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story finished.. continue playing?


after finishing the story part I'd have a few areas left. But after the last battle I was returned to the main menu and can only start a new game.

There's was a "final-save" created automatically but when loading this it taked 2-3 seconds and it return to the main menu again... no way to contiue...

is the only way to continue to start a new game and import the character??



  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,448
    Yeah, once you've fought that final battle the game is over. I believe there's been some talk about DLC adventures we can add on before BG2 arrives, but otherwise, that party is done for now. Of course, you can always try with a completely new character....
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Save your character and import him into a new game and just go to the areas you didn't travel to yet.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    You can always import character to the Black Pits :)
    Bhaalspawn taken prisoner by powerful drow wizard, to fight for his life in the Underdark arena with exotic creatures from different corners of Faerun... What can be more epic?!
  • Prince_of_LiesPrince_of_Lies Member Posts: 90
    edited December 2012
    Ah, yes...

    There is an illegitimate way to avoid the game exiting automatically, and allowing you to continue adventuring; the CLUAConsole. Although it's conventionally used for cheating, it can be used to bypass silly problems.

    The Solution is below:

    Step 1: Edit your baldur.ini file with a text editor (notepad will suffice). It's usually located at C:\Users\user\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition.

    Step 2: In the "Program Options" part of the document, insert the following:
    'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',

    Step 3: Save, run Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition and open the final save.

    Step 4: Pause, so it doesn't quit, then select the entire party and hit ctrl and enter keys to open the console on-screen. Type CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR0800") and hit enter. You will be transported to the south-eastern part of Baldur's Gate and will be able to continue adventuring.

    Note: There may be a few bugs.

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