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Noob asks about Xan.

I have finished the main quest in Nahskel mines and i came across xan.
In my group i have me(ranger), Imoen, Jaheira and Khalid and Neera the wild mage.
the question is...
Is Xan worth a spot in my group?


  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Debatable. I personally don't like having more than one mage in a party for BG1, since mages don't get access to the highest level spells until BG2.

    I don't like that Xan can't learn evocation spells, though this is mitigated somewhat by the wide availability of wands. Still, he dies quite easily, so I'd probably advise against using him if you're keeping Neera.
  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    edited December 2012
    Xan has pretty good dex for a Mage giving him slightly better AC than most

    His main, huge weakness is no Evocation spells. That means no Magic Missile, Fireball, Melfs Acid Arrow and Cloudkill. His moonblade has style points for sure but it's hard to justify keeping him over most other mages. His other glaring weakness is that his Constitution is a whopping 7, rendering him a sitting duck in the front lines. I think I'm going to take him in my next play through, it's been a while :)

    Oh yeah, and alot of people hate his whining depressed attitude lool
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    He's worth it until you find a replacement.
  • SedgeSedge Member Posts: 29
    edited December 2012
    If i decide to dump him will i be able to find him again? if yes where should i go ?
    and if i decide to dump him what class would be best for my group ?
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    He'll be standing right where you left him. I find it's best to drop companions at inns, preferably the same one so I remember where to find all of them. I'd say a Cleric would be a good addition to your group, or possibly a bard.
  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    I'm not sure, I know that if you reject him initially in the Nashkel Mines he's gone for good. If you take him in and release him I think he waits for you wherever you left him.

    I'm not sure though, throw down a quick save and test it yourself

    Do not take Xan if you already have a mage. It's that simple. Keep Neera. By the looks of it your party could use a tank, maybe consider Kagain or Minsc/Dynaheir combination.
  • doomdoomdoomdoomdoomdoom Member Posts: 89
    On the plus side, his Sleep/Hold/Confusion/etc should be a bit harder to resist.
    And these are some of the most useful offensive spells in the game.
    Damage spells aren't all that great at low levels, and mourning the loss of fireballs would be a bit silly when it doesn't make much sense to waste spell slots on them with all those wands around. The only real loss is no Stinky Cloud and Web for him. But if you have another mage to cover that, it's not a problem.

    Whether you need a second mage is another question though, and that's up to you. Neera can be pretty unreliable so maybe it's not such a bad idea.
  • SedgeSedge Member Posts: 29
    Khalid tanks pretty good and i have jaheira instead of a cleric. What bard's do ? Should i recruit a monk ?
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    The bard song apparently isn't very well documented. What it does for sure though, is prevent your party from running as result of fear and morale failure, even outright removing fear. Other than that the bard is a sort of multi-class thief/mage; can pickpocket and cast arcane spells, as well as use most thiefish weapons. Also has a great lore rating which allows for easy identification of magic items. Getting the monk, Rasaad, isn't a bad idea.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    No Magic Missile or Chromatic Orb is unfortunate, but not insurmountable, Sleep is more worthy of the slot until you reach Baldur's Gate in my opinion, and Aganazzar's is best done via a wand anyway.

    Melf's Acid Arrow is Conjuration, not Evocation, as is Flame Arrow.

    Web is nice, but Horror does the job.

    Fireball is synonymous with Skull Trap, except mildly inferior to it.

    Cloudkill's loss is pretty painful, as is the loss of Melf's Minute Meteors and the Sequencer....

    Other than that, he's pretty great, and a free +3 weapon is nothing to sneeze at.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,448
    I can't listen to Xan's whining. With Neera you really don't need him. Two mages will be more important in BG2.
  • RannRann Member Posts: 168
    Note that the best way to reject an NPC immediately with the intent to grab them later (which I sometimes do for Xan) is to accept their proposal to join, but when you have to choose you to remove from the party right after that, remove them instead of someone else. That way, they'll stick around instead of walking off the screen, and you can pick them up later. There's no real reason to outright refuse someone unless you don't want their quest appearing for some reason; you can always hedge your bets this way.

    There's only 1 NPC that I know of for whom that doesn't really work, but that's because you won't be able to get back to the relevant area after a certain time. Also, for Xan, I actually bump Imoen for a minute, give him his sword, and them bump him for Imoen, so I don't have to carry his sword around forever (though you could also just leave his sword in the chest, which also works).

    Note that the downside is that their experience/level "locks in" with the first join, so if you're really not going to be using them soon, just don't speak to them at all. (Some NPCs force you to speak to them, in which case your only resort if you want them later is the join & bump method.)
  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    I too will repeat things others have said.

    Only take Xan if you replace Neera with him, More than one mage really isn't worth it.

    I would really take another melee muscle for your sixth slot.
  • MattysekMattysek Member Posts: 24
    This thread makes me feel ... insignificant.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    My usual party has two divine casters (usually one single class and one multiclass) and two arcane casters (again usually one single class and one dual or multiclass). I just love having magic heavy parties.

