So I suppose Baldur's Gate 2 (which shares the same "super zoomed out" style as BGT) isn't an RPG then? We'll lump it together with star craft and command and conquer, I mean, that IS what it looks like right? "If it looks like a duck" and all that, huh? Get real.
I know exactly what Baldur's Gate used to look like, I'm looking at my original 5 disc set (well 6 with ToTSC) on my shelf right now. To say that the old resolution is what it is "supposed to look like" is bullshit. If that were the case why would there be a feature in BG:EE to zoom out? And why is the default zoom set to that of the BG2 style when you first start the game? That "super zoomed in" is, you know, what the game screen USED to look like. To say that looking at the same resolution but at a much closer view makes the game "look better" or be more "genuine" is a load of crap. You're looking at the same thing only drawing more attention to the dated looking pixelation.
But all that aside what you originally said was "Don't see how anyone could possibly prefer the original OR modded BG over the EE." That had nothing to do with "this one has better graphics" or "this one is closer to the original" what you said is you don't know how someone could prefer one to the other. I do. Some people prefer their cucumbers pickled too, bro.
Are you serious? BG2 was super zoomed out? Have look at actual unmodded BG2 at the highest officially supported resolution of 800x600.
Don't see how anyone could possibly prefer the original OR modded BG over the EE.
It doesn't help your case that you have BGEE zoomed in. The default setting for BGEE is zoomed out and you should have it zoomed out to compare to the other two. As it stands, the comparison is flawed.
Yes, that's exactly what you meant with the "super zoomed out" comment I'm sure. The whole 25% difference sure it makes it pretty super.
I've used widescreen mod myself but it pretty ridiculous to claim that they are now some kind of norm as how the BG games should look like. Especially since you can even make BGEE very high res with the "big screen" if you so prefer.
Yes, that's exactly what you meant with the "super zoomed out" comment I'm sure. The whole 25% difference sure it makes it pretty super.
I've used widescreen mod myself but it pretty ridiculous to claim that they are now some kind of norm as how the BG games should look like. Especially since you can even make BGEE very high res with the "big screen" if you so prefer.
You're totally right. You clearly have better insight in to what I meant than I could ever hope to have.
"I've used widescreen mod myself but it pretty ridiculous to claim that they are now some kind of norm as how the BG games should look like. ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU CAN EVEN MAKE BGEE VERY HIGH RES WITH THE "BIG SCREEN" IF YOU SO PREFER."
So, you can NORMally do that now with just the regular install of BG:EE. With no modding required at all? And it's not the NORM? ... You don't say...
Yes, that's exactly what you meant with the "super zoomed out" comment I'm sure. The whole 25% difference sure it makes it pretty super.
I've used widescreen mod myself but it pretty ridiculous to claim that they are now some kind of norm as how the BG games should look like. Especially since you can even make BGEE very high res with the "big screen" if you so prefer.
You're totally right. You clearly have better insight in to what I meant than I could ever hope to have.
"I've used widescreen mod myself but it pretty ridiculous to claim that they are now some kind of norm as how the BG games should look like. ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU CAN EVEN MAKE BGEE VERY HIGH RES WITH THE "BIG SCREEN" IF YOU SO PREFER."
So, you can NORMally do that now with just the regular install of BG:EE. With no modding required at all? And it's not the NORM? ... You don't say...
Oh man this thing seems to be stressing you out wayyyyyyyy too much. The point was that HD resolutions completely change the proportions of things. Obviously they wanted to keep about the same proportions as existed in the original game. Ie. the NPC in BG didn't look like tiny ants and they don't in BGEE either as the default option. If you want to change that there is option for it as well.
I'm not sure why you think I'm stressed out... is it because there were a lot of capital letters in my previous post? I assure you, I'm not stressed, but thank you for your concern.
The default option of BG:EE also doesn't use the super zoomed in style that was linked in that picture, what's your point? So using the zoom in feature is considered more normal than using the zoom out feature? Why? Because you like it more?
I like BG:EE, but much of BG1's game mechanics were tailored to fit the content perfectly. A lot of the stuff that's added with BG2's engine breaks the game's difficulty and offers cookiecutters strats/specs over versatility.
I love Vanilla, but I loved it way more on WinXP where it worked without weird glitches.
BGEE fixes all of that nonsense and I am happy about it. Sure, there are mods, but I don't particularly like them, always checking for compatibility issues, always checking if I installed it in the right order, always checking if everything works as it should... it gets tiresome.
Besides, people always say "why should I pay for the EE if I can get it working on Tutu or Trilogy just as well?" Well, initially - you're not gonna get the content the Enhanced Edition gets. No, I don't mean just the OFFICIAL content. I mean every single detail added through mods, that were impossible to make with the old stubborn, hard-coded version.
If someone makes a Sorcerer/Monk/Swashbuckler class mod, I'll install it the first day, I swear! XD
I prefer enhanced edition only because modding takes too long to be fun to play with em. Game it self is a lot better with right mods but i cant help the fact it takes ages to install all.
For best experience I like the game running the widescreen mod squared windowed at 1152x1152 or 1024x1024 resolution. Back in the days computers at full screen were square shaped. Close enough to the original resolution yet far enough for clear details and graphics
Wow I didn't think the poll would be so heavily weighted toward EE because of all the posts I've seen bashing it. I guess what they say is true: The unhappy lot are usually louder than happy.
Wow I didn't think the poll would be so heavily weighted toward EE because of all the posts I've seen bashing it. I guess what they say is true: The unhappy lot are usually louder than happy.
Well, forums are largely used for venting. Happy people tend to be busy playing the game. Goes for most any game out there that has a forum really.
