by vicky_yarova by alanpaints by madam-maria by iannessom by LarryWilson by Amanda-Kihlstrom by TheWildGrape by Marcel-Mercado also by Marcel-Mercado by caiomm by Fetsch by Neferu
by caiomm by iamllanas by kerembeyit also by kerembeyit by Conceptopolis also by Conceptopolis and also by Conceptopolis and also by Conceptopolis by wjh3 by FredHooper by FreShPAiNt by BenWooten
by Aegileif by lorraine-schleter by avisnocturna by PierluigiAbbondanza by Neferu by In2Eternity by nathaliagomes by AnthonyFoti by feliciacano by Gaiasangel also by Gaiasangel by Lothrean (Wouldn't you love an NPC that looked like this?!)
by Lothrean by Tokala by Agregor by SebastianWagner by gaiasangel also by gaiasangel also by gaiasangel by Lothrean by Ranarh by KenKokoszka by BunnyValtir by PoeBlack
by Lugas by GodofBadWeather by Heylenne by VargasNi by LoranDeSore by Thylrienn also by Thylrienn by Suzanne-Helmigh by Saskia-Ithiur by Fuuryoku by Showmeyourmoves by Guzzardi
by Tench by Gido by Caleandra by razwit by Akeiron by RaffaeleMarinetti by GaiasAngel also by GaiasAngel by henning by DavidGaillet by Mariana-Viera by LASAHIDO
by intrecciafoglie by Venlian by Omupied by Devoratus by Azeltas by Bertuccio by Sirinne also by Sirinne by ElifSiebenPfeiffer by Thaldir by Ayyasap by Luxguvo
by Showmeyourmoves by MagusFerrox by Erickenji by Gworld by Bobgreyvenstein by WorldsofMagic by Manweri by AvisNocturna by SebastianWagner by JasonJuta by BrittMartin by Noiprox- Two thieves for the Price of one!
by barn-swallow by MatthiasFahlberg by bloodyBarbarian by Suc-of by White70ws by Chrisnfy85 by ChrisRa by Thebastardson by GuzBoroda by dleoblack also by dleoblack by IgorLevchenko
by davislim by alexstoneart also by alexstoneart by DavidDeb by msstein0 by AkaruiMiho by ElsaKroese by bayardwu by Steves3511 by Elistraie by dasinvaine by AaronMiller
by DNA-1 also by DNA-1 by Smolin by BenWooten by DavidRapozaArt by ertacaltinoz by KariChristensen by BenWooten by dangercook by DominicMasloArt by mashakrol
I was looking for pictures of badass jesters to go with my character Veraka. I couldn't find one using a longbow or a two-handed sword, so I went with a spellcasting one instead. Credit goes to YngvarAsplund at DeviantArt here:
by AshleyCope by JaneMere by lyancary-stock by Zeronis also by Zeronis by dustsplat by Xtreme1992 by NeFreet also by NeFreet by Lukecfc by faxtar by smojojo
by Dr-Salvador by lusie by Ros-Kovac by Taurina by LinzArcher by Ellvalin by Salacia-of-Vanadiel by Whiteshaix by Werlioka by ertacaltinoz by Kaelhiar by FrankVenice
by Heylenne by Maria-Sandary by AsgardNorth by Dimeolas7 by Emortal982 by Azzedar-san also by Emortal982 (Ooh, Oi!) by Eckko by CEACHESE by Crowsrock by ianessom by PierLuigiAbbondanza
@LadyRhian How are you feeling? Your absence is starting to worry me.
Anyway, since you're apparently on hiatus, I figured I might fill in and post some of my favorite portraits that I've come across. These are posted in the "Alternate NPC..." thread, but I figured that by posting them here as well, I would bring them to a wider audience.
I knew him Horatio.
And I can't do any more right now.
By orihimeyza at deviantart (self picture).
Anyway, since you're apparently on hiatus, I figured I might fill in and post some of my favorite portraits that I've come across. These are posted in the "Alternate NPC..." thread, but I figured that by posting them here as well, I would bring them to a wider audience.
By TiaxRulesAll:
By Isandir:
By Syntia13: