Gnome or Half-Elf Cleric/Mage

I'm torn between having a Cleric/Mage Half-Elf or a Gnome Cleric/Illusionist. The half-elf is almost inferior in almost every aspect. Gnomes have far better saving throws, plus the additional spell slot which I consider to be critical. However I really dislike the gnome paper doll, the avatar and I much prefer the elven one.
My question is, would you consider it cheating or overpowered if I changed a half-elf to a cleric/specialist mage using shadowkeeper?
My question is, would you consider it cheating or overpowered if I changed a half-elf to a cleric/specialist mage using shadowkeeper?
As an alternative, why not Keeper your appearance and paper doll of your Gnome into a Half-Elf? You'll have a more powerful character overall, and you'll still get to look pretty.
Gnomes are worse than half-elves as gnomes can't romance!
P.s Gnome
No serious, cheat all the way to oblivion and back, I did it always when I didn't like a disision of the game
EDIT: I should learn to read apparently.
And for OP, I would pick half-elf just solely for the appearance.
By the end of ToB, I believe its lv 23 Mage, 30 Cleric. But not too sure
That said I have seen someone post the stat page from the game with a fighter/wild mage/thief so there must be some way to hack it in.
At BG2 XP levels the level progression is more linear so they begin to fall behind more. However at TOB levels you gain less for each level attained, and multiclasses start picking up High Level Abilities quite early.
In summary: they're relatively more powerful casters in BG1, less so for much of SOA and then become more powerful again at TOB levels. They're flexible throughout but due to XP mechanics level fast at low levels and do well once past the SOA cap.
Have never tried to dual-class a wild mage so maybe that one is barred for some reason. I'll have to test it out later. I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be able to, but likely it made it through testing without anyone noticing because generally speaking people dual-class INTO mage rather than out of it.
Thanks, that's very informative. I might try half-elf cleric/mage on my next run, then.