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With the EE out for a while with some patches, which version of BG1 do you prefer?

FathuranFathuran Member Posts: 26
Simple question that I'm sure has been asked before, but now that the Enhanced Edition has a few patches under its belt, (As well as the Monster Fix, which before it was patched, it was pretty much game breaking for me and what made me tell people to get the originals instead) I am curious to know what you guys think is the best version of Baldur's Gate 1. Whilst each one likely has its own charm to it, if you had all three on your desktop (In the case of Tutu, it was already modded to your liking), which would you prefer to click on and play over the others?

We have Baldur's Gate 1, the original, untouched, vanilla game that we know since 1998. Throw in Tales of the Sword Coast in for good measure. It's likely the one which first captured many of our hearts, and despite the resolution, has a great aesthetic that I feel has been lost in the transition to Baldur's Gate II's Infinity Engine (In the case of sprites and GUI)

Then we have the modded Baldur's Gate Tutu. Thanks to a great modding community, they've made it possible to have the first Baldur's Gate run in the sequel's engine along with the same GUI and all. It's essentially playing Baldur's Gate I in Baldur's Gate II. There's even a widescreen mod. While the original BG has a few mods of its own, most effort has been towards providing them for the Tutu version.

And, as we undoubtedly know, we have the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition. While it also runs under the Baldur's Gate II engine, it's without the process of modding your game and already fits your resolution in a snug fashion without a mess of tinkering with a command prompt. Additionally, the Enhanced Edition has an active support and is provided with patches.

So, what will it be? The Classic, the Modified, or the Revisited?
  1. With the EE out for a while with some patches, which version of BG1 do you prefer?255 votes
    1. The original, untouched, vanilla Baldur's Gate with or without its Expansion.
    2. Baldur's Gate Tutu with the necessary mods.
    3. The Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition.


  • FathuranFathuran Member Posts: 26
    Yep, it can definitely be seen that way, Elendar. However some folks really enjoy the other versions. For me, while I'm mostly on the fence of the whole thing and I'm debating with myself which I'd rather invest a character in, I will likely go the Enhanced Edition route. The only reason I picked vanilla though, in the poll, is that I just prefer the aesthetic.
  • BanexBanex Member Posts: 127
    Played all three as i'm sure a lot of us have,it's why we're all here.Sure there's been a few hiccups upon release and there's still bugs to be ironed out but once they are BG2EE will be a walk in the park.As for four patches already,that's great commitment by the devs.I was going to go back to BG2 for my fix until the spawn points were fixed but found i just couldn't.This game and the following one will be pure gems once they are finally polished up.
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    I've got both EE and BGT on my MBP (via Bootcamp) default choice has been EE Since release. And will be going forward. I have graphical issues with BGT/Tutu (had tutu previously installed) where the screen will go all black (which can be cleared with swipes of the mouse) that bug me. With EE, I get a much better experience. They really did a great job with this, though I do miss scroll satchels and missile cases a bunch.
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831

    I've got both EE and BGT on my MBP (via Bootcamp) default choice has been EE Since release. And will be going forward. I have graphical issues with BGT/Tutu (had tutu previously installed) where the screen will go all black (which can be cleared with swipes of the mouse) that bug me. With EE, I get a much better experience. They really did a great job with this, though I do miss scroll satchels and missile cases a bunch.

    You can CLUAConsole the scroll case and ammo belts in, you know.... :)
  • KrOKrO Member Posts: 21
    Just finished off Sarevok today on the EE, was a blast and this run through I even downed that asshole Aec Letec. I enjoyed the original BG playthrough and the EE one, but I suppose the first playthrough is always the most special.
  • KrOKrO Member Posts: 21
    Elendar said:

    I've got both EE and BGT on my MBP (via Bootcamp) default choice has been EE Since release. And will be going forward. I have graphical issues with BGT/Tutu (had tutu previously installed) where the screen will go all black (which can be cleared with swipes of the mouse) that bug me. With EE, I get a much better experience. They really did a great job with this, though I do miss scroll satchels and missile cases a bunch.

    You can CLUAConsole the scroll case and ammo belts in, you know.... :)
    Yeah I never come across the cases for scroll or missiles. Was a bit of pain in the ass at times.
  • jamoecwjamoecw Member Posts: 41
    tough choice between BGT and BG:EE. BG tutu is like BGT, except that you have to import the game instead of just continuing on through, so if you can install all of the mods you want (which isn't super easy) you can have one game that flows quite well from BG1 to BG2. in time i imagine that those options will become available for BG:EE, as well as the bugs getting fixed up, due to the chaotic way BGT is developed i imagine that such things might never fully happen.
  • BrighamFishBrighamFish Member Posts: 12
    The truth is I absolutely love Baldurs gate the original but the fact is I can't play it on Windows 7 (a real bummer) and although there were things I really liked Baldur's Gate Enhanced edition adds a lot to the game I mean I always wanted to be a Blade in BG1 and now I got my wish
  • BrighamFishBrighamFish Member Posts: 12
    Also liked a lot of the gliches you could do :)
  • Stargazer5781Stargazer5781 Member Posts: 183
    Instant saves and uninterrupted music. That's all it takes for me to favor EE.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited December 2012
    Voted for EE because

    - mods will soon become available for it
    - I really like EE's three new NPCs
    - dig the zoom feature a lot
    - we'll have DLC for it down the road
    - I'm looking forward to playing it on iPad

  • beckshortbeckshort Member Posts: 5

    Instant saves and uninterrupted music. That's all it takes for me to favor EE.

