Future npcs

Some of the npcs in BG2 already broke the rules on racial class restrictions, so I'd personally like to see a halforc avenger or totemic druid, and a halfling jester.
What about you, what kind of npcs would you prefer to see added, if we're lucky enough to get a few more later on?
What about you, what kind of npcs would you prefer to see added, if we're lucky enough to get a few more later on?
@Aegir_Fellwood The only NPC that really 'broke the rules' was Aerie. Elfin Cleric/Mages don't exist, but then again players can't roll Avariel. Haer'Dalis doesn't count because he's a Tiefling. Everyone else is a legal class combo.
Staying on topic though, I've given it some thought! Wouldn't mind another Mage/Cleric multi-class companion. No idea which races can be that one. Always liked the idea of that class combo, gives access to pretty much every spell in the game. Versatility, woo! \o/ Could be a Mystra-worshipper or something.
But yeah, looking back, that was quite wrong. Though I would be fine seeing it re-done with Saerileth being, like, 20.
I also think it would be fun to have a party where all or most of the NPCs are other Bhaalspawn.
A NE human cleric / rogue. He will be a priest of Mask. And a romance option for female characters (apart from Dorn and Anoman).
A NE half drow Shadow Druid (which will also be a new kit for druids).
A CE half orc female Sorcerer.
Not sure if the Shadow Druid would work, though. Shadow Druids already exist in BG (Faldorn is one, right?), and they're neutral, just with more vengeance-oriented goals. You can make a shadow-druid in BG2, but I making an evil druid might not work under the rules and the bindings of Beamdog's contract. Plus, we already have a pureclass druid in Cernd.
How about a half-drow fighter/mage? It would make more sense given their race, and fighter/mages aren't represented at all in BG2 currently.
Fighter mage can be really awesome for evil group. Maybe he will even start with his own unique weapon and armor / robes.
Also an evil party on BGII will need more fighter types. Good party have: Minc, Keldorn, Valygar, Mazzy, and you can even add Jaheira.
Right now evil party will only have Dorn, Korgan, and on ToB Sarevok. So our fighter mage is a good addition, though I think we should have even another evil fighter. Maybe a barbarian.
As for what I want to see in BG2EE... mainly I just want the new NPCs to have the same amount (or MORE) content as the average party member in BG2. If it's just the same amount of new dialog and areas as BGEE, it won't really be worth it to use the new party members at all. A lot more banter, too, of course.
As far as particular kits are concerned.... well, I would like to see a Barbarian. And maybe a Kensai? I've always heard good things about Kensai and Monks, but I can never stand to roll as anything but Mage/Sorcerer. In terms of alignment, I say just keep whatever new NPCs there are neutral so they can fit into good or evil aligned parties. And maybe give them the option of shifting alignment to good or evil depending on the party's actions.
To your point of wanting new NPCs to have much more content, I'm quick to defend Saerileth because that mod added probably three times as much content as Dorn, Neera, and Rasaad combined. Seriously, it was enormous. That's the sort of new NPC I want to see.
Adding a barbarian NPC would be hard to do... we've already got Dorn as our half-orc, and not many other races make sense. It would have to be a radically displaced human from Icewind Dale, and then the comparisons to Wulfgar would be too obvious. And I'd picture a dwarf as being a berserker more than a barbarian. Maybe a Wild Elf?
LOL right
Also not all of the Uthgar barbarians are from that far from the north.
Or he can be a dark skinned barbarian from Chult, a warrior of Ubtao.
There's also a notorious lack of thieves in BG2, and while a cleric of mask/thief multi helps satisfy the gap, I'd still like to see an NPC thief in the BG series that's actually intended to backstab. It seems that most thieves I group with, and certainly the ones in BG2, are more ranged-oriented. An evil assassin NPC would be cool.
Maybe an evil Swashbukler who worked for the Black Talon merceneries and fled to join the Shadow Thieves when things got bad with his employers. Or even Husam himself, which helps you out in BG1 and tells you that he is a Shadow Thief. So he can be a joinable NPC in BG2.
An evil thief is a necessity, no doubt. These would be my interests:
a LE/NE Thief (probably Assassin?) -male
a LG Dwarf Cleric -male
a LN Dwarf Mage (probably Transmuter) -male
a CN Thief (dualled from a low level mage, or pure class) -male
a TN/CG Human Bard -female
a CG Elf -either
A pure class (or kitted) permanent thief in BG2:EE, and as a few have said, more evil PC's overall.
An Elven fighter/mage would be awesome, as would a Sorcerer or Barbarian NPC.
A Dwarf who is not a Fighter would be cool.
Maybe a LE Monk with some sort of new kit? Monk Kits in general would be welcome.
As for Husam, I don't recall him ever having any ties to the shadow thieves. I know he was a member of the baldur's gate thieve's guild and a former employee with the Iron Throne though... maybe I'm mistaken?