Touch Spells and Blunt Weapon Profiency

Chill touch and Ghoul Touch are based on Club weapon profiency (now that the Blunt Weapon Profiency is gone). If you spec in to quarterstaves, you receive a -5 penalty to thac0 when using touch spells as a pure mage. This is pretty crude, considering mages can't spec into clubs right now..
Is there a fix somewhere?
Is there a fix somewhere?
Just did a lot of testing and it seems like whenever you cast Ghoul Touch or Chill Touch, you receive a penalty (measurable) of -5 to your melee attacks, unless if you have points in Clubs. If you do (dual classed or fighter/mage), then you do hit quite well with Touch, considering it's got +2 hit on it.
It's more than just an UI bug. I think the BG1 functionality should be restored, as early game mages could use touch spells before magic missile scaling kicks in. Don't know if it's possible, but at least it should be Quarterstaves instead of Clubs..
Edit: Yea I was in the process of checking over proficiencies after I made the post.
I guess I would say get rid of the penalty to hit. Its not listed in the description and it seems odd that they would get it.
Xzar would like to have a word with you. Or rather he would except he and tiax are currently in an argument about who is crazier while you just walk by and turn them into rabbits.
edit: nevermind - i read that wrong. It's "Large Sword", and Long Sword is a separate proficiency. No clue what Large Sword is.
Incidentally, shocking grasp item uses the correct 'hand to hand' item type and thus does not impose non proficiency penalty. I edited chillt and ghoult items to 'hand to hand' type as well, and saved them into my override folder. They work correctly now in my game, granting +4 to hit as well, really helping the mage to actually touch their victims.
Umm, it was handled like this in my BGT game, but it is modded so heavily I am not sure about the vanilla behaviour intended by the designers. But it makes sense, everybody is proficient with punching, grabbing, slapping, touching etc. You do not suffer a minus to your hit roll when using punches, why should you suffer when you want to touch some one? (it's just that your hand is glowing with malevolent necrotic energy when using touch spells, is all.) That +4 bonus to hit is to compensate that in PnP touch spells ignore armor bonuses to target's AC, so I thought developers chose to simulate it this way.
Okay pure class/specialist mages may not have an opportunity to use touch spells much, but I can *definitely* see fighter/mages, thief/mages, cleric/mages and bards wanting to use them properly. Also, don't forget that all characters with low reputation can get some of these (vampiric touch only? or can thet also get ghoul touch) as innate abilities in the dream sequences.
At the moment there isn't much incentive, given that they're more likely to hit with whatever sword/mace etc. they're using...
Which spells would this cover - the current melee and magic manuals lists these offensive touch spells - there's the arcance spells chill touch, ghoul touch, vampiric touch and the priest spells cause serious wounds, cause critical wounds, slay living - are there any more (apart from Shocking Grasp, which sounds like its working as expected, unless this requires further testing?)
Also - what are the current proficiencies for: Melf's Minute Meteors, Magical Stone, Shillelagh (club?), Flame Blade (scimitar is implied), Spritual Hammer (presumably war hammers, but is it?) and what *should* they be, if different? Can a cleric/thief backstab with Shillelagh or Flame Blade (as a thief can with a club or scimitar(? All This has never been clear to me. Should I create a seperate thread for this question?