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Beefiest damage oriented character possible in BGEE going into BG2EE



  • AlexDeLargeAlexDeLarge Member Posts: 273
    edited December 2012
    I can easily dismiss that character, from the simple fact that you dualed at level 25. That's a LOT of game time where you're gimped and unable to use thief abilities. And for what? I'm guessing by the time you regain your old abilities, the only fights left are Balthazar and Mellisan.
  • AmeraAmera Member Posts: 29
    *If you don't want to backstab, if you don't care about having access to all your abilities the full time, and if you don't care that you will be radically eclipsed in power in SoA onward, then yes it is a few points better inside the BG EE xp cap.

    Anyway if we're taking the OP's question to include "tankiness" in addition to raw damage then there's no comparison to some type of mage hybrid anyway. Mirror Image/Stoneskin/etc are better than almost any amount of AC.
  • AllbrotherAllbrother Member Posts: 262
    I can't take credit for that character :)
    And if you solo it or keep just a minimum team (I'm talking 1, max 2 party members) there's enough experience to dual and get to a respectable lvl before finishing SoA
  • AlexDeLargeAlexDeLarge Member Posts: 273
    edited December 2012
    Well, good luck with all the fights in late SoA (especially if you're using SCS) while having a 2 man party, with one of them being a level 1-10 fighter for awhile.

    There is no more point in theorycrafting, if you want to prove it, play that character all the way to the end with SCS, and maybe stream or youtube it as well.
  • NukeninNukenin Member Posts: 327

    Well, good luck with all the fights in late SoA (especially if you're using SCS) while having a 2 man party, with one of them being a level 1-10 fighter for awhile.

    There is no more point in theorycrafting, if you want to prove it, play that character all the way to the end with SCS, and maybe stream or youtube it as well.

    Why SCS?
  • AlexDeLargeAlexDeLarge Member Posts: 273
    Because the game is basic game is trivial, no matter what class you are playing, if you know what you're doing. I thought all this discussion about powergaming chars is in order to defeat the game at it's most challenging.
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