So... what was the "something special" promised to us early pre order folks?

I know its been awhile and ive been looking but noone seems to be pressing the issue. I remember Trent promising those of us who pre ordered "a little something extra" or something like that, when the game was delayed. I was wondering is their anything? or are we just supposed to pretend the comment was never made? Im not too mad seeing as i love baldurs gate enhanced but I am a little bothered and was seeing if anybody knew anything about this. Thanks
In all seriousness, I do look forward to the two in-game features that Aosaw mentioned (although, is there really any relation to that and a special goody in light of the release delay?... my guess is he was hoping those as yet unannounced features would be ready by Nov. 28th... anyway, still looking forward to them regardless!)
Let exclusive content be the domain of expansions and DLCs, where a player can "have or not" based on a more pure purchasing decision based on a finished, reviewed and readily accessible product.