Do I need a healer?

I've never played BG1 before. Played BG2 but that's much higher level so things are a bit different.
Do I need a healer in my group of six? I've got a mage, thief, fighter, fighter druid (Jahiera is my out of combat healer), ranger, and _______. I'm also taking suggestions on what else to add!
While I'm here, can I load Jahiera up with the heaviest of armour and shields despite being part druid? If I don't plan on sneaking, can I give Minsc the heaviest of armour?
Do I need a healer in my group of six? I've got a mage, thief, fighter, fighter druid (Jahiera is my out of combat healer), ranger, and _______. I'm also taking suggestions on what else to add!
While I'm here, can I load Jahiera up with the heaviest of armour and shields despite being part druid? If I don't plan on sneaking, can I give Minsc the heaviest of armour?
Armoring up Minsc is also reccomended. He never really should have been a ranger.
EDIT: Though I agree with CutlassJack, Jaheira tends to do just fine with healing up my entire party in combat and out of combat. I have over 24 potions in my quickslot because I never need to use them (thank you Jaheira).
Sneaking with Minsc just feels wrong to me, and I always play him in the heaviest plate armor I can find. That said, I'm assuming your thief is Imoen. If you want to wholly disregard her stealth abilities in favor of lockpicking and trap-disarming, you could potentially have Minsc remove his armor for scouting expeditions. I forget how high his stealth ability gets, but having a scout can be very useful. He can always come back to the party, don his plate, and then rush in headlong with the rest.
In my current party my halfling barbarian is the scout. He just runs ahead and starts attacking whatever party he's invited himself to, while the others halfway across the map race to get in their bowshots and spells if anything's left alive by the time they get there.
I don't really get the "no healing in combat" advice. I've never had a problem with it. Healing spells are fairly slow and there's always a chance of loosing the spell. Soooo, invest in some good armor for your healer(s) and don't worry about it. Clerics and Druids have pretty limited offensive potential anyway, so its not a big deal to have them heal or buff (Bless, Chant or something) during battle. Potions are expensive, I hate to waste them if I don't need to.
I'd also add; a paladin's "Lay on Hands" ability and the Bahlspawn cure light wounds power seem to have MUCH faster casting times than the cleric spells. That makes them extra useful in a combat situation.
I wasn't assuming the OP's alignment, so they might have Larloch's instead of Cure Light (which helps them, but not able to heal others with it).
Potions are expensive, but you do find A LOT. I am in Chapter 6 now, and have more than 24 potions of healing (I have used maybe 4 or 5?) just from finding them as I haven't shopped for them (I spent my money on a few expensive trinkets at High Hedge). And even with the best armor, healers can sometimes be hit. Eventually, even the best AC still gets disrupted by a lucky hit, or by a simple magic missile.
He's gotta be sure and he's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life
I need a healer, I'm holding out for a healer 'till the end of the night
Ahem... I find Jaheira's healing skills coupled with my guy's cure light wounds ability very sufficient. If things get really ugly, I still have healing potions in store.
A cleric (I used Branwen) in addition to Jaheira is supremely useful, not for the healing spells per se but for the awesomely useful utility spells. Remove Fear. Silence 10' Radius. Animate Dead. Remove Paralysis. Hold Person, the greatest of all debuff spells! All fantastic, and all unavailable to Druids in 2nd Edition for some reason.
At 5th level, a Druid gets their first decent damage spell, Call Lightning..that only works outdoors... and Hold Animal...which only works on normal and giant animals, specifically excluding all the dangerous animals like Wyverns, Ankhegs, Sword/Phase Spiders, etc. What kind of crappy party can't kill a Cave Bear or Huge Spider at level 5 just by auto-attacking? Maybe a party full of 2nd edition druids!
At least Jaheira is a fighter as well!
As for the rest, yeah I agree.
I used to use Viconia as a healbot back when BG first came out, but then I tried soloing a cleric. You'll get much better results by using your cleric or druid's spell slots to disable your enemies or buff your allies. Remember, if the benefits of your Bless spell result in a battle ending just one round earlier, you very well may have saved your party more total hit points than a Cure Light Wounds would restore.
But I would still say they are offensively the weakest of the classes. And I think its tactically short sighted to dismiss healing magic as a viable part of your team package. Its often advisable to keep your tank bashing heads and not wasting an action to drink a potion while the cleric heals, or neutralizes poison, or cures some other condition.
Its fine to have favorite strategies and tactics for dealing with enemies. But the best defense is not ALWAYS a good offense. Sometimes its more valuable to aid a team-mate. And I think that is the greatest strength of Clerics and Druids, keeping the team on its feet so the more offensively capable characters can, well, be offensive.
Also, I think that a Cleric/Druid can have some healing spells prepped and still be effective. I am not saying only prepare healing spells, I am saying that having a few prepped can save you in an emergency.
Also, at low levels when a Cure Light Wounds can fully heal (or near enough) a party member from near death: I think I prepared the right spell for the day.
I'm not sure which characters you are using, besides Jahiera, but if the fighter in your group is anyone but Kagain I'd suggest taking Yeslick once you get to the cloakwood mines. He's a fighter/cleric so he'll be good on the frontline, will fill the gaps in your divine casting and gets a groovey innate ability to cast dispel magic once per day for free! Just make sure you don't have Kagain, he wont get along with him at all.
GoodSteve I completely agree about Yeslick, he's a very useful character. Both as a healer and a second line tank. I have often kept Branwen around just until I got to Yeslick when I swapped them out. One nice thing about getting to him late, you'll be earning a lot more experience at that point, which helps with a multi-class character like him. It also helps that cleric is an easy xp table.
Druids have access to the BG2 spell pool now. A single-class druid is EASILY the best divine spellcaster possible. They can do things clerics can't do, and the one thing clerics can do you already mentioned: it can be relegated to an arcane caster. All I ever have prepared at level 2 is hold person and web anyway.
Only counts for straight regular druids, though. Hitting level 5 divine spells is a huge advantage over clerics but they lose that if they multi-class.
That said, clerics/druids are completely worth bringing for reasons other than their healing spells. It doesn't hurt to memorize one or two but in D&D throughout time healing spells just aren't generally that great until you get Heal, at which point you don't even need anything else. Potions/wands ahoy!
I would have to admit as an old school AD&D gamer I very much enjoy the balance of having all four major professions in my party and balancing all their different strengths. I did once complete the game with a party of three (a Ranger/Cleric, a Fighter/Cleric and Imoen dualed to Mage) which was also a ton of fun. But I usually prefer a full, balanced party of six. The interactions if not just personalities, but very different abilities is very satisfying.