Know Bugs and Issues with BG:EE iPad

UPDATE 12/12: I'm adding a link to Shandyr's more generic "Bugs" post in the base "BG:EE" forum. This includes a pretty comprehensive list of bugs for the game, many of which are issues with all platforms. Don't worry about duplicating reports, that thread is pretty full.
UPDATE 12/18: I'm adding a "RECOMMENDED READING" section to this post since we don't have alot of stickies.
If you have questions, check out the following threads which are definitive HOWTOs for the various topics. These should all be (and hopefully eventually will be) pinned.
* Baldur's Gate Manual / Documentation
* How to Use Custom Portraits -
* How to Transfer Saves From the PC Version to the iPad Version -
* How to Get Shadowkeeper to Work with BG:EE -
* What kinds of Modifications to BG:EE Work on the iPad and What Doesn't Work?
* Do cheats work on the iPad?
* Can I create a Custom Party like in IWD (Icewind Dale?):
* (NEW: 9/7) How can I make other languages work on my iPad? (Requires JailBreaking the Device).
* (NEW: 10/31) Modding on the iPad without Jailbreak: Override Folder Working other than dialog.tlk:
I'm going to take my own advice and start a Known / Reported Bugs list here. This thread
is intended to help the developers of BG:EE for the iPad with a quick place to find what
bugs are affecting this release. The more cluttered this thread gets, the less useful it
is going to be, so PLEASE read and follow the "suggested rules" below.
BG:EE VERSION: 1.0.2007 (BUILD 2009)
Thread Updated As of: 12/12/2012
1) PLEASE DO NOT POST COMMENTARY TO THIS THREAD. If you want discussion on whether
something is or is not a bug, please post a new thread on it. If you see a bug
listed here, however, it's probably known and is being discussed already somewhere on
the forum.
ME TOO is not a bug report.
2) iPAD ONLY bugs.
3) NO DUPLICATES. Please read through the posts on the forum BEFORE posting your bug so
we don't get duplicates of all the bug reports.
4) If you've started your own thread on a bug for discussion, please link that thread to
your bug report post.
5) Before posting a bug please close out of Baldur's Gate and re-open it and try to re-produce
the bug. To close an app on your iPad: Double tap the bottom button on your iPad, find,
then tap and hold on the Baldur's Gate icon till the icons start shaking and a red "-"
appears, and click the red "-" to close the app. Tap the bottom button to stop the icon
shake and get back to your apps.)
6) If you have a workaround for a bug and/or can prove that a reported bug is NOT a bug,
please REPLY to the bug report and post your work around or (better yet) a link to a thread
that describes the workaround.
7) One different bug per reply to the thread will likely be best.
8) Please use "BUG" only for items that definitively SHOULD work but do not (like a door that works in the PC game not working in the iPad game or an action causing a crash for instance). Use "PROBLEM" for other issues/items. A character that doesn't say his lines during a conversation is a bug. A character you have a hard time initiating a conversation with in a given location because something is in the way is a "Problem."
In your bug report please put the following information:
* iPad Version (2, 3 or 4 is fine, please differentiate between "New" iPads)
* A short description of how to re-produce the bug...if it can be re-produced.
* A Link to any thread you've started discussing the bug.
Note: I am going through the first couple pages and Adding to this post at this point.
Note2: I've gone through what I think I'm going to get through to get bugs posted. If I've forgotten something please post back.
UPDATE 12/18: I'm adding a "RECOMMENDED READING" section to this post since we don't have alot of stickies.
If you have questions, check out the following threads which are definitive HOWTOs for the various topics. These should all be (and hopefully eventually will be) pinned.
* Baldur's Gate Manual / Documentation
* How to Use Custom Portraits -
* How to Transfer Saves From the PC Version to the iPad Version -
* How to Get Shadowkeeper to Work with BG:EE -
* What kinds of Modifications to BG:EE Work on the iPad and What Doesn't Work?
* Do cheats work on the iPad?
* Can I create a Custom Party like in IWD (Icewind Dale?):
* (NEW: 9/7) How can I make other languages work on my iPad? (Requires JailBreaking the Device).
