Archer kit bonus?

The gamebanshee website says an archer kit (of ranger) gets +1 to hit/damage per three levels.
My question is if you start at +1/1 and then at third level get +2/2? Or do you start with +0/0 and get +1/1 at third level.
Also, can you use darts as your missile weapon?
My question is if you start at +1/1 and then at third level get +2/2? Or do you start with +0/0 and get +1/1 at third level.
Also, can you use darts as your missile weapon?
Sorry, I didn't understand. Is it related to not getting the possibility of specialization with darts?
level 8 3 1/2 darts per round at Thac0 = X -2 1d3 damage + 2
level 8 3 arrows per round at Thac0 = X -3 1d8 + 4
arrow wins the day especially for an elf. Though this doesn't include the comparison of magical availability/costs of said items..
Did I mess something up in the analysis?
It would be cool to be a ranger/thief...
That shortbow would actually be bad for archers as if I recall correctly it would only give you 3 attacks per round.
An archer would already have 3 attacks per round just specialized in a bow upon reaching level 7. By the time they're grand master and level 13 they'd be up to 4 (maybe even 4.5; the wording on grand mastery is kinda vague here).
Edit: Damage done was against Hobgoblins around Friendly Arms Inn... just fyi
By the way, from the description it clearly reads you get your first bonus at the 3rd level.
Level 6: +2/+2
Can hit high mastery at level 6.
My elf archer ended up with a thaco of 1 iirc, or -1 with +2 arrows. That was with a comp longbow+1 and the missile bracers.