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Future npcs



  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    @Necroblivion Good thinking. I don't like the outdated concept in the Baldur's Gate series that evil necessarily means a mindless murderer. Whatever happened to manipulation and deceit? An evil bard would have promise, though unfortunately the only bard kit I'm interested in is a Blade and they're already represented.

    An evil sorcerer might also work in that role, but I don't see a half-orc fitting the bill. Maybe a Tiefling could work... or a Yuan-ti pureblood.
  • NecroblivionNecroblivion Member Posts: 210
    GoodSteve said:

    Madhax said:

    The only pure rogue is Yoshimo, and he doesn't last for long. So yeah, I really think a pure rogue will be a good idea.

    Maybe an evil Swashbukler who worked for the Black Talon merceneries and fled to join the Shadow Thieves when things got bad with his employers. Or even Husam himself, which helps you out in BG1 and tells you that he is a Shadow Thief. So he can be a joinable NPC in BG2.

    If Husam is the guy I'm thinking of, I'd have to kill him myself to shut up that chatter. It's funny initially, but wears thin fast. It would be like hanging out with Brad Pitt in character for Snatch all day.

    I do believe you're thinking of Narlen Darkwalk. He's the guy who gives you the two "bonus" missions in the thieve's guild. He talks in "Thieve's Cant" which I suppose is akin to the "Pikey" lingo Brad Pitt was using in Snatch.

    As for Husam, I don't recall him ever having any ties to the shadow thieves. I know he was a member of the baldur's gate thieve's guild and a former employee with the Iron Throne though... maybe I'm mistaken?
    Get to the end of the game and you will see. He will tell you to find him in a tavern and he will tell you that he is a Shadow Thief that came to investigate what is going on in Baldur's Gate. He is qute a cool character.

  • GoodSteveGoodSteve Member Posts: 607
    edited December 2012
    Ah yes, that's right. He mentions that after you speak with him again in the Elfsong tavern. I usually forgot to do so.

    I'm keen on the idea of a Neutral Evil Halfling Barbarian for BG2. Not all Barbarians must be uncouth and brutish though. This was demenstrated quite well by the Half-Orc barbarian in Neverwinter Nights.

    Barring that I think an Elf Figher/Thief or Mage/Thief with a personality akin to Elaith Craulnober could solve a lot of problems. You get a charming coniving and utterly coldhearted character to contrast the brutish and savage natures of Edwin, Korgan, and Sarevok AND you get a decent thief who can actually progress in their thieving skills throughout the game.
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    Um I want more pure mages. I mean sure in BG2:EE we'll have Neera, but that is still just Neera and Edwin, everyone else is either dual or multi. And if you don't want to play evil and you don't want to deal with the unpredictable nature of wild magic, you'd be out of luck. More mages, that's what we need.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Nalia and Imoen are practically pure mages, though. Their dual-classes hardly impede their mage leveling Nalia's especially since her rogue levels seem like more of a character background than an actual tactical decision. I wouldn't consider Anomen to be much less than a pure cleric, too.

    If we get a whole load of new NPCs, the sure, bring on a neutral mage. But if we're only getting three new NPCs, I would consider a single-class mage a waste of a slot.
  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
    I want a Orcish Thief/Thug of any alignment. No sissy human blood in this badboy. Or a half-ogre magi.

    A gnomish Fighter/Illusionist.

    How about A Cleric/Ranger or Druid/Mage?
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    BG2 needs a thief! I always went a thief because I knew the dire lack of them and missed those skills when I did not. A pure class or assassin would be my choice. Maybe even an elf there arn't that many pure elves in the games.

    Fighter/mage would be nice too and a cleric kit. Dwarf, hafling and elf with at least one of them evil is what i'd like to see.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    It would be incredibly rare to see a half-ogre or an orc partying up with the "normal" races. Probably more-so than seeing a drow.

