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Cool (and weird) ex-priest build.

lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
I had this strange idea when testing magically created weapons. Priests of Helm has Seeking Sword, a +4 weapon, but it requires a long sword proficiency (bug?) so clerics get -3 to hit with it, and have only +1 bonus in the end. Seemed a waste.

Started a human Priest of Helm, leveled a bit. Attacks with Seeking Sword has only +1 to hit due to prof. penalty, like I said.

Now, after lvl 4 or so, dual-class into thief. Wow, surprise! You can put proficiency in long/shortswords now! It feels weird though, to stop being a priest of guardians and vigilance and become a thief. Quite a change. Maybe to better learn the tricks of the vile rogues? Or one too many blows to the head? It makes sense if the alignment is CN..Heck, everything makes sense to them.

An interesting note, during the transision period, when his cleric levels are inactive, this character is pretty gimped. He can not use cleric weapons mace/flail/hammers since his active class is thief. He can not use bladed weapons like daggers and swords since he has cleric levels, however inactive. He can only equip a club or staff. And a sling. Worse than a mage! Very weak.

But once his cleric levels are back, he is awesome. He can now equip heavy cleric weapons, but bladed weapons are forever banned to him. It is inconsequental.

Remember he did have the longsword and shortsword proficiency at thief level up 1. So he can use Seeking Sword AND Flaming Blade (and also Shilelagh and Spiritual Hammer too, if he has hammer proficiency, which he can have at cleric lvl 1) without penalty. Flame blade requires short sword prof. so clerics are always at -3 to hit with it. NOT our character!

Did you know you could backstab with Shilelagh and Spiritual Hammer too? Our character can employ them all too! And his Seeking Sword. Backstab with a +4 weapon which sets your attacks to 3/round.

In fact this is the only character who can use Seeking Sword and Flaming Blades with no penalty AND backstab with them to boot! He even gets single weapon proficiency, it works with his magical weapons. He has a bit better AC and increased crit. chance and more style and flair with it. Way cool! He is one bad-a$$ ex-priest. :D

Certainly the most interesting build I've heard in a while. A mockery of Helm Priesthood? Or interesting character build? Your call.

EDIT: And a bug alert.! This build is even more powerful thanks to a wonderful bug. Seeking sword never expires! Tried resting, CTRL+T to pass time, wait stays forever with you. It disables spell casting, which is bad, but our rogue/ex-priest can now have a permanent +4 weapon he is proficient with, and backstab with it at his leisure. Dispel magic or CTRL+R will get rid of it, I think, but you can create another one after resting. Heh. Those wonderful, wonderful bugs. To think, have it active when dual-classing and he has his beloved Seeking sword all the time. Yay!

EDIT2:Seeking sword expires sometimes. Sometimes does not. Weird. Still he can cast it again. ^^ Oh. I got it. Resting or CTRL+T does not affect Seeking Sword's timer. It has its own, weird and wrong timer somehow. (duration is longer than 1 round/level as it says in kit desc.) Buggy anyway.


  • NecroblivionNecroblivion Member Posts: 210
    This is kinda awesome. And if you are looking for an RP reason for why he is taking levels as a thief. Every church (even laweful) have special agents called "Divine Seekers". This are the guys that get info on enemy churches, retrieve stolen holy relics and such.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Interesting. I love my rogue(kit)/clerics. never thought to do it the other way. next character maybe.
  • IN1IN1 Member Posts: 168
    1. It's not a +4 weapon, it's a weapon that is +4 to-hit. There is a huge difference.
    2. Until level 10, SS's de facto duration is 60 seconds (10 rounds).
    3. An unbuffed Helm 3/Fighter 7 will have a +3/+5 and 9/2 ApR with SS.

    Overall, it's a strong weapon buff due to insane ApR boost, but 2d4 damage is mediocre.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    It still has +4 enhchantment though, right? Able to hit anything in BG:EE. Then again its damage type is slashing which is ineffective against clay golems. But it is effective against mustard jellies. Shame about no dmg bonus, though. Still, 2d4 is good base backstab damage.

    Duration is bugged, it lasts far longer than 1 round/level or so I noticed.

    Still this is a different character that can use those magic weapons without penalty and backstab with them. A multi c/t never gets proficiency with shortsword so uses flame blade with penalty. And has no access to Seeking Blade.

    This char has bread and butter cleric spells, remove fear, hold person, silence etc. Can open locks and deal with traps and hide in shadows. Has true sight, awesome ability against mirror image mages. And use his spell-weapons with proficiency and backstab with them. He is no power gamer idol but I think he earns points for style. :)
  • NukeninNukenin Member Posts: 327
    It is indeed +4 enchantment, and flagged magical. Now if only it were flagged silver as well. :)

    A nice concept, and IMHO I can see a Priest of Helm going this route.
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    This is awesome! I wish you could dual over to Swashbuckler from Priest of Helm, that way you could get specialized in long sword so you are even better with the Seeking Sword.
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