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Which Items will carry over to BG2:EE?

KenKen Member Posts: 226
Someone said the the "Claw-ring" will carry over to BG2:EE. Is this true?

Are there any other items that does this? I know the Helmet of Balduran is in Irenicus dunguon, but that does not depend on your character import.


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  • ChosenByGodChosenByGod Member Posts: 3
    Enlighten me to the right thread. I wish to see that more than one class can be ruler of D'Arenise Keep, like Paladin or such ( the class that wield the most powerful weapon in-game).. Off Topic, too bad not all games recognize the power of Paladins and rate them as second class fighers instead of six or seven times better than the standard fighters... they are at least ten times as skillful as knights in cimbat (due to their stridt training) still they are placed below other fighters in combat prowess.. anyone else tan I see the failure in game creators in this "logic"? What do we have to do to make them see how wrong they are? Challenge them to a duel? On Topic again... If you do agree with what is right and proper, then let the creators of BG2:EE know this, so that the one true torch-carrier of a RPG worthy of being called RPG understands this issue. No Paladin is ever a Paladin without being a knight first. And as EVERYONE with the slightest understanding of reality and common sense knows, knights are the uncontested masters of warfare alone, but a Paladin is a knight (the pinacle of a warrior) togehter with his/her faith in their God, which makes them an unstoppable foce of power. Off topic rant... TOO MANY MMORPGs out there fail to understand this, whatever the reason , either feeble mind or simple stupidity (those are the only things that can account for that failing in creating the Paladin class), and creates a class subpar to the ultimate warrior, a knight, beserker, one hit-one kill wonder that a Paladin really is. Any opponent not trained to deal with a knight should not even be able to land a blow on a Paladin. Therefore, the game creators are making such stupid errors (with lack of better words) . So, all you out there who actually wants to lend a game a semblence of real life accuracy, I implore you to make the game developers to give the Paladin its proper combat skills. Go read up on Charlemagne and his knights, the first acknowledged Paladins (Rolandand the singing Sword comes to mind. With that said,
    Let the reign of Paladins flow and be everlasting!
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    @ChosenByGod And this has to do with items carrying over to the next game because....?

    @Ken I'm sure it'll be just like exporting vanilla BG into vanilla BG2... ALL your items disappear.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2012
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  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    well I'm sure the Golden Pantaloons will stay :P And the Helm does disappear, but it can be found again in Irenicus' dungeon...
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2012
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  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    Shandyr said:

    Elendar said:

    well I'm sure the Golden Pantaloons will stay :P And the Helm does disappear, but it can be found again in Irenicus' dungeon...

    The Helm only appears in Irenicus' dungeon if you have had it in BG1 - that is exactly what carryover means in terms of the OP.

    And if you don't have the helmet but the Claw then the Claw will appear where the helmet would be instead.
    Erm... It appears every time you make a new character.... I can't remember the last time I bothered to import a character from BG1 though..

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2012
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  • valkyvalky Member Posts: 386
    edited December 2012
    Am too lazy to go to High-Hedge and buy it to test :) But it's confirmed by several sources at least for the claw. Everything else goes bye-bye, except the Golden Pantaloons, which are placed in the room with the Golem where you start. Dunno if BG2:EE will change it but I doubt it.

    I read somewhere, that specific gear like Baldurs Helmet/Cloak are additionally added in the dungeon, but can't confirm neither as am using "dungeon be gone". My test-import or better: imported BG2 game got nothing, only the Pantaloons where in the described place.
    But as also mentioned I'm sick of the dungeon and use a mod to skip it and can't check some places, which are supposed to have some of the imported items. And the mod uses the loot, you usually only gain with a fresh character.
    Shandyr said:

    " There is a default item for each list so that if you never imported an item from each list you will still get something in BG2"

    Once again:

    Ah, that's the list I was looking for! Prolly the helm is better anyway, despite of the AC bonus you'll lose quite some hitpoints (~20) if given to a frontline character. Might sound not much, but can make a getting a decent AC is easier anyway, thanks to some items which stacks with magic armor. And saving throws are also not a problem...
    edit: differs according the class though, and if you'd gain a benefit from having 18 or 16 con...etc

    For the paladin posting:
    - you need a mod, to gain the Strongholds from different classes (BG2-tweaks or similar)
    - Paladins are by any meaning NOT inferior to fighter only cause the have fewer attacks, given that some kits are insanely strong in BG2, and in d&d 3 or 3.5 they get the same number of attacks anyway.
    - too much block-text = too lazy :)

