Highest Open Locks skill needed in BGEE?

Hi - in my current BGEE game I've decided *not* to dual Imoen (I have both a fighter/mage PC and Edwin anyway), I have her Find Traps at 95 (for Durlag's Tower, mainly) and Open Locks at 65 - does Open Locks need to be any higher for Durlag's Tower etc.? I'd prefer not to have to use the Knock spell, especially as I'm not dualing Imoen.
Once I've put enough points into these two skills, I'm thinking of investigating Set Traps for a change (probably in conjunction with having Invisibility cast on her). For backstabs I'll rely in Invisibility for Imoen, I also have Montaron who's almos entirely focused on stealth (moving now into pickpockets) for scouting and backstabs too,
Once I've put enough points into these two skills, I'm thinking of investigating Set Traps for a change (probably in conjunction with having Invisibility cast on her). For backstabs I'll rely in Invisibility for Imoen, I also have Montaron who's almos entirely focused on stealth (moving now into pickpockets) for scouting and backstabs too,
65 is not enough. I'd take 85.
Is there a max? Is it worth it to go over 100?
My Montaron has 75 on open locks, and he still can't open many chests (even before ToSc).
In my opinion (and from my experience) you can have detect illusions, set traps, find traps, lockpicting all set at 100 (you don't need more than 100 for these abilities). More than 100 is needed for pickpocketing (to increase a chance), hide in shadows and move silently (both because of armor penalties).
Set traps and DI are just a %, which a chance for a backfire on failure for set traps (the backfire chance on a failure is equal to the chance to fail in the first place. So 25 skill has a 75% chance to fail and on a failure a 75% chance to backfire. While 95 is just 5% each). DI checks every illusion separately, so at 50% some could disappear, while others won't, but at 100 it just wipes out all illusions.
PP and H/MS are also % based, but have success modifiers, that make more then 100 required. Basically a NPC or shop's chance to detect theft is subtracted from your PP score, + an additional amount based on item price/weight. Hide and MS get a penalty for being in light (varies depending on ambient light), and another for not being shadowed (even at night).
Contrary to the manual, armor does not effect the success of skills (other then the ones that disable skills completely), and Bards cannot pickpocket while wearing non-elven chainmail, even though it specifically says they can (with exception to Drizzts chain which does allow thief skills, but not magic, since while it's mithril, it's dwarven made rather then elven)
In fact, in vanilla BG, there are some chests that require more than 100 to be opened (ex: Ducal treasure amongst other).
However, I have read something saying that they decided to remove the hight requirements from open locks.
So now, I guess the hardest locks will only require 100 to be opened.
In vanilla BG, I clearly remember drinking a potion of thieve mastery before trying to unlock the Duke's treaasure.
I find it helpful to back up my thief by having one of my divine casters keep a Find Traps spell active, especially in trap-heavy dungeons.