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Best dual weild combinations for BG1

I'm thinking Scimitar is probably the best bet (If you kill Drizzt) ...but there is the Hammer +2, Longsword +2, and the Staff Mace +2 and the Short Sword +3...also there's a magic Scimitar +2 too....hrmn. Thoughts?


  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    Stupifer Mace main-hand, dagger of venom off-hand.
  • PsychoblondePsychoblonde Member Posts: 14
    I was going to say--there are some nice daggers in the game, particularly that dagger of venom. I'm doing a fighter/thief dual-class with 2 daggers (dagger of venom and heart of the golem), which is working quite nicely. She kicks out a lot of damage very quickly.
  • OurQuestIsVainOurQuestIsVain Member Posts: 201

    Stupifer Mace main-hand, dagger of venom off-hand.

    Very nice. If I had a little more forethought I would have went with this for my half-orc barbarian. Right now I'm using Longsword +2 main and Stupifier Mace in my off hand. I also have the longsword that does extra damage to undead and the fire longsword that is good against regen creatures just so I have options depending on the situation I'm in. I gotta say though, that dagger of venom is very powerful and I wish I woulda thought of that during char creation.

  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438
    edited December 2012
    My Fighter's using Varscona (Long Sword +2, +1 ice damage) and Harrower (Long Sword +1/+3 versus Undead). Not the best combination...

    Now, heart of the Golem and Dagger of Venom sounds like a nice combination, so does The Stupefier and Dagger of Venom... +1s for you, ZanathKariashi and Psychoblonde!
    Bala's Axe and Golden Axe, maybe?
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416

    My guy's using Varscona (Long Sword +2, +1 ice damage) and Harrower (Long Sword +1/+3 versus Undead).

    I'm using exactly the same with my F/T. Rock on.

    There aren't nearly as many weapons with unique effects in BG1 as there are in BG2, so the concept of "combos" doesn't have much room for discussion as I see it. It really comes down to maximizing damage output more than anything. That said, I do value weapons with extra elemental damage like Varscona for the purpose of bypassing Stoneskin, so if I had a similar weapon for the offhand I'd use that.

    I might have liked the Dagger of Venom in the offhand, but I started putting points into Scimitar instead since I intend to take the character through BG2 eventually. Maybe I'll put a single point in dagger anyway for BG1.

  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330
    edited December 2012
    I'm doing a duel-wielding cleric/ranger MC so unfortunately i can't use any daggers or Long swords :( so i guess the best i can hope for is a mace+2/Morningstar +1. My assassin however (evil playthrough) loves the dagger of venom
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    The stupifier is basically a poor mans FoA or definitely main hand worthy, unless you need to hit something with a higher enhancement requirement, or you only have 1 base attack, in which case main or off-hand won't actually matter as much.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    I have my swashbuckler use a +2 long sword and the Heart of the Golem at the moment. Getting some decent kills with this combination.
  • CyricistCyricist Member Posts: 61
    I've always liked using Varscona +2 and Ashideena (sp?) +2, the Longsword you get from Greywolf, and the Warhammer you get from Bassilus, respectively.
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    Coolest looking Varscona+Dagger of venom, Most usefull The stupifier,dagger of venom.
  • KomarrKomarr Member Posts: 80
    I dual long sword and war hammer with an eye towards BG2. Plenty of good long swords + Crom Freyr= THUMP!
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    Drizzt +3 scimitars x 2 that you can steal from him with a pnj with 50% pickpocket ;-)
  • Don't do what I did and try to dual-wield katanas. With only one magical katana in the game (and that being a generic +1), it's a little lackluster ;)

    I think everyone's hit on the good combinations. I will point out for @Riolathel that there is a +2 Flail in the game now, so if you're angling for dual-wielding flails in BG2, you've got that option.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Madhax said:

    My guy's using Varscona (Long Sword +2, +1 ice damage) and Harrower (Long Sword +1/+3 versus Undead).

    I'm using exactly the same with my F/T. Rock on.

    There aren't nearly as many weapons with unique effects in BG1 as there are in BG2, so the concept of "combos" doesn't have much room for discussion as I see it. It really comes down to maximizing damage output more than anything. That said, I do value weapons with extra elemental damage like Varscona for the purpose of bypassing Stoneskin, so if I had a similar weapon for the offhand I'd use that.

