So, how do you romance Dorn?

It was pretty easy with Neera, but with Dorn...
I'm on chapter seven before going back to Baldur's Gate and up to "I wouldn't like him when he's angry" on the journal, finished his quest, yet there's been no sign of anything romance related happening. Guess I blew it eh?
I'm on chapter seven before going back to Baldur's Gate and up to "I wouldn't like him when he's angry" on the journal, finished his quest, yet there's been no sign of anything romance related happening. Guess I blew it eh?
But seriously, I don't remember anything else regarding that and I had him ever since the beginning of the game. Damn you Dorn, this is how you repay me for keeping you with my party even when all your HP rolls were the most disgusting crap possible, I think he has 30 at level 7.
But seriously, it's waaaaaay too subtle with Dorn, it might as well not be there at all.
About Dorn - that's actually the first "romance" I like. It's not cheesy and so far, it can be understood as a friendship. I don't think it's "too subtle" if people become friends before becoming lovers. That's pretty normal.
But yeah, nothing warm and/or fuzzy here :P