Find Traps I believe works as a threshold; if you have 90, you can find "difficulty 90" traps. Some traps do require 100 to find, but if you're good with potions of perception, should save you a few points.
As an aside, I like all these questions, I spend ages agonising over what skills to develop for my solo F/M/T each level and these are helping me formulate decisions.
I don't think there are critical failure for passive skills, only active ones.
Aye, for pickpocketing...and the failure is always 1% even maxed out, can be countered by 'luck' though.
And aren't there any hidden penalty in thieving skills for wearing leather armor as well, which are not shown in the character screen? I'm pretty sure the rule applies to BG1&2...
I don't think there are critical failure for passive skills, only active ones.
Aye, for pickpocketing...and the failure is always 1% even maxed out, can be countered by 'luck' though.
And aren't there any hidden penalty in thieving skills for wearing leather armor as well, which are not shown in the character screen? I'm pretty sure the rule applies to BG1&2...
Yeah armor and daylight has negative modifiers (don't know how much exactly). Pickpocket also has modifiers, probably based on item value or weight.
Find Traps Thieves can select Find Traps, and they will look around for traps until otherwise directed. The traps have a random chance of being found by the thief at any time, so moving slowly can make finding more likely. If a thief chooses any other action, he is unable to find traps until this mode is activated again. Note that this skill cannot exceed 100.
I had 100 in Durlags and found & disarmed any trap - there are traps that can not be found and need to be deactivated by the runestone, but I think it was only 1 or 2. (big room left of Isanne in lvl4 .. the long carpet-trap)
Would be nice if it can be confirmed, but it'd make sense as you can steal nearly anything with ~65 (drizzt, dwarfen hammer in Ulgoth etc.) and maybe a potion - even if it takes some reloads.
I can attest, armor doesn't do shat to your thief skills, as long as it allows them at all. Stealth or PP might be modified (it's hard to tell given all the hidden modifiers involved, though I'm reasonably sure it does not), but traps, locks, and setting traps never is.
It's SUPPOSED to modify them, but to my knowledge has never been implemented at all. Especially since it also says Bards can use PP while wearing any chainmail (which they can't...only with drizzt's or elven).
Yeah, Durlag has a few traps that require 100 to detect, but you need 110 to actually disarm them (not really worth it though, I think there's only 2, and you can tough them out with proper preparation)
I can attest, armor doesn't do shat to your thief skills, as long as it allows them at all. Stealth or PP might be modified (it's hard to tell, though I'm reasonably sure it does not), but traps, locks, and setting traps never is.
It's SUPPOSED to modify them, but to my knowledge has never been implemented at all. Especially since it also says Bards can use PP while wearing any chainmail (which they can't...only with drizzt's or elven).
Except for the elven chain as mentioned above (if CLUA-ed in for BGEE), this affect can be seen on the character sheet
nope it can't be fixed, as there is no class restriction to this. It's just a generic: "disable thieving skill" (disable button: thieving skills) option to also prevent thiefs from using it (multi/dual class..). There exist no limitation to only allow pickpocketing; makes sense cause it uses the same button ^^
nope it can't be fixed, as there is no class restriction to this. It's just a generic: "disable thieving skill" (disable button: thieving skills) option to also prevent thiefs from using it (multi/dual class..). There exist no limitation to only allow pickpocketing; makes sense cause it uses the same button ^^
Ah well, it's not that big a deal, though if you fail a pick pocket and end up in combat it's not so good! Perhaps worth carrying studded leather for pick-pocket attempts!
Isn't there a random element to disarming traps? At least I've always had the experience that occasionally after getting the "Trap Not Disarmed" message, I keep trying and after a couple of goes I disarm it for some reason...
Isn't there a random element to disarming traps? At least I've always had the experience that occasionally after getting the "Trap Not Disarmed" message, I keep trying and after a couple of goes I disarm it for some reason...
Is there a "critical success" e.g. like rolling a 20?
I'm going trough Durlag tower right now with 95 find traps. I found all traps so far, tough I didn't complete every area yet. Sometimes I find the traps immediatly after I start looking for them, but sometimes it takes quite long, up to 10 seconds. So I assume the roll determines the speed of finding the traps.
As an aside, I like all these questions, I spend ages agonising over what skills to develop for my solo F/M/T each level and these are helping me formulate decisions.
And aren't there any hidden penalty in thieving skills for wearing leather armor as well, which are not shown in the character screen? I'm pretty sure the rule applies to BG1&2...
Pickpocket also has modifiers, probably based on item value or weight.
No armor: pick pockets +5 / move silently +10 / hide in shadows +5
Elven chain: pick pockets -20 / open locks -5 / disarm traps -5 / move silently hide in shadows -10
Leather armor: pick pockets -30 / open locks -10 / disarm traps -10 / move silently & hide in shadows -20
Find Traps
Thieves can select Find Traps, and they will look around for traps until otherwise directed. The traps have a random chance of being found by the thief at any time, so moving slowly can make finding more likely. If a thief chooses any other action, he is unable to find traps until this mode is activated again. Note that this skill cannot exceed 100.
Note that, even with 100 there are traps that can't be disarmed, though it's true only in Durlag's tower.
It's SUPPOSED to modify them, but to my knowledge has never been implemented at all. Especially since it also says Bards can use PP while wearing any chainmail (which they can't...only with drizzt's or elven).
Yeah, Durlag has a few traps that require 100 to detect, but you need 110 to actually disarm them (not really worth it though, I think there's only 2, and you can tough them out with proper preparation)
There exist no limitation to only allow pickpocketing; makes sense cause it uses the same button ^^
Sometimes I find the traps immediatly after I start looking for them, but sometimes it takes quite long, up to 10 seconds. So I assume the roll determines the speed of finding the traps.