    I might have liked the Dagger of Venom in the offhand, but I started putting points into Scimitar instead since I intend to take the character through BG2 eventually. Maybe I'll put a single point in dagger anyway for BG1.
    Pretty Much the same for me, I'm running an elf fighter/mage through BG1, my progression has gone:

    Level 1
    Longswords **
    Two Handed Weapon style *

    Level 3 (up to this point I was not actually dual-wielding, but using a sword and shield_

    Longswords **
    Two Handed Weapon style ***

    level 6
    Longswords **
    Two Handed Weapon style **
    Katanas? * or Scimitars? *

    I've also been using the long bow of marksmanship (+3 THAC0) without a bow proficiency, which is fine, as with the elf +1 THAC0 bonus on top, and only losing -1 for being non-proficient in a weapon as a fighter, I still hit often.

    I'm currently only level 3/3, but already wondering which weapon to take for my last proficiency - will either be Katanas or Scimitars - not so much for BGEE but for BG2EEE, as want to keep the same proficiencies for RP reasons. There's a Scimitar in BG2 that can give you an extra attack per round (always with the main hand weapon, even if the scimitar is in the off hand), which is cool, although there's also a katana that gives you extra 1-4th level spells, which is v.tempting for a fighter/mage!

    BTW for those trying to dual wield with more than one weapon type in BG1, are you only putting one point into each weapon, otherwise I don't see how you have enough proficiency points, unless doing some kind of dual-classing exploit?
  • BTW for those trying to dual wield with more than one weapon type in BG1, are you only putting one point into each weapon, otherwise I don't see how you have enough proficiency points, unless doing some kind of dual-classing exploit?

    The way I'm doing it is:

    Level 1: spend 2 pips in a weapon, 2 pips in two-weapon style.
    Level 3/6: 2 more pips in another weapon.

    But then I've been playing multiclass fighters as opposed to single class, so I don't have the option of going for High Mastery in a weapon.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Melf's Minute Meteors and the Dagger of Venom.


    Am I doing it right?
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Kaigen said:

    BTW for those trying to dual wield with more than one weapon type in BG1, are you only putting one point into each weapon, otherwise I don't see how you have enough proficiency points, unless doing some kind of dual-classing exploit?

    The way I'm doing it is:

    Level 1: spend 2 pips in a weapon, 2 pips in two-weapon style.
    Level 3/6: 2 more pips in another weapon.

    But then I've been playing multiclass fighters as opposed to single class, so I don't have the option of going for High Mastery in a weapon.
    Me too, but what's the point in using an off-weapon in BG1 with only 2 pips in dual wield, you get -4 to hit and it's not like you get any other bonuses from using the off-hand weapon like you do with many BG2 ones. Better to focus on one weapon and 3 points in dual wield initially IMHO if you want to go the dual-wield route

  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Pantalion said:

    Melf's Minute Meteors and the Dagger of Venom.


    Am I doing it right?

    Can you still use the exploit where if you had a melee weapon in your off-hand when attacking with the Minute Meteors then that weapon could attack at range? Very cheesy, but could be entertaining with the dagger of venom!
  • Kaigen said:

    BTW for those trying to dual wield with more than one weapon type in BG1, are you only putting one point into each weapon, otherwise I don't see how you have enough proficiency points, unless doing some kind of dual-classing exploit?

    The way I'm doing it is:

    Level 1: spend 2 pips in a weapon, 2 pips in two-weapon style.
    Level 3/6: 2 more pips in another weapon.

    But then I've been playing multiclass fighters as opposed to single class, so I don't have the option of going for High Mastery in a weapon.
    Me too, but what's the point in using an off-weapon in BG1 with only 2 pips in dual wield, you get -4 to hit and it's not like you get any other bonuses from using the off-hand weapon like you do with many BG2 ones. Better to focus on one weapon and 3 points in dual wield initially IMHO if you want to go the dual-wield route

    An extra attack is an extra attack, and with a high strength and enough magical items, you can easily compensate for that -4 THAC0. It comes down to preference: +2 THAC0 on the off-hand vs. the added flexibility of being able to use two weapon types equally well. There aren't that many weapon types in BG1 that get more than one weapon with +2 enchantment or better (dagger, short sword, scimitar is it as far as I can tell), so if you want to dual wield +2 or better weapons and don't want to use one of those weapon types, it can look like a viable option.