* (NEW: 10/31) Modding on the iPad without Jailbreak: Override Folder Working other than dialog.tlk:
I'm going to take my own advice and start a Known / Reported Bugs list here. This thread
is intended to help the developers of BG:EE for the iPad with a quick place to find what
bugs are affecting this release. The more cluttered this thread gets, the less useful it
is going to be, so PLEASE read and follow the "suggested rules" below.
BG:EE VERSION: 1.0.2007 (BUILD 2009)
Thread Updated As of: 12/12/2012
1) PLEASE DO NOT POST COMMENTARY TO THIS THREAD. If you want discussion on whether
something is or is not a bug, please post a new thread on it. If you see a bug
listed here, however, it's probably known and is being discussed already somewhere on
the forum.
ME TOO is not a bug report.
2) iPAD ONLY bugs.
3) NO DUPLICATES. Please read through the posts on the forum BEFORE posting your bug so
we don't get duplicates of all the bug reports.
4) If you've started your own thread on a bug for discussion, please link that thread to
your bug report post.
5) Before posting a bug please close out of Baldur's Gate and re-open it and try to re-produce
the bug. To close an app on your iPad: Double tap the bottom button on your iPad, find,
then tap and hold on the Baldur's Gate icon till the icons start shaking and a red "-"
appears, and click the red "-" to close the app. Tap the bottom button to stop the icon
shake and get back to your apps.)
6) If you have a workaround for a bug and/or can prove that a reported bug is NOT a bug,
please REPLY to the bug report and post your work around or (better yet) a link to a thread
that describes the workaround.
7) One different bug per reply to the thread will likely be best.
8) Please use "BUG" only for items that definitively SHOULD work but do not (like a door that works in the PC game not working in the iPad game or an action causing a crash for instance). Use "PROBLEM" for other issues/items. A character that doesn't say his lines during a conversation is a bug. A character you have a hard time initiating a conversation with in a given location because something is in the way is a "Problem."
In your bug report please put the following information:
* iPad Version (2, 3 or 4 is fine, please differentiate between "New" iPads)
* A short description of how to re-produce the bug...if it can be re-produced.
* A Link to any thread you've started discussing the bug.
Note: I am going through the first couple pages and Adding to this post at this point.
Note2: I've gone through what I think I'm going to get through to get bugs posted. If I've forgotten something please post back.
Post edited by Illydth on
(There are other threads discussing this as well).
iPad Version: ALL
Description: Casing any AOE Spell *with visible effect* causes a frame rate drop and/or SIGNIFICANT game slowdown. Reports range anywhere from "unplayable" to "extremely annoying". The frame rate/graphical issue goes away when the AOE effect wears off.
(Entangle is the most prevalent because it's the first AOE spell most players will encounter in the game. Spells like Fear which do not have a visible effect do not seem to do this.)
NOTE: A report also states this happens with Waterfalls and Dust Clouds as well. While it's more minor than the AOE Spells, it looks like additional moving graphics like this is a large problem for the game as a whole
(Other threads discuss this also).
iPad Version: ALL
Description: The tap interface is difficult to use when it comes to some objects/transition points. The most complained about are the basement entrance / exit in the tutorial and most of the transition points in the main game. When walking through doorways the transition point between the inside and outside, for example, can be a real problem to tap accurately. Even tapping dropped items and/or world located containers can sometimes be a challenge, even if zoomed in.
The largest issues are transition points between areas which are NOT highlighted by the "Hint" button (reproduction of the "Tab" key, in the lower right area of the screen).
Combat is difficult too with this. There is no clear indicator of target selection upon tap without unpausing the game, so often you end up tapping multiple times to get a single character to register an attack target.
(NOTE/Workaround: If you do manage to get a target selection correct and in the right order, an icon should appear on your portrait identifying what your character will be doing...a sword if they're attacking with a sword, the spell icon if they're casting, an arrow if they're shooting, etc.)
