Neera and Edwin question - If you take Neera on while Edwin is in your party...and he leaves....?

Will he come back later on in her side quests to antagonize her...or is he just out of the game?
Imagine that you could talk to Edwin just before recruiting her in order to plot behind her back. To do so you should change the color of Edwin's clothes to remain incognito.
At the end of this quest and the final fight in the caves the scheme would be revealed, and well, some unpredictable things happen.
Like mages start making fun out of Edwin's new color selection
The quite harsh atmosphere after seizeing the Wild Mageling ( ) like her would be rewarding option for Evil Charnames who didn't like the new NPC at all.
Garrick's quest also has the option to take Silke's side and be evil. I wish it worked like that with Neera - I help the Red Wizards capture her (or simply don't interfere, as my dialogue options indicate), and as a reward, they give me the gem bag. The empty gem bag, because they are evil - and because I have no use for the gems in it, as they are part of a Neera quest I will not get without her.
Easiest way i have noticed to have both Edwin and Dynaheir in the same party is... First reqruit Dynaheir without activating Minsc or edwin quest... then go to edwin and he joins your party... let Dynaheir die in your party and you have finished edwins quest (I think not 100% sure here... someone can maybe confirm this) then you resurrect Dynaheir at the temple ...after that recruit neera and do her quest.... I think there might be more lines if you have all 3 Npc in same party... I can't conform this... but it is likely they have some lines....
Gnomes can be ... gnomic.