I am guessing that they did not add a scroll case to BG:EE so I forget is it okay to just dump the scrolls in a random place? You know all the letters you pick up along the way?
The scroll case exists in the game's item database thing, so you can theoretically get them by using the cheat console, but none have been added to the game itself no. It should indeed be okay to just dump things in a convenient container though, yes.
I give mine to npcs I am not using. I always fill there inventory then dismiss them at the entrance to the Friendly Arm. That way they are all in the same place and easy to get to, plus they have all my stuff and I know it won't disapear.
I deposit my scrolls in the chest below Tamah's sunken house. I keep Gorion's scroll, the letter about chairs, and the autograph in my inventory for good.
you could get a character there and then just import/export them. If you're going to do that, you could always RP a large charitable donation to, say, CandleKeep and then console one in.
I've just been dumping things into the Very Convenient Chest next to Dorn in the Friendly Arms main room. Since this is also the Very Convenient Place I dump my spare NPCs, this works out pretty well.
I do like keeping the 'Larry, Darryl & Darryl' autograph on me though. That one amuses me, mostly because the game acknowledged me being old enough to get the reference. :P
I use the sacks-o-sumptin by the smithy in Bergost for my honeypot. I've heard tell of others using a container in the Friendly Arms.
Every time I make a deposit/withdrawal I pay the barman for a luxury room to keep the room reserved. That's my role-playing.
Role-playing like a f*****g boss.
For whatever reason I like it. I guess for its randomness. Its a pretty straightforward riddle.
you could get a character there and then just import/export them. If you're going to do that, you could always RP a large charitable donation to, say, CandleKeep and then console one in.
I do like keeping the 'Larry, Darryl & Darryl' autograph on me though. That one amuses me, mostly because the game acknowledged me being old enough to get the reference. :P