  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Kaigen said:

    Kaigen said:

    BTW for those trying to dual wield with more than one weapon type in BG1, are you only putting one point into each weapon, otherwise I don't see how you have enough proficiency points, unless doing some kind of dual-classing exploit?

    The way I'm doing it is:

    Level 1: spend 2 pips in a weapon, 2 pips in two-weapon style.
    Level 3/6: 2 more pips in another weapon.

    But then I've been playing multiclass fighters as opposed to single class, so I don't have the option of going for High Mastery in a weapon.
    Me too, but what's the point in using an off-weapon in BG1 with only 2 pips in dual wield, you get -4 to hit and it's not like you get any other bonuses from using the off-hand weapon like you do with many BG2 ones. Better to focus on one weapon and 3 points in dual wield initially IMHO if you want to go the dual-wield route

    An extra attack is an extra attack, and with a high strength and enough magical items, you can easily compensate for that -4 THAC0. It comes down to preference: +2 THAC0 on the off-hand vs. the added flexibility of being able to use two weapon types equally well. There aren't that many weapon types in BG1 that get more than one weapon with +2 enchantment or better (dagger, short sword, scimitar is it as far as I can tell), so if you want to dual wield +2 or better weapons and don't want to use one of those weapon types, it can look like a viable option.

    Okay, so say you're dual-wielding a +2 longsword and a +1 longsword in the off-hand, with 2 points in long swords and with 3 points in dual wielding, that gives you +3 THACO in the main hand and +0 THACO in the off-hand (excluding any other bonuses)

    Alternatively, you could dual wield a +2 longsword and a +2 scimitar (which you don't get until very late in the game without cheesing it), with 2 points in each and 2 points in dual wielding this gives you +3 THACO in the main hand and -1 THACO in the off-hand, the only benefit over the previous example is that you get an extra +1 damage with the off-hand (if you hit)

    I quite like the idea of the dual-wielding the (+2) dagger of venom and (+2) heart of the golem, mind, for a fighter/thief that would be quite cool

  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    Personally I'm going dual scimitars on my fighter/thief multi and not pickpocketing Drizzt. There are 2 Rashad's talon +2 Scimitars ingame now, both available before Baldur's Gate. While they lack immunities, procs or elemental damage they're pretty solid. Dual scimitars is also a good setup for BG2 as Belm is the daddy and Usuno's Blade is obtainable pretty early if you're willing to step into Watcher's Keep.
  • RafaelRafael Member Posts: 26
    I have already finished the game on normal dificulty with a kensai (katana) - i will dual to thief BG2
    This post made me create a dual dagger figther/ - i really liked the concept
    i am replaying the game on insane now and with a good party this time
  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330
    @kaigen.. Yeah im a cleric/ranger with 2 in maces and 2 in flails..

    I notice Morningstars have the best damage output for any blunt weapon.. even with normal weapons my character dishes out some major dps.

    Where can i find this mystical flail+2? i found the +1 but i gave it to my fighter cus his thac0 sucks
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    The flail +2 is sold for a tidy sum at Sorcerous Sundries, the one-stop shop for all your adventuring needs. Until the Adventurer's Mart, at least.
  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330
    ah ok. This is my first playthrough with a flail user.. last time i ran through the game with a transmuter and Branwen was my only blunt weapon user
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    Ribald Barterman at your service
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    Aside from Celestial Fury it seems to me that Scimitars really have Katana's beat for damage / versatility, even then as good as CF is...I'd almost rather have something else like Flail of the Ages or Usano's Blade....
  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438
    Madhax said:

    My guy's using Varscona (Long Sword +2, +1 ice damage) and Harrower (Long Sword +1/+3 versus Undead).

    There aren't nearly as many weapons with unique effects in BG1 as there are in BG2, so the concept of "combos" doesn't have much room for discussion as I see it. It really comes down to maximizing damage output more than anything. That said, I do value weapons with extra elemental damage like Varscona for the purpose of bypassing Stoneskin, so if I had a similar weapon for the offhand I'd use that.
    This +1~ It's always nice to be hitting a stoneskinned mage with a weapon like that... Like, the blow connects and they're casting their spell, but it does nothing..."oh wait, I disrupted your spell. :3".
  • and_then_orand_then_or Member Posts: 107
    it's hamma time

    figher / cleric w/ pips in morning stars and hammers. Str 19 + holymight and you turn into Vickers from District 9 (bad guys just splode)
  • SuiiSuii Member Posts: 19
    Where do you find the stupifier?
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