Characters you wished you knew more about!
Which characters you wished you knew more about their story? you wished they would talk more and explain more?
For me its the relationship between Xzar and Monty. How they met eachother? what is their mission? are they truely friends?
Also I would like to know more about Viconia. How she found Shar? why she's on the surface?
For me its the relationship between Xzar and Monty. How they met eachother? what is their mission? are they truely friends?
Also I would like to know more about Viconia. How she found Shar? why she's on the surface?
Actually, her story is so sad and terrifying that you might wonder why is she trusting you so much. Or think about what would happen with her if things turned out even worse.
I'd like to hear more of Edwin, Kivan and Kagain. Maybe Alora too.
...and less about Aerie. She whines too much...
I'd also like to see more about Khalid and Jaheira's relationship.
Shar-Teel too. I mean, her backstory is actually a really cool concept and I wish they'd fleshed it out more.
...And also what I would give to see some REAL character development from Skie. She'd actually be a pretty interesting character if she didn't stay the same spoiled whiny rich girl the entire time. Traveling would change her. Make her a little wiser, maybe. I wanna see that happen.
I'd welcome more development of Montaron and Xzar too but one thing is clear, they're not friends.
Of the BG1 crew I'd love to see more with Safana. Her background seems pretty rich with adventure potential and tales (both true and not). The Sword Coast could always use more Pirate tales.
Xan would be another fun one to learn about, also Kagain since I like his voice. Tranzig turned her to stone silly. She was hired by the bandits plagueing the sword coast, but she didnt know they were bandits. On her first raid she wouldn't harm innocents so Tranzig turned her to stone. I believe she has dialogue with him when you fight him, he is the mage in Bergost you kill before the bandit camp. Maybe you need the NPC project mod, Im not sure.
Oh and I want to know about Korax the ghoul! Why is he so nice?
Also Gorion in his younger years, specifically his relationship with your mother, he says in his letter he was her dear friend and occasional lover, that sounds like some juicy gossip for sure.
Also, Tamoko and Sarevok. It takes a certain kind of woman to see a man proclaim himself to be the next god of murder through the slaughter of thousands (if not millions) and still believe he's a good man under all of it. I'd like to know what she saw.
I'd very much like to know how they became who they are
I remember in BG2 Sarevok mentions burying Tamoko somewhere and talking about how she was his true love, so he must have had a soft side. But I would like the whole story as well. I always liked her character. Actually I think I liked most of Sarevok's crew. Mulahey, Tranzig, Tazok and Angelo were all good characters, also that random who is dieing at the end of the thief maze. Not sure about Sumaj, I never really understood who he was and why he came in to the battle behind you and why Sarevok didnt even mention him when he called his other troops to battle.
I'd like to know more about the spectator beholder. And the low-level party from the Bronze Pantalettes quest from TOB. How did they survive in that dungeon anyway? Oh, and Winthrop... how did he become such an expert on elven arses? What is he not telling us?
Tamoko and Sarevok met years earlier while he was stationed as a Liaison from the Iron Throne (they're primarily a merchant organization, but do dabble in blackmarket things on the side) negotiating a trade deal in Kara-tur, they bonded over time and fell in love, and when he returned Baldur's Gate he brought her with him. However, during the following time period he allowed the Bhaal-taint to seep in further poisoning his mind which is why by the end of the game he's become callous and evil even concerning her. Much like a battered spouse however, no matter how badly he treated her, she continued to hold out to the memory of the man she fell in love with and continually tried to justify all his actions by the tragedies in his upbringing, desperately hoping she could change and save him.
(the above scenarios are based on statements from the developer's intentions, woven with bits of information mentioned by various characters and journal sources, and a dash of educated conjecture to link them into a portrait of what may have happened)
You have just blown my mind.
Currently it doesn't feel nearly enough like walking through a giant ego trip of someone repeating their life story at you over and over, level by level. What about shoe size? Did he like to wear hats? What was his middle name? I'm sure more can be squeezed in there somehow!
Bg2: saemon havarian, the gnome kalah (even with the "what he was promised" mod) and the crypt king. Always thought those characters deserved more backstory.
Xan is another I'd love to know more about and how/why he is the way he is, what he's seen and been through and his philosophies.
Alora. Adorbs and cheery as she may be, I'd like to know her background and what had her venture into this life of pseudo-crime (since she likes to look at what people have and not necessarily steal...). I'd like to see the flaws and darker humanistic sides to her too. Just being 'cheery and happy' all the time isn't a full character.
Minsc. For all we have with him and talk to him, I feel like I don't really know enough of him. His culture and his views and his goals. Being comedic relief is grand, and there may be hints of more serious conversations/epiloguestuff, but I want to have that interactive learning and dialogues and deeper connection with 'em.
BTW there is an excellent mod that tries to follow through where gaps exist called Unfinished Business. Check it out - available at