contribute much to an already balanced party. He isn't unusable, naturally, but there are a large number of factors that would make me prefer almost any other party member.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Druids can't cast raise dead, only Jaheira, with Harper's Call, is capable of doing so. The ability to cast Iron Skins is nice, but doesn't massively improve her, if you were going to use her, I'd suggest it be for the Insect Plague spell, which *does* massively improve her.

    This said, Jaheira can cast Mass Cure too; it's called "Call Woodland Beings", it's badass, and it's without her being Faldorn, which is nice.

    Quayle.... Well he'd be terrible if the game actually enforced spellcasting failure on low wisdom, but as it is, he's pretty neat so long as you don't let him anywhere near the front line, and next to be picked up on my ill-fated adventures.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    edited December 2012
    I think the problem with Faldorn is simply that she's not Jaheira, who's introduced much earlier, has similar abilities (including Insect Plague), and can hold her own in melee. The only justification I can see for recruiting Faldorn at all is if Jaheira got blown up at some point and you need a replacement druid...
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    shawne said:

    I think the problem with Faldorn is simply that she's not Jaheira, who's introduced much earlier, has similar abilities (including Insect Plague)

    I'm fairly certain Jaheira can't reach the level required for 5th level spells.
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    Well both these characters wouldn't be my first choices. And Quayle comes too late. Plus, what's the benefit of having more spells? You still can't cast more than one in a round...

    I'm really not a fan of Druids, because I find their spell repertoire lacking. As pure, they can't fight well unless they shapeshift and then they can't cast.
    The good thing about Druids is that they are the best levelers in BG:EE. So, Call Lightning which is very usable in BG:EE will really do wonders. Call Woodlands Being is also great.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2012
    Chow said:

    shawne said:

    I think the problem with Faldorn is simply that she's not Jaheira, who's introduced much earlier, has similar abilities (including Insect Plague)

    I'm fairly certain Jaheira can't reach the level required for 5th level spells.
    She can't, though she can get "summon insects" at priest level 3, which is sort of like a not as good version of insect plague.

    Personally even if its radius means your party members have to be close together when playing a druid at high levels (at least in terms of Baldur's Gate) I kind of like using pixie dust once and awhile, its good for scouting as a group (and with scripts turned off momentarily) positioning your fighters and casters before a battle. But if you are chaotic good you can actually get a familiar (if you are I guess a beast master/mage/sorceror/bard) that can cast invisibility'10. But anyways Faldorns problem is mostly that you have to wait for a long time before you can get her.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    @Chow Hell yeah man! They are awesome NPCs, powerful in their own ways.

    It's worth pointing out that if you give Quayle the Ring of Holiness and Ring of Wizardry he'll end up with more overall (combining Arcane and Divine) spells than Edwin with a Ring of Wizardry. He's a spellcasting beast ... Cleric/Illusionist is awesome.

    has a chance to fail half of his spells, and his aggregate stats are actually the worst in the game

    @Mechalibur False. They never bothered implementing that feature. I love how everyone goes around claiming "well Quayle sucks because he has a chance to fail his spells," further proof that they never even TRIED using him before deciding he was crap.

    As far as the stat part goes, that is definitely his weakspot, but let's think about it. BG1 NPCs had fairly crappy stats. To balance Quayle, they gave him an *awesome* class (Cleric/Illusionist is epic) and terrible stats. Another thing worth mentioning is that due to an oversight his Dexterity was 15 in BG Vanilla. I made a thread pitching a fit about that, and thank you very much Overhaul they actually raised his Dexterity to 16. AKA, 8 base AC rather than 9 and +1 bonus to ranged weapons. Hell yeah.
  • MechaliburMechalibur Member Posts: 265
    Well, no, I never tried using him. Never said I did, and like many people I haven't used every single NPC. I just assumed the manual was correct in the regard of spell failure.

