BG2:EE New Character Wishlist

First things first, I'd like to join the legions of fans congratulating Trent Oster and Co. on a job well done! I just finished BG:EE last night with my Swashbuckler, and I can honestly say few games have captured my attention as well as the BG series, and the enhanced edition is infinitely better. Also, I'm certain that there is another post such as mine somewhere around these boards, but I'm pressed for time and couldn't dig around. Finally, this is my first post on these boards, so apologies if I do anything embarrassing. Right, on to the topic....
I'd just like to see what you fine folks have for ideas of who could be added to the list of NPCs for BG2:EE. I'm sure they won't add more than three, like in BG:EE, and I was a big fan of the new characters (all three were in my party). I think we can all agree that the character writing and development was much better in BG2, and as long as they are well-written (and useful), I'll be happy. However, these would be be my 2 perfect additions, and please feel free to add any others you feel appropriate.
#1 is a romanceable female Swashbuckler (human or elf), preferably evil or Chaotic Neutral like my Swashbuckler. This is more a personal choice to compliment my own CN Swashbuckler (the idea of two Swashbuckling lovers carving a swath across Amn just holds a certain amount of appeal to me, from a role-playing standpoint), but it also makes logical sense. Certainly, Imoen is a respectable thief, but she is a better mage, and Yoshimo is rendered indisposed before TOB. That leaves Jan, who is incredibly irritating to me, and the PC. For me, this is no problem. But for people who don't prefer thievery and skullduggery, this is a problem. From what I've seen on these boards, a female thief has already been confirmed, so I guess this is a wasted post, but it would make BG2:EE even more of a must-buy in my book.
#2 would be a Sorcereress (preferably), but a Sorcerer would also suffice. After playing through IWD2 and The Black Pits with a Sorceress, I was hooked. I love their spellcasting mechanics, and the potential exists to tell one hell of a story through a character with magic bred into their blood. Also, he or she should also be romaceable. In retrospect, it would probably be best to make him male, so the female fans can romance someone besides Anomen.
This is all just brainstorming, of course, although I hear some sort of female thief is at least being considered. I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts and suggestions, and once again, massive appreciation to everyone at Beamdog for resurrecting a classic!
I'd just like to see what you fine folks have for ideas of who could be added to the list of NPCs for BG2:EE. I'm sure they won't add more than three, like in BG:EE, and I was a big fan of the new characters (all three were in my party). I think we can all agree that the character writing and development was much better in BG2, and as long as they are well-written (and useful), I'll be happy. However, these would be be my 2 perfect additions, and please feel free to add any others you feel appropriate.
#1 is a romanceable female Swashbuckler (human or elf), preferably evil or Chaotic Neutral like my Swashbuckler. This is more a personal choice to compliment my own CN Swashbuckler (the idea of two Swashbuckling lovers carving a swath across Amn just holds a certain amount of appeal to me, from a role-playing standpoint), but it also makes logical sense. Certainly, Imoen is a respectable thief, but she is a better mage, and Yoshimo is rendered indisposed before TOB. That leaves Jan, who is incredibly irritating to me, and the PC. For me, this is no problem. But for people who don't prefer thievery and skullduggery, this is a problem. From what I've seen on these boards, a female thief has already been confirmed, so I guess this is a wasted post, but it would make BG2:EE even more of a must-buy in my book.
#2 would be a Sorcereress (preferably), but a Sorcerer would also suffice. After playing through IWD2 and The Black Pits with a Sorceress, I was hooked. I love their spellcasting mechanics, and the potential exists to tell one hell of a story through a character with magic bred into their blood. Also, he or she should also be romaceable. In retrospect, it would probably be best to make him male, so the female fans can romance someone besides Anomen.
This is all just brainstorming, of course, although I hear some sort of female thief is at least being considered. I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts and suggestions, and once again, massive appreciation to everyone at Beamdog for resurrecting a classic!
They'd have to make a new one, but that'd be fun. Might be able to slot the female thief as a f/t mc
...also a nonevil pure mage. No multiclasses or dualclasses, and not Neera, because I just want a nice reliable predictable mage for a good-aligned playthrough.
Also a good-aligned and pure sorcerer would be great!
As for a class or race, hmm... A sorcerer would be a wonderful addition, since I've always preferred them in the newer D&D editions. And a bard know...could be useful. Every bard NPC that I've seen in Baldur's Gate just hasn't been that great, which is sad, because I love bards! I guess they could just give Haer'Dalis better stats or something, though I'm not sure if they would.
more evil characters
right now it seems like if you were to make an evil party it would have to be
Player Character
Jan( not evil, but only thief that will stay with an evil party until end of game)
and while that would be a really strong party as those 5 characters are among the strongest characters in the game it would ne nice to have some more choices
I agree with everything but your slight of Haer'Dalis! How dare you?
It would be cool to have a romancable female gnome, maybe a fighter/illusionist.
The return of Alora would be sweet, non-romancable since she sounds and acts like 12 year old.
If a miracle happens and origonal content can be modified, it would be cool to get Monty back (as an asassin) and Xzar as well.
An idea for those people wanting a female swash, why not one who is a vampire? A double agent working for the shadow thieves, that would be really sweet. She would have to be evil of course since BG 2 has a lack of evil people. She could have some cool stats like bonus strength but a penalty to constitution in daylight. Plus abilities like vampiric touch that would be awesome with a Swash.
Don't forget that any new NPCs added to BGEE will also appear in BG2EE, so if there are any DLC characters they can fill these holes as well.
Female LG Cavalier or Undead Hunter who has an extreme black and white view. Also works with a LN wizard slayer who hates magic. Romaceable of course.
Either Gender Sun Elf mage or sorcerer who dislikes humans, is a pain to keep around but a damn good mage
Male Drow with a significant backstory and nothing like Drizzt. Possibly even half-drow. Class open, romance an option.
Female Dwarf. Doesn't matter her class or alignment though cleric would be nice.
Hells yeah !
And a female dwarf.
And a romanceable halfling.
There is a mod that adds him, after he learns of Charnames abduction he goes to see him out and you find him in Athkatla. Also there is a side quest to rez his wife killed by Tazok and you can get her too, I think she is a sorceress (but I could be wrong)
I know about both the Xan and Kivan mods. I like both, but at the same time, I disagree with many of the characterization choices the modders made. I know someone also made an Alora mod but for some reason the download link never worked for me.
Or an orc Assassin, cutting you down with 19 strength.
I've always liked the Archer kit, wouldnt mind seeing one (maybe even a evil archer
And lastly i think a barbarian of some sort!
I've probebly forgotten something..