(Other threads discuss this also)
iPad Version: ALL
Description: The drag interface often registers a tap/click when attempting to drag the screen to move the camera. This can cause significant issues within combat as a single miss tap can cause the entire party to move / lose action instead of attacking as you've already commanded them to do.
iPad Version: ALL
Description: The Double-tap requirement to split a stack of equipment is close to impossible to produce, particularly on faster devices which will register your initial tap quicker than you can make it into a double tap.
Many players are reporting difficulty splitting equipment stacks within their inventory correctly.
Description: The ability to reorient your party within a configuration is missing from the game or hidden. In the PC version once you click your mouse to set your party's walking location you can click-hold the mouse button (right click/hold?) and drag the indicators of where the party will end up in a 360 degree circle allowing the to change orientation of the way they're facing. This ability/functionality seems to be missing from the iPad version and is causing tactical difficulties in many battles / movement areas where it is very difficult to set specific members of the party closer to adversaries and locations that need them.
Even something as simple as getting the party thief closest to a locked container or trap without single moving them is impossible without this functionality.
(reported on many other things as well)
Description: Tooltips on the iPad are NOT intuitive. From having to tap/hold to how to use the "help" inspection button is neither intuitive nor covered in the Tutorial. Actually the "help" button I've only ever seen described or talked about in the linked thread.
In a related note the interface doesn't work the same in all locations. For instance, in the Spell Icons page, a tap/hold DOES NOT produce a tooltip/right click inspect action but produces a tap action until your spellbook is filled which point it will THEN produce the inspect action (see Bug).
iPad Version: ALL
Description: When you go into the spell book for either mage or priest and click/hold on a known spell in the spellbook and then release, the interface registeres that tap/hold as a "click" action and "learns" the spell, it does NOT register it (like in the rest of the interface) as a right click/inspect action.
Once the spell book is filled up, however, the interface registers as a right click/inspect.
iPad Version: iPad 3 (Unverified on 2 or 4) - Verified on iPad Mini so likely "ALL"
Description: After playing the game and exiting out to the main interface (the screen where you can select the tutorial, black pits or the actual game), then pressing the "home screen" button on the iPad, the game music fades out and you are returned to the home screen with no issues. Attempting to go back into Baldur's Gate, however, causes the game to come up, music to play, but the screen to remain black.
Do not yet know if this happens EVERY time, or only some times (but it's more often than not on my iPad 3). Also don't know if this is an incompatibility with another application causing this or if this is just a general problem.
The only fix I've been able to see to get the screen to come back is to kill the BG:EE application and restart it...this causes the main screen to re-load properly and be able to play again.
UPDATE: This does not happen every time, but is "frequently". There does seem to be a workaround as noted in the thread below:
According to that information the buttons are still tapable if you tap in the right place and there may be a way to restore the entire interface without killing the app.
iPad Version: ALL
Description: The chat interface's options (during conversations with party members or other NPC's) is way too compact for a tap interface. While the compacted spacing between options works for a precision device like a mouse to properly click, a tap interface needs more spacing between options. The first and last conversation option is usually pretty easy to select without messing up. The middle options, however, can be VERY difficult to properly tap without accidentally tapping an item above or below it.
iPad Version: ALL
Description: In order to scroll through a list containing tappable items, such as the proficiencies list or the behavioural script list, it is mandatory to avoid tapping said items. The root of the problem is probably the same as with dragging the screen.
iPad Version: ALL
Description: Baldur's Gate requires the same version of the software to be loaded on all collaborative devices to be able to play a multi-player game. Especially right now at the beginning with the PC update method vs. the iTunes update method, it's likely that the PC/iPad versions will NOT be staying in sync with each other very often. This will cause large problems with Multi-player, ESPECIALLY cross platform multi-player. It will only get worse when Android and Mac OSX versions come out as all 4 versions will now have to be kept in sync to multi-play...and the likelihood for a direct download patching system like PC/MAC to be in sync with a third party run patching solution like Apple/Android App Store is slim.
Not only this but updates to interface (not game but interface) will cause app version revisions that may not apply to another platform. For instance, fixing, say, iKrivetko's Problem reported above would require code changes to the interface, which will then cause a revision on the App Store. However this change is (at least right now) limited to the iPad version doesn't need to be made to the PC files (which don't have this problem). This, again, causes a version mismatch.
