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Speaking of the Golden Pantaloons

Time to hop into the way-back machine.

Did anyone actually, on thier very first run-throughs of BG (even before TOSC), have those pants in thier inventory as you entered the final battle?

If so can you recall your rational?

I remeber finding out in a fourm after ToB had been out that there was a use for them and being blown-away. "Who as that kind of forethought?" I afterthought(ed). I hadn't known the trilogy (BG SoA ToB) had been concieved in toto.


  • CutlassJackCutlassJack Member Posts: 493
    Who wouldn't want to carry something as magnificent as the Golden Pantaloons wherever they go?
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    First run I had the Golden Pantaloons all the way through, but I never knew about the silver. I kinda just held on to them on accident in BG1, and when they appeared in Irenicus' Dungeon, I figured that meant they were important.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Hard to say since that was over ten years ago for me. I probably did, but only because I would have seen them and thought they were sufficiently goofie to carry with me (I was probably ten or so).
  • and_then_orand_then_or Member Posts: 107
    I remeber carrying them for a bit and, as I'm a horder, stashing them somewhere to open up another inventory slot.

    Then on about my third run-through, as I'm slower than 'lassas in wintertime, I got the pee joke (the interwebs was so tiney back then) and figured that was it.

    People wonder why there is such a rabid following for an ancient, low-res, third person, dinosaur of a game. They have no idea.
  • ItstucktwiceItstucktwice Member Posts: 182
    I kept them through BG1, and I found the bronze in TOB, but never playing evil in SOA, I didn't know that silver existed for the longest time. I was just always like "...I gotta be missing something here."
  • NukeninNukenin Member Posts: 327
    I never actually finished BG1 until years after its release, even though I got BG1 at release and played it ceaselessly for months after (similarly, it may be months before I finish BG:EE).

    Thus I was already festooned with the knowledge of the pantaloons and their import.

    I have not once played a character all the way from BG1 start through to ToB. When I experimented with things, I "imported" (note sarcastiquotes) the pantaloons into my BG2 game.
  • BanexBanex Member Posts: 127

    Who wouldn't want to carry something as magnificent as the Golden Pantaloons wherever they go?

    No pun intended but i can never be arsed carrying them about for the whole game.
  • NukeninNukenin Member Posts: 327
    Perhaps if they were slightly altered to become the Golden Pantaloons of Holding?
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  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    One does not speak of the Golden Pantaloons. One averts their gaze and bows respectfully in their direction, then slowly backs away with head still lowered.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    I just wish you could wear them as armor, even the gnome in ToB wouldn't get them.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    If I remember correctly they were my very first magic item on my first play through. I remember puzzling over why I couldn't equip them and what effect they actually had.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    Reminds of Anduin and his pants of smells

  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    Golden pantaloons should help resist cold damage, as golden snow is generally melted a bit...
  • SenashSenash Member Posts: 405
    I played BG2 first, and I don't remember which was the first pantalloons I have encountered, but I have found the second and the golden one in BG after hearing about it the le great big internetz. I think I would have stashed it after a while if I would have played BG before knowing what it was for.
  • MichailMichail Member Posts: 196
    I think the original idea was to either sell them or give them back. If my mind doesn't deceive me, the item description for the pantallons was different back when the game first came out, before the first patches. Then they decided what to do with it and changed the description. Or my memory is failing.
    And no, i didn't keep them. I gave them back.
  • NukeninNukenin Member Posts: 327
    Inventory space was precious with the ammo stacking limit of the time, at release. There were no garment bags to hold all the pantaloons and pantalettes you might encounter, either.

    They were hard times, and we remain bitter.
  • FentonFenton Member Posts: 38
    Not the first playthough I had em but after many others oh boy I kept those bad boys around. As for BG:EE my Blackguard has em and it's reminding me of my paladin having em.
  • thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188

    Golden pantaloons should help resist cold damage, as golden snow is generally melted a bit...

    I felt this comment deserved a quote, as it did not get enough attention. It was quite funny!

  • RasekovRasekov Member Posts: 59
    I actually got them on my first run(PC thief, extremely kleptomaniac) and carried them around all the game simply because in my mind they had to be part of some hidden quest, did the same with some other items(corrupt ore and poison from nashkel, for example).

    Sad thing, after a few runs with the same(and other) PCs I decided they weren't worth carrying and didn't even bother picking them up in my final run(the one I exported, completely OP thief with several runs worth of tomes in him) just before BG2 was released...
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