    What you suggest can't be implemented anyway, and is partly done by getting slowly more and more abilities, specially in the newer rule-system.
    One Word (or 3): EPIC DIVINE MIGHT ^^
    They also have the most insane saving throws compared to any other class, no one else gets his stupid CHA bonus added for something that is way more than just OP, which also serves to kick undead, initiate more shields, add damage, avoid damage.....whatever else.
    Not to mention to buff themself with a couple of priest stuff...and with a mere spell can change any weapon (usually swords) into a fiend-slaying-holy avenger!
  • ChosenByGodChosenByGod Member Posts: 3
    Elendar said:

    @ChosenByGod And this has to do with items carrying over to the next game because....?

    @Ken I'm sure it'll be just like exporting vanilla BG into vanilla BG2... ALL your items disappear.

    Oh, crap, wrong thread... I was browsing 6 or 7 threads, and I was fairly sure I had a thread about classes or if it was a query of D'Arnise keep... damn, my bad...

  • karnor00karnor00 Member Posts: 680
    Paladins in AD&D are not the same as paladins in the real world. If they were then while they may be superb fighters, they would have no magical abilities whatsoever.
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    The only Paladin I recall in the (almost) real world was played by Jack Palance on TV in the late 50's early 60's - he rode a horse - wore cowboy clothes and carried a business card with a knight logo (from a chess set) with the words : Have Gun Will Travel - which was also the name of the show... (his gun play was sometimes almost magical) ;-)
  • KenKen Member Posts: 226
    Okay, this topic got pretty ruined by offtopicness
  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330
    What's a paladin?
  • DjimmyDjimmy Member Posts: 749
    When I imported a character from BG2 into BG1EE, my helm of Balduran was there.
  • StrayedMonkeyStrayedMonkey Member Posts: 146
    You know you can just pause the game at the beginning when the screen is still black and just drop all of your items on the floor then unpause and let the beginning start...and BAM all of your items are with you :P
  • BeowulfBeowulf Member Posts: 236
    edited December 2012
    The real non-cheater-yet-cheater exploit I want to know about is if I can do a pause at the very very start of BG 2 Enhanced and drop all my imported l00tz.... so awesome!

    Also something that was a bug or intended? When I imported my MAX hitpoint level 8 fighter to BG2 it seemed they gimped his hitpoints from around 120 to 100 or 90 something... never understood that... Or am I confusing that with creating a new character in BG2... hmmm so long since I played that....

    chosenbygod You should not have read this it is not allowed to be read in American public schools as it is so hurtful, discriminatory and eurocentric. please chill out and read some fatalistic sufi poesy or something. Or go read the autobiography of that poor dead fellow shot down to one letter by 'Y'...

    at any rate if you have such a whacky paladin hangup you can also play Neverwinter nights and do 3 levels as a a paladin and the rest as a fighter... you then can have some more fighter skillz but still claim to be the Count of the Brenton Marches...

    Common the fight is now and marvellous.
    The count Rollanz no way himself secures,
    Strikes with his spear, long as the shaft endures,
    By fifteen blows it is clean broken through
    Then Durendal he bares, his sabre good
    Spurs on his horse, is gone to strike Chemuble,
    The helmet breaks, where bright carbuncles grew,
    Slices the cap and shears the locks in two,
    Slices also the eyes and the features,
    The hauberk white, whose mail was close of woof,
    Down to the groin cuts all his body through
    To the saddle; with beaten gold 'twas tooled.
    Upon the horse that sword a moment stood,
    Then sliced its spine, no join there any knew,
    Dead in the field among thick grass them threw.
    After he said "Culvert, false step you moved,
    From Mahumet your help will not come soon.
    No victory for gluttons such as you."


    The count Rollanz, he canters through the field,
    Holds Durendal, he well can thrust and wield,
    Right great damage he's done the Sarrazines
    You'd seen them, one on other, dead in heaps,
    Through all that place their blood was flowing clear!
    In blood his arms were and his hauberk steeped,
    And bloodied o'er, shoulders and neck, his steed.
    And Oliver goes on to strike with speed;
    No blame that way deserve the dozen peers,
    For all the Franks they strike and slay with heat,
    Pagans are slain, some swoon there in their seats,
    Says the Archbishop: "Good baronage indeed!"
    "Monjoie" he cries, the call of Charles repeats.