    An NPC Cleric/Ranger would be nice; I often find myself playing one because you can't get that sort of role filled by an NPC. A druid mage is impossible, unfortunately.
  • NecroblivionNecroblivion Member Posts: 210
    The thing is that I fear that new characters won't be as full and awesome as the old BG2 characters. For example, to play BG2 with Jan Jansen in your party is a different game then playing without him. Most of the characters just add such an awesome flavor to the game.

    The devs will have to work really hard on Neera, Dorn and Raasad to bring them to the level of most of the BG2 characters. In BG1 they look awesome because the rest of the NPCs are silent. On BG2 they are far from silent.

    About new NPCs, yeah. I think an intelligent rogue and some spiritual or cunning barbarian will be a great additions.

    I also really like the idea of a bard character. An evil jester can be awesome.
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    A Wyrd (elf/ogre mage crossbreed) sorceress.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207

    The thing is that I fear that new characters won't be as full and awesome as the old BG2 characters.

    Is there reason to think Overhaul's new lot won't be as fleshed out though? The writing and dialogue, from what I've seen so far, is pretty good. Kinda hard to tell since they don't currently have as much banter/interjections as the old (BGII) cast, but I would assume they, and any new ones, can be brought up to BGII standards.
  • MordeusMordeus Member Posts: 460
    My dream NPC/Kit is a Shaman class to make up for the lack of choices for non-human or elf races.

    Where they are a less sophisticated Druid that cross over in some aspects to combat classes like Monks. They get access to divine magic of the Clerics and Druids, but are restricted from Cleric exclusive and Druid exclusive spells. Certain iconic spells like summon animals would be restricted too. The benefit of a Shaman would be that whilst they are restricted with spell selection, they would be allowed to memorise more spells than their Cleric or Druid counterparts. Kinda like the benefit of picking a sorcerer over a specialist mage.

    They would be only available to Half-Orcs, Dwarfs, Gnomes and Halfings. The more cultured races don't have the wild nature to be a Shaman, so they are restricted from doing so. Besides those races could always pick to be a Cleric or Druid and surpass what the Shaman could do with casting. The Shaman could even have their own version of the wizard's Find Familiar, where they would gain a Shaman Spirit that is dependant on what race they select. A catch about the Shaman's casting ability could be that it is tied to the Spirit. For example the Shaman Spirit needs to be present for the Shaman to cast magic, if it gets killed in battle then the Shaman's line to Divine magic is cut off until it resummons another Spirit.

    The NPC would be a Female Half-Orc Shaman who is caught between a coming of age decision between join human or half-orc divisions. When the player finds her she'd be lost alone on the outskirts of the city. Her quest line would have two outcomes, one being a successfully minor transition to society, the other being poisoned against humans. Her Shaman Spirit would be different from the usual player generated ones to reflect being caught at a crossroads. Her alignment would be True Neutral but player decisions would be able to change it to Good Neutral or Evil Neutral. She would also help fill the void of a good healer for BG2 and provide another non-human NPC choice.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    edited December 2012
    Most importantly, a single classed rogue. I don't care about his alignment, but I really *hate* multi/ dual classed rogues ]:< (or dual/ multi classed characters in general).

    Also more small folk, just Mazzy, Jan and Korgan are not enough.

    So, give Alora a reappearence as a joinable NPC!


    She would also serve good to make the game a bit lighter again, since Imoen turned all emo after the whole torture thingy. The procentual part of bitter past characters in BG2 is a lot higher than in BG1 over all (at least as far as it's mentioned).

    Aerie - Circusslave who's wings have been clipped
    Anomen - Abusive father and dead mother.
    Jaheira - Dead Husband
    Valygar - Dark family history that follows him
    Imoen - Torture, orphan and dead foster father. Oh yeah, possible rape-victim, her soul gets stolen and all sorts of awful stuff happend to her in general. Gosh BioWare, she was such a happy girl in the first game D:
    Viconia - Outcast and victim of racisim and fanatism. If it wasn't for Charname, she would be dead. Twice.
    Yoshimo - He's Irenecus' puppet. Nuff said.
    Sarevok - I think I don't have to mention all the crazy shit he went through oO
    Minsc - Gods now what all happend to him, but his best friend got tortured and killed right in front of him.