Still, there's valid arguments for all three preferences. BG1 has got the style, BGT has got the mods, and BG:EE has new content and ease-of-use. I wouldn't call choosing one over the other "venting" or "being unhappy". It's just that people have different priorities.
I for one would welcome it a lot if BG:EE could become the definitive version of Baldur's Gate. For that, however, it needs the original sprites, mod support and bugfixing. The latter is going on well, so I'm optimistic. My wish is that BG:EE does indeed feel enhanced, and only enhanced - not different, as @Metal_Hurlant pointed out. At the moment, it really is more like playing Baldur's Gate in BG2, not like playing Baldur's Gate period.
Still, there's valid arguments for all three preferences. BG1 has got the style, BGT has got the mods, and BG:EE has new content and ease-of-use. I wouldn't call choosing one over the other "venting" or "being unhappy". It's just that people have different priorities.
Oh I didn't mean to imply anything spesifically about people stating their opinion/preference in this thread. Was more refering to the "The unhappy lot" sentence, seeing as there are indeed a lot of upset threads/posts all over the forum. Apart from the short argument over resolutions in here, I find most the discussion to be quite a nice read
Too early for me to vote as i'm still in candlekeep due to having no time to play atm. No offense to anyone, but BGT to me was a Big Gigantic Turd! With so many of the mods not working or no longer supported it was a nightmare of trial and error. when i install a game i expect to spend the next hr patching and testing before playing...not 4-5 days trying to figure out what works and doesn't work or still suppoerted etc. Don't misunderstand, this is a not a poke at spellhold studios or G3 at all. While i can appreciate the work they've done on all of these mods that went into bgt, my experience with it wasn't pleasant.
I did try tutu once, but again, without spending hrs on the forums reading up on all the mods included in it my experience was better, but still not fully enjoyable as i kept dying outside candlekeep because of the bloody direwolf close to where gorion dies, and i wasn't 100% sure which mod did that so i could remove it and my post on SHS was never answered.
So my dilemna will be to choose between vanilla and EE once i actually find time to play it. Cheerios you crazy BG lovers you! (a good group of folks of which i too am as well lol).
I've used widescreen mod myself but it pretty ridiculous to claim that they are now some kind of norm as how the BG games should look like. Especially since you can even make BGEE very high res with the "big screen" if you so prefer.
I've used widescreen mod myself but it pretty ridiculous to claim that they are now some kind of norm as how the BG games should look like. Especially since you can even make BGEE very high res with the "big screen" if you so prefer.
You're totally right. You clearly have better insight in to what I meant than I could ever hope to have.
"I've used widescreen mod myself but it pretty ridiculous to claim that they are now some kind of norm as how the BG games should look like. ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU CAN EVEN MAKE BGEE VERY HIGH RES WITH THE "BIG SCREEN" IF YOU SO PREFER."
So, you can NORMally do that now with just the regular install of BG:EE. With no modding required at all? And it's not the NORM? ... You don't say...
"I've used widescreen mod myself but it pretty ridiculous to claim that they are now some kind of norm as how the BG games should look like. ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU CAN EVEN MAKE BGEE VERY HIGH RES WITH THE "BIG SCREEN" IF YOU SO PREFER."
So, you can NORMally do that now with just the regular install of BG:EE. With no modding required at all? And it's not the NORM? ... You don't say...
Oh man this thing seems to be stressing you out wayyyyyyyy too much. The point was that HD resolutions completely change the proportions of things. Obviously they wanted to keep about the same proportions as existed in the original game. Ie. the NPC in BG didn't look like tiny ants and they don't in BGEE either as the default option. If you want to change that there is option for it as well.
The default option of BG:EE also doesn't use the super zoomed in style that was linked in that picture, what's your point? So using the zoom in feature is considered more normal than using the zoom out feature? Why? Because you like it more?
BGEE fixes all of that nonsense and I am happy about it. Sure, there are mods, but I don't particularly like them, always checking for compatibility issues, always checking if I installed it in the right order, always checking if everything works as it should... it gets tiresome.
Besides, people always say "why should I pay for the EE if I can get it working on Tutu or Trilogy just as well?"
Well, initially - you're not gonna get the content the Enhanced Edition gets. No, I don't mean just the OFFICIAL content. I mean every single detail added through mods, that were impossible to make with the old stubborn, hard-coded version.
If someone makes a Sorcerer/Monk/Swashbuckler class mod, I'll install it the first day, I swear! XD
2. Vanilla
3. TuTu which can burn in the seventh layer of my anus
For now Vanilla ties with it for me, although BG:EE is a better game.
It's not a matter of what's better, it's a matter of what i prefer.
I won't play the game until then, even. /puts on Rambo headband and sits waiting patiently.
I didn't think i would have to be nostalgic of BG1 looks after BG:EE >_>
I for one would welcome it a lot if BG:EE could become the definitive version of Baldur's Gate. For that, however, it needs the original sprites, mod support and bugfixing. The latter is going on well, so I'm optimistic. My wish is that BG:EE does indeed feel enhanced, and only enhanced - not different, as @Metal_Hurlant pointed out. At the moment, it really is more like playing Baldur's Gate in BG2, not like playing Baldur's Gate period.
I did try tutu once, but again, without spending hrs on the forums reading up on all the mods included in it my experience was better, but still not fully enjoyable as i kept dying outside candlekeep because of the bloody direwolf close to where gorion dies, and i wasn't 100% sure which mod did that so i could remove it and my post on SHS was never answered.
So my dilemna will be to choose between vanilla and EE once i actually find time to play it. Cheerios you crazy BG lovers you! (a good group of folks of which i too am as well lol).