    That being said, I actually feel that cleric/illusionist isn't really a great class at all, having played one before (well, cleric/mage rather) and feeling inferior to both the mages and the clerics. In a game where you get more slots than essential party roles, it's usually better to specialize than to take people average at both roles (there are exceptions, of course, but that's usually for multiclass combos that complement eachother, like backstabbing fighter/theives)

    Quayle certainly isn't terrible or useless, but his late entry combined with a powerful early mage (Edwin) and clerics (Branwen + Viconia), and poor stats, makes him very unnattractive for most players, especially ones who have their party figured out by the time you get to BG (and beside the final fight, I always felt that by the time you've reached the city, you've already done the hardest parts of the game)
  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    I might speak for a large portion of this community...or a small portion of this community...or maybe no one but myself when I ask this question:


  • lDanielHolmlDanielHolm Member Posts: 225
    Cleric/Mage is a decent multi-class, but it really isn't that good. There are very few spells that work for both classes at once, and by being half a mage, you're removing one of the greatest cleric attributes... the ability to wear armor. Your cleric self-buffs (like Holy Power and Draw Upon Holy Might) are essentially worthless without armor to back it up. (You could kill Drizzt for his, I suppose, but I find that .... tasteless.)

    A Cleric/Mage can still only cast one spell at a time. You're better off with two characters, like Branwen and Edwin, than Quayle. Of course, Quayle is only one character, and there's a limit to how many you can bring... but honestly, he's not fantastic. Quayle is just a mage who can cast a few CLW spells. He's still a mage, which is the best class in the game, and Illusion is a decent specialization, but the cleric class really doesn't bring as much to the table as you seem to think it does. What you're really adding to the cleric portion is just the drawbacks of being a mage.
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    Nope. You are not the only one. I almost always put Quayle on my party, and I am seriously thinking about picking up Faldorn on my next playthrough.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    I just assumed the manual was correct

    Big mistake.

    Nope. You are not the only one. I almost always put Quayle on my party, and I am seriously thinking about picking up Faldorn on my next playthrough.

    Faldorn can be used a couple of ways very well: Either as a dedicated healer, or a Summoner. Access to Animal Summoning I and II + her innate Summon Dread Wolf ability makes her pretty awesome.
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    I'm a Quayle fan for any party that has a slot to spare for him - he's especially entertaining if you take Tiax along too...

    Faldorn not so much I've used her briefly a couple times and was mostly underwhelmed altho I may not have kept her around long enough to get the benefits of her highest level spells - in fact most times I was tired of her in time to swap her out for Yeslick... ;-)
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Wanderon said:

    Faldorn not so much I've used her briefly a couple times and was mostly underwhelmed altho I may not have kept her around long enough to get the benefits of her highest level spells - in fact most times I was tired of her in time to swap her out for Yeslick... ;-)

    Ya, all depends on what your group needs. Fighter Faldorn is not. Pure unadulterated Divine Spellcasting power. I think of her as the Divine equivalent of Edwin, though not nearly as obvious at first glance so most people overlook her.

    Also, Yeslick has always been good but now he's even better: Give him the Gauntlets of Dexterity, then the Big Fisted Belt (Cursed, 19 Str 6 Int) and he's totally beast. He only loses a whole 1 point of Intelligence anyway, rofl.
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    Whats a Faldorn?
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    I've always thought Quayle was underrated. He's a mage who can use a shield and helmet, and cast cleric spells.

    I find his personality annoying as heck, though.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    Faldorn's decent if only because her Dread wolf kicks ass. Not quite as OP as Tiax's ghast, but still quite nice (better in melee then she ever will be), and fast leveling...

    And I'd like to chime in, Druids SUCK ASS in BG1. After 2rd level they only get 3 3rd, 2 4th, and 1 5th known spells and they're not even good spells (known spells, not spells per day). Of course, BG:EE uses spells from BG2, which makes them A LOT better.

    Faldorn is ok...her melee is garbage, but she can summon a dread wolf, which is pretty neat. Not as OP as Taix's Ghast, but better in melee then she ever will be, even shifted.

    I dislike Quayle because of his personality and how late you get him.....well..and combined with the fact he never really gets the chance to become powerful. The only time I ever use him is in a party with Tiax because I enjoy watching Tiax butcher him when they inevitably come to blows.
  • BeowulfBeowulf Member Posts: 236
    Tiax Quayle and a few other characters get creamed in traps and AOE spells because they have around 30 hit points... so rrather sad sacks but yes Tiax triumphant cheer when Quayle dies always cheers me... I can not remember if they fight or not - I think they should really make Tiax a joinable character somehow in BG2... however I guess he would lack the new helpful character talks (my weapon is useless / I have no room...) maybe they can rehire the voice actor?
  • MordeusMordeus Member Posts: 460
    I love Faldorn, I always pick her up instead of Jaheira. But as for Quayle, he's only tolerable with Tiax in the group.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2012

    And I'd like to chime in, Druids SUCK ASS in BG1. After 2rd level they only get 3 3rd, 2 4th, and 1 5th known spells and they're not even good spells (known spells, not spells per day). Of course, BG:EE uses spells from BG2, which makes them A LOT better..