    Other characters also have their fare share of backpack to carry, but that's mostly their own fault (such as Cernd beeing a shitty father).

    Well, that would be 9 out of 17. ~53%

    Now for BG1:

    Khalid - Got tortured at took away a hefty trauma
    Kivan - Dead wife
    Shar-Teel - Douchebag father
    Viconia - See BG2

    I'm not quite sure, if Jaheira was there when Khalid got tortured, so I'll leave her out.

    That makes 4 out of 25. 16%

    BG1 - 16%
    BG2 - 53%

  • tyl998tyl998 Member Posts: 144
    edited December 2012
    Madhax said:

    tyl998 said:

    Madhax said:

    Tome said:

    I'd like to see a 15 year old female Paladin who speaks in Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe and suffers from obsession issues. She is also a romance option.


    I actually thought that mod was quite good. A good-aligned option to get to Spellhold, some cool new quests, getting to visit Sigil... Plus, I was like 16 when it was released, so the romance path wasn't weird for me =D

    But yeah, looking back, that was quite wrong. Though I would be fine seeing it re-done with Saerileth being, like, 20.

    What mod is this?
    The mod was called Saerileth, though I may be spelling the name incorrectly. Added in a 15-ish female paladin that is totally all over a male Charname's balls, much to the discomfort of some people who played it. I thoroughly enjoyed the added content, though, which included the above and more.
    This actually sounds awesome. I loved voiced acting in games, and I support anything that adds more...well...character to the non-playable characters in a game. I love personality and such and things that make the characters come to life. Think we can get this mod to work with BG2:EE?

    Although, I do have to wonder about how she starts off at level 10 at the tender age of 15.
  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598
    edited December 2012
    We need an elven thief in BG2. That's all we need!
    We already have a Bounty hunter, so we need an assasin or a swashbuckler.

    Maybe even an evil Elf.
    We only have 3 evil NPCs in BG2... We can't even form an evil party in BG2.
    I have a nice background story for that too.
    Like Zevran in DAO. He\she wants to kill us, but we can hire him\her instead. You can make him gay, doesn't matter :-)

    Dear Trent Oster, please read this post and make a notice somewhere:
    "Adding an evil elven thief to BG2:EE with 19 DEX."
    Thank you!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,748
    Just give us a thief. Evil thief is an option. Assasin is an option. Multiclass fighter-thief is an option. All we need is an ability to level this thief up till and into ToB. As it is now, ONLY Jan is a thief we can level up. It's not enough.
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    - a thief, assasin or swashbuckler.
    - fighter/mage would be quite interesting too. usually it's only the CHARNAME
    - Shaman kit mentioned above sounds fun. I loved the way the devs went against type with Mazzy for example. (no-nonsense halfling. that's unheard of) so maybe a neutral halfling berserker? dwarf mage? (I know that's not possible under normal rules-but think of the backstory that this one would have to have.)

    ...but please no Drows. Viconia was a good rare example. meeting Drizzt...twice...well..okay. but another Drow?
    Way too cluttered with them, don't you think?
  • valkyvalky Member Posts: 386
    DarkDogg said:

    We only have 3 evil NPCs in BG2... We can't even form an evil party in BG2.

    BG2 is weird concerning the NPC alignment, without some NPC-mods you have to fill in the spots with the neutral ones. I think most of latter don't complain, who is in your party.
    Else there are 7 (!) good / 6-1 neutral (-1 Yoshimo) / 3+1 Evil (+1 Sarevok) - that's no balance :)

    With 2 Fighters including ToB, an evil rogue would fit perfectly or a fallen Ranger, as evil is only allowed in 3.5ED.

  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330
    GoodSteve said:

    Dazzu said:

    Tome said:

    I'd like to see a 15 year old female Paladin who speaks in Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe and suffers from obsession issues. She is also a romance option.


