Other language versions? When?

One week after and till now no non english version of BG:EE? Why?
On PC its only text for other languages, now useres wait for dubbing...but why users of iPad version are worse in Your eyes? I cant understand it.
Please to add this promised patch in this week.
On PC its only text for other languages, now useres wait for dubbing...but why users of iPad version are worse in Your eyes? I cant understand it.
Please to add this promised patch in this week.

Any news about this?
No official date noted and none will be upcoming for fear that they will miss the deadline and get more ass hats on the forums screaming about how unprofessional they are.
Were this a month ago before the F.I.N.E. folks on these forums put Beamdog through the wringer on release day about how unprofessional and stupid the entire staff was because they missed a date set months before by a week...I'm sure they'd have been happy to post a date they think they'd get it out to you...or at least address the question.
As it is now, we've browbeaten them into acting like every other "professional" company out there and taught them that communicating with their customers must be done in generic and non-definitive terms...so that they don't piss us off.
Blame the people on these forums, not Beamdog...they're doing EXACTLY what we asked them to do...
Besides, they have four platforms to develop for, each with its own issues, bugs and peculiarities. I'd rather see those problems fixed, because they are a universal inconvenience, unlike the localisations.
In BG we have: dialog.tlk i dialogF.tlk - 3Mb for one languge - so in total 15 Mb???? Sorry, Beamdog didnt do this like in PC version.
Different part its a dubbing for sure. For me must be possibility to take only one preffered - its near 400Mb per one languge - so good option its to add it as download FREE DLC.
But still no text in IPad from Beamdog side.
From an app development perspective, I guarantee if it was as small as flipping a switch, they'd already have flipped it...there's no reason why additional languages would be intentionally held back if there wasn't a technical problem doing so.
This is a significant change requiring significant development cycles to put additional languages into the game...if it weren't they'd be there already.
As to your comment Archie...I agree it'd be great to get more communication as to what their priorities and timeframes are. It'd be great to get more information on "here's what bugs we're working on" or "hey, patch submitted hopefully it gets through"...and, to their credit, they still seem to be doing some of that...but it's not nearly as frequently nor nearly as "informative" as it used to be...and that's a problem directly descended from how the community here treated their communications at the time of release.
had you gave a look at the rest of this whole forum ?
The localization effort is all done by volounteers, Overhaul simply can't add the localizations to the iPad version because they're all still in beta and can't even commit on any date because they have no control on the differnt languages teams.
For BG:EE in particular, I think all movies/sounds will be left in english while only (!) the text will be changed.
@YoYo is right, it's nearly 15 megs of space.
By the way, I'm still waiting for italian to start my first game even if I preordered BG:EE and got it on day 1
If they are expecting to put spanish voices on iPad, they have a big problem, size´s limit for appstore is 2 GB, this game´s size is 1,8 GB, they would need to make different binaries for every language, then what is the problem? "different binary" = "different game", so people who buyed this game wouldn´t get update, you would need to buy a other app again.
In dont talk about the new dubbing. Dubbing exists from old version of BG and works perfect in my version BGEE (was added to PC manually, just new characters are in English - voices).
Beamdog now has all rights for all other languges versions so dont do it again. Good idea its an option as download DLC via store for free for sure for iPad users. If Your game (BG1) was localized You can decide - download voices in Your languge or not. My PC version its only 400MB for all voices in my languge.
I didn't know that volunteers seem to do the translation work. In this case it makes sense they first collect the problems in the PC version of the translations, and bring it fixed to the iPad.
Beamdog has all files (See PC version!) for this and still no, and no any infos.
YoYo is complaining because he seems to think (and I can't prove him wrong because I don't have the PC version of the game) that the translation files are sitting out there in the PC version of the game but aren't being made available in the iPad version of the game.
I can't comment any more on this other than to say that I doubt Beamdog is sitting around NOT releasing a translated version for the iPad just because they don't like iPad users or want to piss off everyone not running this in english.
I assume there's a really good reason why translations aren't in the iPad version of the game. It's a matter of waiting till support is included.
Till now no ANY support for other languges, still NO ANY patch for iPad version!???
Sorry, not serious here.
I decided not to buy BG2:EE in future, not any preorder version... Maybe one year after on sale time.
I think beam dog need to determine the VO before to launch the others versions.
Sorry, but its very annoying situation. We must wait again 2 months for this and PC USERS CONTENT???
Never will buy BG EE2 in the beginning, maybe one year after
However I agree with @YoYo, for BG2:EE I'll wait for the complete international version before purchasing it, no more preorders.
Great work Beamdog!