I didn't even notice that that was a hood in her BG2 portrait, the Miloch portrait makes that more obvious (although for a second I still wondered why her hair had a purple stripe in it).
Drow tend to have a dark brown to blackish skin (abit like black people in real life) and white/silver-coloured hair. I have never known them to have other characteristics than these and I honestly don't find Viconia with light blue skin very appealing. I think a combination of both the BG 1 and BG 2 portrait is best, as the picture posted in the comments above mine shows.
D&D artists and writers seem to have been confused about the actual look of the drow race for some time. I have seen many pics of them as black and blue, and I've read descriptions that have labeled them as both. I have always liked the more blackish skin, but meh.
Trying to understand the mind of a fantasy artist; I think the standard reasoning would be, despite what anyone else might think (about the subject matter), that "they did it because they thought it was hot." Take for example, Boris Vallejo. (I wouldn't advise googling him if you're at work)
Omg, thanks god I wasn't the only one. xD
Excuse me while I go back to Baldur's Date.com to find a suitable Viconia impersonate to bring to bed.
Or, you know, the portrait Immagikman posted.
Now this is more like it.
Moley Moley Moley... HUGE!!
btw I thought she was blonde too...