    And Oliver has cantered through the crush;
    Broken his spear, the truncheon still he thrusts;
    Going to strike a pagan Malsarun;
    Flowers and gold, are on the shield, he cuts,
    Out of the head both the two eyes have burst,
    And all the brains are fallen in the dust;
    He flings him dead, sev'n hundred else amongst.
    Then has he slain Turgin and Esturgus;
    Right to the hilt, his spear in flinders flew.
    Then says Rollant: "Companion, what do you?
    In such a fight, there's little strength in wood,
    Iron and steel should here their valour prove.
    Where is your sword, that Halteclere I knew?
    Golden its hilt, whereon a crystal grew."
    Says Oliver: "I had not, if I drew,
    Time left to strike enough good blows and true."
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,448
    edited December 2012
    Paladins are Charlemagne's knights. Elite heavy cavalry of the 8th-9th century (end of Dark Ages, start of Middle Ages by some measures). Charlemagne was the first Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and closely allied with the Catholic Church which in some ways made them "holy warriors" (although the later holy orders like Templars, Hospitalars, and Teutonic Knights may have been a better prototype). As Beowulf cites above, the Paladins were also subject of early romance poetry (the "chansons de geste"), sort of the continental version of the Arthurian mythos, except with firmer basis in history.

    And this is still in the wrong thread...
    Post edited by atcDave on
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    I believe the +3 plate mail from Durlag's Tower can also import over. It replaces the Duergar's +3 chain mail in Irenicus' dungeon.
  • StrayedMonkeyStrayedMonkey Member Posts: 146
    edited December 2012
    btw if you want to get max xp from your fighter AND still choose a kit all you do is select the kit you want and hit the cancel or back button and you keep the kit and the HP

    and the Plate Mail +3 (gold one) from Durlags does not import over to irenicus' dungeon...when you do bring it over and drop it on the floor you should notice it has no name or description and you can use +1 rings and what not with it.
  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598
    I wish Cloak of Balduran could be imported into BG2 ...
    Please let this dream come true in BG2EE =)
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    edited December 2012
    Shandyr said:

    " There is a default item for each list so that if you never imported an item from each list you will still get something in BG2"

    Once again:

    Oops! Perhaps I shouldn't have sold the Protector of the Second Leather Armour +2 - I suppose I could always buy it back later when I'm more flush with gold... I kept the Studded Leather +2 instead. It's a pity the +3 Studded Leather Shadow Armour doesn't carry over, mind
  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330
    Honestly im fine with the items that can currently be transferred over..

    If you had all your gear from the end of BG1 then there would be 0 challenge in the second game. I was happy enough to get my Helm of balduran because there are never many good helmets in IE games.

    If i had my stupifier my ring of holiness, my +2 cloak, and my ankheg plate; i would have absolutely no joy in finding loot till near the end of the game (with the exception of one +3 flail).
  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330

    btw if you want to get max xp from your fighter AND still choose a kit all you do is select the kit you want and hit the cancel or back button and you keep the kit and the HP

    and the Plate Mail +3 (gold one) from Durlags does not import over to irenicus' dungeon...when you do bring it over and drop it on the floor you should notice it has no name or description and you can use +1 rings and what not with it.

    Sounds like some cheesy exploits just to be OP
  • valkyvalky Member Posts: 386
    edited December 2012
    Riolathel said:

    Honestly im fine with the items that can currently be transferred over..

    If you had all your gear from the end of BG1 then there would be 0 challenge in the second game. I was happy enough to get my Helm of balduran because there are never many good helmets in IE games.

    If i had my stupifier my ring of holiness, my +2 cloak, and my ankheg plate; i would have absolutely no joy in finding loot till near the end of the game (with the exception of one +3 flail).

    If you'd have no joy in BG2 with those 'imported' items, try Tactics or SCSII or raise the difficult slider :P
    - Ring of holiness: early quest in BG2
    - +2 Ring: can be pick-pocketed and is an additional reward early in chapter 2/3
    - Ankheg Shell: can be found 5 minutes after entering Waukeens Promenade (edit: luckily, this or the imported plate doesn't follow the BGEE rule and is considered magical ^^)

    You made it sound like those items are non-existent in BG2....
    The Stupifier would maybe the only exception...but there are a lot of enemies, who are stun-immune anyway and the Flail of LoL is just better in any way.

    (and yes the golden armor is a bit cheesy...but then again you lose some points of slashing/piercing/crushing defense compared to a full plate and only get more saving throws coupled with the ring/cloak/amulet, which is obsolete after some level)
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