    Uninterrupted music? I'm curious what you mean, my music seems to not "reset" via quicksave; just kinda ends.
  • NecroblivionNecroblivion Member Posts: 210
    I really liked the conversation mod. If it will work on BGEE it will be really awesome!
  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    Just for the ridiculously amazing/rapid support Beamdog have given us.
  • catfishcatfish Member Posts: 31
    EE but they need to fix the spawn bug like yesterday
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    I do miss some of the original character models, or sprites, but other than that I find EE to be vastly superior... and hopefully someone will come up with an easy-to-use option that lets me pick said models to my liking.

    I never did play the tutu version for very long, but I'm not a fan of jumping through hoops to ensure smooth play and I remember there were... some minor things, not sure what, that irked me about it. That said, all 3 versions are the same great game.
  • FathuranFathuran Member Posts: 26
    edited December 2012
    Silverstar, I think one of the biggest things you may have experienced, and it might not be so minor. The infamous "Beregost Crash" bug, where unless you do a convoluted manner of saving your game before and after entering Beregost, your game can just outright crash and corrupt your save.

    Granted, my fondest party was in Tutu, but I agree that EE is the superior version. I hope as well that there might be a possibility of having the old BG1 player models sometime, and I think it was attempted for Tutu as well, but it just couldn't be done. Don't hold me to that, though. I didn't look too much into it.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    EE is better for the most part, but I really miss the NPC mod. I'm playing EE over Tutu, but once that mod is released for EE, I'll be perfectly content.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    Way too soon to say imo. The true value of the enhanced editions won't really be revealed until the modding scene has fully adapted to them.
  • MathuzzzMathuzzz Member Posts: 203
    It is too early to vote. I´m sure vanilla BG had the same amount of bugs/unresolved issues after tenday from initial release.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2012
    Elendar said:

    Lets see... I can play the Enhanced Edition, which actually works on Windows 7... play vanilla which doesn't work at all... or jump through the hoops of installing 500 retarded mods... What a tough choice!

    I'm using Windows 7 and I can play vanilla BG1. I didn't even need to make it run in compatibility mode or anything. Maybe fooled around with their version to get it to work, and the CD version doesn't, but I've had no issues in this regard (I have the version).
  • phoenixclphoenixcl Member Posts: 31
    Enhanced. Bugs or no, I have a pretty updated widescreen PC and I hate the low resolution of the older games (which almost always changes my desktop resolution afterward). Plus, I can appreciate the class kits and new characters. (I do not believe in modding what should be provided in a vanilla game or expansion pack).

    I really do hope they give Icewind Dale the same treatment (and, if they're really nice, Temple of Elemental Evil despite being a different engine) as these games ARE good, but I just can't get past the resolution and choppy graphics. The Enhanced Edition really cleared out my issues with Baldur's Gate and I was able to complete my very first run thanks to the smoother graphics and gameplay.

    (now...if they could just get the screen to stop flickering/refreshing when I load the game...that'd be nice)
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418

    Now that BGEE has been "Out for a while"???

    Even using the "new math" the game has only been out a whole 10 days - can't speak for anyone else but it's certainly way too early for me to make an intelligent comparison between a game I've had for less than 2 weeks and a game I played for almost a decade...
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    Why didn't you include BGT? Many mods only run with that oO

    Well, anyway, as long as the NPC Project isn't compatible, I will vote for BGT. Otherwise BGEE.
  • PentiumDPentiumD Member Posts: 62
    I like the New shiny color when you click on your npcs and pc the colors are nice :D..
  • colonel_burgercolonel_burger Member Posts: 279
    EE. There is so much room for potential! Also by buying it I am indirectly supporting bg3!

    I'm definitely hanging out for the mods though. . .
  • Rpg_AvatarRpg_Avatar Member Posts: 38
    They are fixing things about the game that even the modders never got to, and added new content and rather consistent support...

    I honestly hate modding, something always goes wrong, something is always incompatable, and someone always 'fixes' something that does not need to be fixed or makes something over or under powered.

    I personally cant wait to see what they do with BG2.

    Athough I'm still trying to figure out if the saves from BGEE can be used with the atari collection BG(vanila)
    so that I have something to do until the new EE comes out.
  • FathuranFathuran Member Posts: 26
    edited December 2012
    @Buttercheese I didn't include BGT because it simply didn't cross my mind when making the poll. I have rarely had any interaction with BGT other than passive mentions from people and unless I see somebody mention it in the first place, I hardly even realise that it exists. In hindsight, yeah, I should have included it, but oh well.

    @Wanderon I simply brought it up because I was curious what people thought so far and a few patches were out that took care of a good number of issues. My apologies if I somehow offended you.
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    edited December 2012
    BG1 works fine on my Windows 7, and I don't have the GOG version, my box simply says "Baldur's Gate 4 in 1 Boxset". I like all three of these. The Original was always amazing, Tutu was a fun experience to go through once (before I messed up all of the NPCs classes/kits with a mod and couldn't fix them without reinstalling which was just too much of a hassle for me), but EE has nearly everything I want. Again, I like them all, EE just happens to be my favorite to play (currently). This MIGHT change, but I doubt it. Hopefully BG2:EE will be excellent as well.

    EDIT: For the record, what is BGT anyways? Seen it mentioned a few times now.
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