story finished.. continue playing?

after finishing the story part I'd have a few areas left. But after the last battle I was returned to the main menu and can only start a new game.
There's was a "final-save" created automatically but when loading this it taked 2-3 seconds and it return to the main menu again... no way to contiue...
is the only way to continue to start a new game and import the character??
after finishing the story part I'd have a few areas left. But after the last battle I was returned to the main menu and can only start a new game.
There's was a "final-save" created automatically but when loading this it taked 2-3 seconds and it return to the main menu again... no way to contiue...
is the only way to continue to start a new game and import the character??
Bhaalspawn taken prisoner by powerful drow wizard, to fight for his life in the Underdark arena with exotic creatures from different corners of Faerun... What can be more epic?!
There is an illegitimate way to avoid the game exiting automatically, and allowing you to continue adventuring; the CLUAConsole. Although it's conventionally used for cheating, it can be used to bypass silly problems.
The Solution is below:
Step 1: Edit your baldur.ini file with a text editor (notepad will suffice). It's usually located at C:\Users\user\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition.
Step 2: In the "Program Options" part of the document, insert the following:
'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',
Step 3: Save, run Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition and open the final save.
Step 4: Pause, so it doesn't quit, then select the entire party and hit ctrl and enter keys to open the console on-screen. Type CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR0800") and hit enter. You will be transported to the south-eastern part of Baldur's Gate and will be able to continue adventuring.
Note: There may be a few bugs.