    Jaheira often covers one tank slot and one divine slot and Imoen usually covers my Thief Slot and one mage slot. I find combining single classed characters with dual or multis helps you cover everything while still giving a great deal of flexibility.
  • SedgeSedge Member Posts: 29
    Why does the monk run SO fast? by doing that he is forced to tank for a bit and i dont like that. Whats special about his boots? why are they sold for 12.5k ? if i sell em will he get mad? Does he require a weapon or he is fighting with fists? Sorry, im the master noob :D
  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    Sedge said:

    Why does the monk run SO fast? by doing that he is forced to tank for a bit and i dont like that. Whats special about his boots? why are they sold for 12.5k ? if i sell em will he get mad? Does he require a weapon or he is fighting with fists? Sorry, im the master noob :D

    1) Because they do, and they get even faster as they level. Put him at the very back of the line to offset that a bit.

    2) His boots give him a -2 to AC which is a significant boost. Selling a npc's item will gimp them but they will never remark on it.

    3) at lower levels using a weapon is very important, but when they get to higher levels its important to allow them to use their fists.

    4) we were all noobs at one time. Just soak int he wisdom we depart upon thee.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    I've had Xan for a whole game now and my conclusions are:

    1-There are so many 1 hd creatures and humans in the game that his sleep and charm spells are used all the time. Same for hold person at higher levels.

    2-He can kill a lot with his sword, *as long as the enemy is facing someone else* , so he won't be hit.

    3-I'm saving evocation scrolls for Imoen.

    It's been positive so far!
  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330
    edited December 2012
    i see a lot of people talking about how more than 1 mage is a waste and i have to disagree.

    Two pure mages may not be ideal because you need a thief, but a mage and a mage/thief is a great combo. My PC was a transmuter and he and imoen were my main dps. My fighters soaked up the damage while i had two wands of fire going off constantly.. I almost felt like i was cheating (especially in the iron throne tower)

    btw rasaad's boots only sell for 125 gp now :( and of course no one else can equip them
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,448
    Of course by the time you get to the Iron Throne tower almost any party will feel like they're cheating; its a slaughter. Last time I played with a warrior centered party I don't think we were ever even damaged.
  • CarstonCarston Member Posts: 36
    Well, group filled with mages is hard to play only in early game, but I once made party from Yeslick, Imoen thief/ mage, Xan, Xzar and Edwin, only real downside is that stores may run out of most useful spells if you can't find all the scrolls from wilderness. I no longer remember what class charname was, but all I can say that having the ability to cast certain spells in volleys is very useful especially Web, Stinking Cloud and Greater Malison, sure Xzan may not be the most damaging mage of all time, but he can be more useful in other ways when he can't cast tenser, like buffing entire group with Luck. Further more BG:EE has more spells than vanilla game so what he can actually cast is no longer that restrictive in a game that doesn't have high lvl cap.
  • RaelonRaelon Member Posts: 17
    I rolled a skald and though I'd try different npc's with this playthrough. I thought when I met with an npc, I'd decide on the spot to get him or who to boot. My party now consists of, me (skald), branwen, rasaad, imoen, neera and xan. I didn't think it'd work, but it works so well. Charm, sleep, hold person on slots of xan, neera, and me as skald. And I am using wands of fear, sleep etc. Branwen has 2 slots of hold person too. I thought getting branwen as only tank and healer would be difficult. Skald song helps a lot when I am not casting. Oh and not to mention surprise crits from Xan's moonblade.
    I am having super fun with this group I dont know why :D
    Although I wanted to boot imoen for coran but she gave me the friend speech and I couldnt bear it:(

    I digress already..sorry :)

    So..short story, try him a bit and see if you are having fun :D
  • RomulanPaladinRomulanPaladin Member Posts: 188
    I just played with a sorcerer and Nerra. It works very well. Likely the same story with sorcerer and Xan.

    There is no competition for scrolls; the sorcerer doesn't learn spells from scrolls. The sorcerer deals with spells that need to be spammed: fireball, magic missile, horror, etc. Nerra uses spells that are used only once in a while: resist fear, dispel magic, chromatic orb, etc. They worked together very well. I called them my artillery.

    Side note: a sorcerer with a Ring of Wizardry and the identify spell is amazing. 12 identifys a day but only as needed.
  • Isn't the wraithform spell not very great for Xan? he wil be harder to hit and can kill enemys with his moonblade
  • mlitanomlitano Member Posts: 14
    He is one of the most amusing companions. worth it
  • LordRumfishLordRumfish Member Posts: 937
    For the longest time, my ideal Baldur's Gate party auto-included Minsc and Xan due to dialogue. I tried a different group recently to beat the game with, but Xan amuses me and is not a shabby caster.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    mlitano said:

    He is one of the most amusing companions. worth it

    I just find him depressing...
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