Proficiency for swords on a dual class cleric

Ok guys I haven't found any threads about this so I'm just gonna post one myself. I'm a long time BG player but this thing just gave me a mind fuck. I dual classed a mage before and there was never a problem with the weapon proficiencies but now that I have a kick ass dual class cleric and I regained the levels I figure out I can't use long swords. It took me quite a while to regain the levels since it was on lvl7 that I dualed him so this is what I'm asking: is there any way I can "hack" or how should I put it rearrange my proficiencies?
It clearly states whenever you dual-mutli that you gain the abilitiy of the other class but are restricted to weapons of the cleric ethos..
A cleric using swords would completly ruin the point of paladins and fighters...
Switch to Tempus. He's okay with that stuff.
Doesnt Anomen have Spear proficiency that he cant use or something in BG2?
Now, the game had equipment cards, from chainmail to shields and swords, and 95% of items said "Wizard can't use -item's name-", which has started it as a joke among us RPG players who have ever seen Hero Quest.
In 3.5e gods in Forgotten Realms are suddenly fine with you using all sorts of weapons, the only thing what you need is the training for one to be able to use it to any effect. Gods even have favoured weapons which you can gain bonus to by picking certain Domains, which are restricted by the deity you worship.
Remember - Wizard is not allowed to use a Spear! But he can use a -stick-! Mail? No. Shield? No! Bracers and cloak? Oh yes! Crossbow? Nope.
I do understand and approve of "weapon ethos" from an roleplaying perspective and support characters who will not give up some of their equipment/equip some items, but restricting a player made Warpriest (what I like to play my clerics as) to Blunt only is kind of too much.
In 1996 a book: came out. If I'm right, this book states that clerics of Talos often use spears, since it is the "favoured weapon of their deity". BG1 came out in 98'. Y u no give me spears?
Safana though beats all of them... possibly along the most useless points spent in history. Making her sub-par really...
That's what I figured out. But thank you for clarifying. Never played AD&D really, and never actually read the p&p rules for it (only BG-related ones.)
On a related subject, is it just my imagination, or do the weapons with a long reach such as spear, halberd, and quarterstaff actually seem to confer some sort advantage in their wielder not getting hit as often by enemy meleers using weapons with a shorter reach? I'm sometimes amazed at how seldom mages get hit when they melee with a stave... (Never mind, I'll raise this topic in a separate thread.)
Anyway, now in BG:EE Safana has the following profs and weapons:
darts +
and she comes equipped with a ninjato.
And yes, 2hd weapons have roughly a character's length of extra range, so with very low weapon speeds you can beat anenemy up before they can get within range to retaliate, or attack them from behind another character, or through some objects. Though only staves have a low enough speed to really abuse this.
3rd edition loosen things more, since you could learn other weapons by buying them with feats or taking other classes. Only druids were still penalized for using disallowed weapons (the deities favored weapon was always allowed though) (they lose all their abilities for 24 hours if they use disallowed equipment), with exception to druids of Melikki, who could use any weapons allowed to rangers without penalty.
And one thing that most games leave out is that you can in fact use any weapon unless you're magically prevented from doing so. You're just unable to become proficient and take a hefty penalty in their use (or in case of spell casters, lose of abilities and features). (in 2nd edition, you suffered a double penalty for wielding a weapon your class can't normally use (so a single class mage trying to use a sword would have a 12 thac0 penalty)
If the prohibition is specifically about shedding blood, a heavy blunt weapon is still going to break the skin if you hit someone hard enough with it.
I dunno...even in 2nd edition you could worship an ideal (good, law, chaos, evil), rather then a singular god, which is what a generic cleric is. All Clerics who identify as a cleric of {God} are mythos priests.
In AD&D, it was fine to use edged or pointed weapons if you were a dual or multi-classed Cleric and your other class permitted the use of said weapons.
In AD&D2E, you couldn't unless you were "kitted".
In 3rd Edition and v3.5...yeah.
This is why I like Level 1 NPCs, but don't even get me started on multi-classed arcane spellcasters all of a sudden not being able to cast in anything but elven chainmail. :makesmegrumpy:
If you'd prefer to have a cleric dual/multi-class that can wield swords or whatever. You can opt to just install that component and ignore the kit, if you like.