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Final save bug

RhumagricoleRhumagricole Member Posts: 4
edited January 2013 in Not An Issue
Currently there's a bug with my final save: I kill Sarevok but anytime I try to load the final save the game crash after 3 seconds in.

Thats an issue for me since there's still things to do in my game and my final save is somewhat rotten.
Post edited by Jalily on


  • DurlachionDurlachion Member Posts: 82
    edited December 2012
    Does it *crash*, or just send you back to main menu?
    The latter one is intended... You have to use a savegame before the final fight OR cheat yourself out of the area to - for example Beregost - with a CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR3300")

    A real crash will most likely result in a crash dump - which can be found in C:\Users\YourName\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\crash and should be send with an appropriate description to
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2012
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  • DurlachionDurlachion Member Posts: 82
    Shandyr said:

    Is this normal? o.o

    Not normal... The script of this specific area checks every round if the credits were played correctly (or let's say: if it was tried to play them :-D ) and returns to the start screen if that's the case.

    Either some mod changed your AR0125.bcs and deleted this stupid GoToStartScreen() (Note beside: I would highly appreciate this modification) - or your savegame got modified and set StartCredits back to '0'...
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2012
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  • DurlachionDurlachion Member Posts: 82
    edited December 2012
    Hey, @Shandyr - you run the largest bugs collection for BG:EE in this forum I am aware of... if you don't know, who else? :D
    But if you need my moral support: Since you have no mods installed, never used the CLUAConsole and can reproduce the behaviour (in fact: your savegame is surely interesting - I would like to see what went wrong :) )... yes, I would call it a bug, too. Low Priority, of course... is there something below Rank D, @AndreaColombo? :D

    Edit: I change my mind and say it is a feature request - I want to be able to play after beating the boss without cheating. :-P
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