    In Baldurs Gate 1 Totsc Druids get 5 known 3rd level spells (hold animal, invisibility purge, protection from fire, call lightning, miscast magic), 5 4th levels (cure serious wounds, animal summoning I, neutralise poison, defensive harmony, and protection from lightning), and 2 5th levels spells (animal summoning II, cure critical wounds).

    Strickly in the sense of BG1 without ToTSC installed you are probably right on the numbers of 4th level spells, fifth levels spells don't really even enter into it in that case however.
    Post edited by elminster on
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    I was soo much looking for BG:EE to make Faldorn an avenger, and now she rocks incredibly.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2012
    Pecca said:

    I was soo much looking for BG:EE to make Faldorn an avenger, and now she rocks incredibly.

    I was under the impression all the NPC's were being left as they were at least in terms of kits.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @elminster: no no they didn't change anything, I edit them using NI. I also made Ajantis cavalier, Garrick jester and Kivan archer.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    I'm waiting for SCS:EE to be released which gives me the option to add those characters earlier in the game. But yeah, I do like them both.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    Still have no idea why people use Kivan for an archer (and talking kits, I think he'd actually make a better stalker, since he's out "stalking" bandits)....Khalid is better with a bow, while Kivan is the 2nd strongest original NPC in the game, and makes a much better melee fighter. Combined with the higher dex, he gives minsc a run for his money as an offensive powerhouse.
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831

    Still have no idea why people use Kivan for an archer (and talking kits, I think he'd actually make a better stalker, since he's out "stalking" bandits)....Khalid is better with a bow, while Kivan is the 2nd strongest original NPC in the game, and makes a much better melee fighter. Combined with the higher dex, he gives minsc a run for his money as an offensive powerhouse.

    Because he has a Thaco of like 5 with a bow.....
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited December 2012

    Still have no idea why people use Kivan for an archer (and talking kits, I think he'd actually make a better stalker, since he's out "stalking" bandits)....Khalid is better with a bow, while Kivan is the 2nd strongest original NPC in the game, and makes a much better melee fighter. Combined with the higher dex, he gives minsc a run for his money as an offensive powerhouse.

    It is an interesting departure to put him in ankheg plate and give him halberd +1 and later +2. But as Elendat says his THACO with the bow is devastating. Once you put an enchanted longbow in his hands, firing arrows of biting or ice, he is a total juggernaut. Plus, the weapons speed is so much higher for arrows than halberd. I forget how many arrows he's able to fire in a round, but he does a lot more damage that way that with the halberd. And when he is Hasted, forget it.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited December 2012

    Still have no idea why people use Kivan for an archer (and talking kits, I think he'd actually make a better stalker, since he's out "stalking" bandits)....Khalid is better with a bow, while Kivan is the 2nd strongest original NPC in the game, and makes a much better melee fighter. Combined with the higher dex, he gives minsc a run for his money as an offensive powerhouse.

    Alright I'mma pick this post apart.

    Still have no idea why people use Kivan for an archer ....Khalid is better with a bow

    Errr... no, not so much. Khalid can get a 3rd pip in Bows which is pretty nice, but Kivan still has better Dexterity and an Elven bonus. Khalid can get good for sure, something people like to overlook, but still not quite as good as KIvan.

    (and talking kits, I think he'd actually make a better stalker, since he's out "stalking" bandits)

    Agreed entirely, this is why I'm glad they didn't add kits to the old NPCs. He is definitely a Stalker. NPC Archers don't run around with 18/12 Strength, I'm sorry.

    while Kivan is the 2nd strongest original NPC in the game, and makes a much better melee fighter. Combined with the higher dex, he gives minsc a run for his money as an offensive powerhouse.

    He's fourth strongest. Dorn - 19 STR, Minsc - 18/93 STR, Shar-Teel - 18/58 STR, Kivan - 18/12. Anyway, I think he's pretty much better than Minsc in general, but that's me. Minsc likes to get killed unless you bite the bullet and hand him the Gauntlets of Dexterity.
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    What about Coran? He can get the same amount of pips, levels up slightly lover, but has much higher dexterity. Same racial bonuses, too.
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