    It's good, but it's missing something. She needs to be chosen by a god, have the ability to die from heartbreak, or leave you if you don't take a new super-cheesy path to Spellhold... oh and you can't romance her with less than 16 natural CHR. I think we have GOLD!

    @Aegir_Fellwood The only NPC that really 'broke the rules' was Aerie. Elfin Cleric/Mages don't exist, but then again players can't roll Avariel. Haer'Dalis doesn't count because he's a Tiefling. Everyone else is a legal class combo.
    True but Minsc is still an illegal ranger since his wisdom is so low.
    I never understood why Minsc isn't a barbarian or berserker...

    Ranger just makes no sense for him..
    Btw kivan > minsc :)

  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330

    Um I want more pure mages. I mean sure in BG2:EE we'll have Neera, but that is still just Neera and Edwin, everyone else is either dual or multi. And if you don't want to play evil and you don't want to deal with the unpredictable nature of wild magic, you'd be out of luck. More mages, that's what we need.

    Yes.. i'm running through both games as a chaotic good cleric/ranger, and while i could grab Edwin cus my charisma is pretty high.. I'd rather have someone who isn't a douche towards me.

    As for neera...

    Wild surges are not my thing... i'm using her now because my only other option is dynaheir and what good is a mage in BG1 if they cant cast sleep? :O
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    Actually....according to the players hand book, a Druid/mage, ranger/druid, Fighter/Mage/Druid are perfectly legal multiclasses for a half-elf (and only a half-elf).
  • MessiMessi Member Posts: 738
    valky said:

    DarkDogg said:

    We only have 3 evil NPCs in BG2... We can't even form an evil party in BG2.

    BG2 is weird concerning the NPC alignment, without some NPC-mods you have to fill in the spots with the neutral ones. I think most of latter don't complain, who is in your party.
    Else there are 7 (!) good / 6-1 neutral (-1 Yoshimo) / 3+1 Evil (+1 Sarevok) - that's no balance :)

    With 2 Fighters including ToB, an evil rogue would fit perfectly or a fallen Ranger, as evil is only allowed in 3.5ED.

    Exactly. So with BG2EE it would be 8 good, / 7-1 neutral / 5+1 evil, ie. just enough for full evil party with evil PC. Evil rogue plx Overhaul. :)

  • AndrasteAndraste Member Posts: 78
    I'd be happy if they added two pure class rogues to BG2 - one Good and one Evil. There need to be more Evil NPCs in general, but I'd like the option of having a pure rogue in a Good party without playing as one. I'd also like to see a Barbarian and a Sorcerer, of any race and alignment. Cleric/Ranger has always seemed like a cheesy combination to me, but a Fighter/Mage would be fun.

  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    ~ Chaotic Neutral female Svirfneblin Barbarian. Of course, she should be whielding a special gnomish steampunk halberd created by Jan Jansen.

    ~ Shizophrenic Neutral Evil male Duergar Oozemaster (a much needed druid kit :P ). He should possess a unique slimy tentacle club with tentacle animation. Have I ever mentioned that I like tentacles?

    ~ Xzar's little sister, a wererabbit.
  • ArcticArctic Member Posts: 76
    Tome said:

    I'd like to see a 15 year old female Paladin who speaks in Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe and suffers from obsession issues. She is also a romance option.


    only if the girl romance dont include sex, as it will be illegal in some countries , even in a videogame
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,607
    More hot drow babes. Doesn't matter what class they are, just make them hot. ;)
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    How about adding a Siren as an NPC or a character from some other race that currently as no NPCs?
  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
    ARKdeEREH said:

    How about adding a Siren as an NPC or a character from some other race that currently as no NPCs?

    Gnoll Archer... yes Gnolls can roll rangers!

  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    Ubtao Barbarian from Chult would be very, very interesting.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Dazzu said:

    ARKdeEREH said:

    How about adding a Siren as an NPC or a character from some other race that currently as no NPCs?

    Gnoll Archer... yes Gnolls can roll rangers!

    A female, six-breasted, romanceable Gnoll ranger? Hell yes!!!

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