Branwen you minx

When Branwen says "Damn the icicles of Auriz. I'm BORED" I picture her lying under a winter wolf pelt blanket proped up on one elbow and looking at me with an eyebrow raised. There is definitly a 'come hither' inflection in her voice. And you know how those Talus girls like to grind the coffee. mmmmmmm.
Not out yet for EE, but keep an eye out.
Seriously, are they speaking this wierd in the english version? You guys seem to understand all names wrong
Based on alignment, of course.
As I always play Lawful Good, the Maiden always achieves enlighenment before the Sire.
Thanks for the correction tho; knew I had the name wrong, but I knew that "Vulkan" was in the same vein.
@davidthegnome, that would be amazing! I wonder if their contract will allow them to bring BG1 characters into BG2? I'd take it, even if they had no new dialogues.
If BG:EE does well enough, maybe WotC and Atari will relax their restrictions, just a little? Come on WotC and Atari, pleeeeeze?
"These are not the actions of warriors born."
"We've been fighting our way up and down the sword coast! Does it matter we've only been killing bad guys!?" hehehehe
Well, technically Branwen is already in BG2, but only in the tutorial, so Atari shouldn't have any issue with them bringing her into the actual game...
Not postive about this, but I think I read something here about the restrictions placed on Overhaul are mainly that they can't remove any existing content from the games.. If that's true then they shouldn't be prevented from bringing any of the BG1 characters that don't appear in BG2 into BG2:EE...