We've just added smart radius to the iPad version in testing. It basically scans the immediate area you touched for enemies, objects, doors, area transitions and if something falls within the radius it chooses the nearest. This makes picking up daggers and clicking to enter buildings a whole lot easier.
(reported in multiple places on this forum)
iPad Version: ALL
Description: As noted in the thread above tap/clicking "Boo" in Minsc's inventory causes the game to crash instead of play boo's "squeak" like it's supposed to.
NOTE: Someone in that thread is reporting it's fine for him. This may be related to a specific version of the iPad or some kind of app incompatibility, or interacting with Boo in a different way.
iPad Version: ALL
Description: The character Journal is unusable within the game since the tap and drag interface to scroll the journal instead produces a "click" action which causes the journal entry to go to "edit" mode.
POTENTIAL FIX UPCOMING: Patch 1.0.2010 Identifies: Journal entry fix
Unknown if this only fixes a specific journal entry or fixes the ability to enter data into journals.
(reported in 2 threads)
Description: Some of the Attack Actions (such as using a wand like the wand of magic missiles) do not display a graphic in the character portrait upon successful target/attack initiation. Unlike things like swords, bows and magical spells which put an icon in the upper right corner of the character portrait when you have properly chosen that attack action for the character (i.e. attack action was chosen and a target was properly selected), items like the wand of magic missiles do not show that action graphic.
Given that this is the ONLY Feedback in the interface for properly identifying whether or not you have properly given a character in combat an action, it is imperative that all items of this nature give proper feedback on the character portrait when used.
iPad Version: ALL
Description: During the "group combat" scenario in the basement of the tutorial, characters stop attacking regularly. It looks as if a single "attack" command causes the character only to take a single swing before that character must then, again, register an attack command. Somewhat as if each character is set to a "passive" AI script which takes over after the character swings. Multiple times while playing through the tutorial's group combat tutorial (Cannot verify with other tutorial combats...I believe the ones with the main character only are fine...maybe) the various members of the party simply stood there after swinging once while being attacked.
This might be because those characters cannot be hit by the illusions in the basement (no damage taken) so something in the AI scripts are causing the characters to treat the illusions as Neutral?
Either way, this makes the group combat scenario VERY frustrating.
NOTE: This DOES NOT happen (at least I haven't seen it yet) in the normal campaign.
POTENTIAL UPCOMING FIX: Patch 1.0.2012 Identifies: Characters respond appropriately during Obe's Combat tutorial.
iPad Version: ALL
Description: See the linked thread. Talking to mulahey and accepting his surrender causes him to at least double summon his minions. There is a better description/information for the bug in the thread linked at the bottom of the above post.
iPad Version: ALL
Description: Trying to click on the "open bag" button within the "Bag Description" page is almost impossible. Supposedly there's a work around listed in the page but it looks like an interface / tap location / bounding problem.
iPad Version: All
Description: Various crash bugs and load corruption seems to happen with the save/load game interface on the iPad. More often happens upon character death / load screen. Reports state upwards of 30% of the time a load of a save will crash the game to iPad Desktop, and there are reports of Auto-Save/Quicksave game slots being corrupted upon reload, causing lost gameplay.
UPDATE: There is now a complaint of missing characters/too many characters upon load of a saved game. Including (what it sounds like) to be missing save SLOTS and incorrectly saved games. See newly attached thread.
POTENTIAL BUG FIX UPCOMING: Patch 1.0.2009b identifies "A series of memory leaks have been fixed."
iPad Version: ALL
Description: Hidden treasures, such as the Ring of Wizardry, require an inordinate number of clicks/taps/attempts to target the item in the interface before it can be selected/picked up. This probably falls under multiple of the above problem/bug posts (generic interface problems) but these kinds of "hidden" items will need to be included/taken into account in the "enhanced tap" code.
Description: A link to the online game manual maintained at this site would be a good thing to put on the main screen interface (where you can select Tutorial, Baldur's Gate or Black Pits).
Many users are asking where the game manuals are and are not finding them anywhere linked on this site.