Wand targeting

I'm trying to use the wand of magic missiles with Xzar (and pretty much any other character), but I can't seem to target enemies with it. Pausing, I select it from the quick items, then select the enemy and... nothing. Same thing unpaused. I've tried being really careful when targeting the enemy, zooming in, tapping the red circle, then unpausing, checking to see if anything happens and.... nothing.
Am I missing something?
Am I missing something?
What you should look for is an audio response whenever your attacking a target.
It'll also show in the dialog box. If there's no dialog there, you've missed with your target somehow.
It helps being zoomed all the way in.
It would have been great if Beamdog had made the red circle under enemies change to another symbol as it does when you initiate dialog with NPC's in the game, and I wonder why they haven't done that too...
If it deselects it means you've successfully targeted something.
IMHO, this is a terrible interface decision because it *also* deselects if you haven't targeted effectively. There really needs to be a better audio-visual feedback for when a character's action is chosen. This is especially a problem on touch devices as touch selection is so flaky, and "fat fingers" are so common. Also, target areas need to be bigger. If they can't be made bigger, there needs to be a text confirmation in the text window when actions are selected.
Last post by Trent.
I'll add "Magic Wand usage doesn't put a graphic in the character's portrait" as a bug in the thread above as that is the standard "feedback" you should be getting...if the magic wand is going to be used, the graphic should appear just like the sword or arrow or spell icon appears when you're going to successfully use one of those items.
Can anyone confirm (I can't play the game right now) that using a magic wand, like the magic missile wand, does NOT put a graphic in the character's portrait for it's usage?